"Mr. Luo...what did you say"

It’s not that Beidao Hengshan’s ears are hard, nor is his IQ. The problem is that he really doesn’t understand Lorraine’s phrase "Idle egg pain".

Just kidding, how can the breadth and depth of the Chinese language be the comprehension ability of the people in the small land of the Japanese country?

"Well, you have a headache"

Lorraine says

"Ah, that's what it means. It turns out that China said that "head" is also called "egg"" Beidao Hengshan asked with interest.

Lorraine continued: "No, no, it’s not that our Huaxia country said that'head' is also called an'egg'... but when we call the'head' of a foreign friend outside China, it is called an'egg'. We call the'head' of foreigners the'egg'"

"Haha, it turned out to be this. Huaxia literature is really profound and profound. I live to learn and learn to learn. I haven't had a good rest recently. I may have a stiff neck last night. Now some eggs hurt and some eggs hurt. It’s not that it hurts. I’m not quite sure.”

"Well, you really hurt."

As Lorraine spoke, his tone of voice suddenly turned cold and the front changed, "Recently, the release of Avatar in your Wa country is said to have been hindered to a certain extent. I don't know if this has anything to do with your Yamaguchi team."

"Mr. Luo...what do you mean?"

As expected, the Beijima Yokoyama on the phone was surprised.

Lorraine is the kind of person who knows how to perceive words and colors, so he knows that Hengshan Beidao, who is on the other side of the phone, did not lie to himself

Just like Lorraine guessed before, this matter should be that Junichiro Abe found a big figure in the Yamaguchi group, but it is definitely not Kitajima Yokoyama. It may be just a regional leader level.

In fact, there are still many departments in the Yamaguchi Formation. Kitajima Yokoyama is just a leader.

He doesn't usually worry about all the trivial matters

For example, he didn't know about this time, so he was confused by Lorraine

"Let me make a long story short. Some people have used your Yamaguchi group's power through their connections to influence the Hollywood movie Avatar in your country and in Bangzi country. You have to know that our Rock Group is going to develop in the United States next and the first to develop. The first point is that the film and entertainment business North Island still remembers the previous plans and promises between us. If other people hinder our plans, I won’t say anything, but it is your people who are preventing us from planning. Do you know that this situation is called? What in our old Chinese saying is to guard and steal?"


There was a moment of silence in Yokoyama Kitajima. He had already fully understood what was going on. After a short silence, he suddenly said to the phone, "Mr. Luo, I know, I will investigate what it is now. Otherwise, if it is true. It’s because of the Yamaguchi team, if these situations arise, I will send someone to deal with them immediately.”


Lorraine hung up without saying anything


When Hengshan Beidao faces Lorraine, although he doesn't mean to be low-pitched, it is definitely not as tyrannical as people think.

There is a reason

Lorraine can be regarded as holding the lifeblood of Hengshan Beidao and not to mention that Hengshan Beidao now knows the strength of Lorraine. It is absolutely him that Lorraine successfully entered the United States with the strength of the Rockwell Group. Hengshan, North Island is worthy of courting

Although the Yamaguchi group is a black society, after all, the black society is also to make money, otherwise it has no meaning to exist.

On the other hand, Lorraine expelled a very generous price. This is a mutually beneficial thing, so he does not want to make Lorraine angry. On the one hand, there is a more important aspect to enter the U.S. market is the same goal of Lorraine and North Island Hengshan. Now he knows that there are people under his staff who block the path of Lorraine daughter, then this is a disguised way that blocks his own path and must be rectified

However, on the other side, Lorraine’s mind is not so sure.

He didn’t even think about working with Yamaguchi all the way to the black

Maybe he promised to the Yamaguchi team that he would fulfill it himself, but at most it would only be fulfilled, and he will not have a deeper cooperation with the Yamaguchi team. Lorraine is very clear that the Yamaguchi team is just a springboard for the development of the Rock Group and it doesn't need too much. Taking this organization seriously, even if it is to develop dark forces, the Shadow Gate and Jiang Gang are not within Lorraine’s real consideration.

Right now Lorraine is just using the Yamaguchi Formation

Not to mention his bad intentions. He just treats people to things. He just thinks that the reason why he was able to hold Beidao Hengshan at the beginning was not relying on coercion and profit to induce the originally discordant cooperation. There will be no good ends in the future, and Lorraine also knows Beidao well. Shima Hengshan should be the kind of guy who has left everything because of interest and cooperates with people who are not very moral. Lorraine has no spectrum in his heart.

So this also determines that Lorraine is destined not to value the cooperation with the Yamaguchi group too much.


After the call from Lorraine was over, Hengshan Beidao found the person involved in the incident as quickly as possible.

When I asked, I realized that it was an area under the group who was going to do these things alone and he still held a lot of power under his hands.

Let’s put it this way, if Kitajima Yokoyama is placed at the first level, then the area leader should be between the second and third levels and has a good influence, as long as he is good at scheduling and affecting some movie theaters. There is still no big problem

It’s very interesting that the head of this area is actually called Abe Harujuro Abe. Just by hearing his name, he knows that he has something to do with Abe Junichiro.

It was only by inquiring that they were actually brothers of the same clan

In other words, the grandfather of Junichiro Abe and the grandfather of Junichiro Abe are brothers.

This relationship is very close

However, many records in the Yamaguchi team are very strict. Now even the leader of Kitajima Hengshan is alarmed, so the two of them should not think about eating good fruits.


After the investigation was clear, Hengshan Beidao thought before he made a decision: Since he was negligent before, how to solve this matter now is to call Lorraine and ask him to suggest a solution to this matter. Save his face

In my heart, thinking of Beidao Hengshan contacted Lorraine again

And Lorraine only said two words after learning about it: "free"

The implication is that Hengshan Beidao figured it out, so Lorraine didn’t mix that much.

Lorraine did not say anything, but Hengshan Beidao still needs to deal with this matter as much as possible.

So he didn’t need to speak from Lorraine. He already shouted that Harujuro Abe, who has a certain relationship with Junichiro Abe, slapped and cursed, "Bageya Road, you know this time you give me a break. What a disaster? If this time our future development plan is hindered, you will kill me."

Haruju Abe was frightened by the scolding, although Yokoyama Kitajima did not say that it was because of this to blame him. Anyway, Haruju Abe knew that he did not believe that he had violated the team leader's moldy Yamaguchi team. The discipline is very strict. As long as the team leader speaks to cut his belly, it’s a matter of minutes

"Abe, I don't care what method you use to push this thing down quickly. Within 24 hours, if the major theaters of Bangzi Kingdom and our Wa Kingdom cannot return to normal, then you can handle it."

"It's the team leader, I will do it now"



Hengshan Beidao’s speech really worked, not to mention twenty-four hours. In fact, after speaking from Hengshan Beidao, it was less than ten hours at most. The major cinemas introduced the film source of Avatar. In fact, Lorraine has come to various The obstacle will disappear, so I ordered the producers in advance to wait for the movie theaters of Bangzi Kingdom and Waguo to contact at any time. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the theaters of the two countries to contact.

Relevant personnel who were already on standby had already brought the film source to stay in the territory of the country of Wa and Bangzi. Once contacted, the source of the film was directly awarded to the other party.

Once the film source is in hand, many theaters in Bangziguo and Waguo will promote the advertisements that have been done before on a large scale at the fastest speed.

After the advertisement was spread, the fans of the two countries immediately chanted long live people flocking to the major theaters to get the tickets for the premiere movies of the two countries.

In this way, this matter was perfectly resolved

However, in general, Bangzi and Wa are two days in the evening than Huaxia.

This is also the first time that a Hollywood film in Wa and Bangzi was released later than that in China.

And these two days have also brought too many benefits to China

Lorraine has brought too many benefits to the Chinese Vision Film Company, and has a great historical help.

Lorraine and his friends laughed immediately when they saw the development of the situation.


Some people laugh while others cry

Abe Junichiro almost didn't jump his head three feet high and hit the ceiling when he learned about it.

"It's impossible for these movie theaters to rebel and even the Yamaguchi team not to buy the face of them. It's unreasonable. It seems that they are all bored and crooked."


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