Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 939: Mystery candidate

Question: What is the fastest in the 21st century

Answer: The speed of the message

Supplement: The spread of information is still very strong

This is one of the many characteristics of the new century

And it is precisely because of this characteristic that Junichiro Abe, who has never been known by his name, has become popular all over the world in a very short time.

Yes the whole world

But when this Abe Junichiro became popular, one of his nicknames quickly became popular.

Baba Ke

You heard it right, it’s not Shawshank, it’s not Starbucks, it’s Baba guest

The new man’s declaration of the new century is: I’m not afraid of eating all over the world.

Originally just a movie investor behind the scenes, Junichiro Abe turned out to be a brand new Internet celebrity because of a live show about betting.

Others become popular either by singing, imitating or funny

But Junichiro Abe, in order to show that he is a Japanese man and a Japanese man with a Bushido spirit, he is famous for eating baba.

Of course, in addition to the slightly literary nickname of Baba Ke, there is another more easy-to-understand nickname Baba Superman

Baba people can actually

But why call him Superman Baba

Because the state of his eating Baba makes people impressed. As long as no one who has watched the live broadcast or watched the video on the Internet will not give him the last mosaic and shout with joy: "So delicious I can’t forget what to do if I can’t eat anymore.

That kind of attitude, that kind of spirit is really sad and inspirational

Baba, Baba, Baba, Superman, Baba, and various titles and beloved by thousands of people, Junichiro Abe has become the most popular character nowadays.

There are endless videos of people imitating him eating papa on the Internet

People especially like to imitate the way he ate the baba at the end and then came out hoarse words

But no matter how people imitate it, they can't imitate Abe Junichiro's expressions, emphasis and emotions of hatred and love.

So another internet buzzword about him came out

"Those guys who want to imitate Baba Superman are simply irresponsible. Baba Superman has been imitated and never surpassed. Even if you eat the Baba Superman for a lifetime, you can't eat the realm of Baba Superman."

This word immediately becomes a quatrain

Yes, in the world of baba eating, the baba superman Junichiro Abe is already lonely at his peak


Abe Junichiro became popular on the Internet

But in the film industry and in the entertainment industry, Junichiro Abe quickly became notorious.

If there is yin and yang in the world,

Only with Abe Junichiro's disgusting ability can more and more bring out the powerful peace and gentleman of Lorraine

The most widely circulated version in the industry is that Lorraine and Junichiro Abe bet that the other party will eat papa if they lose.

It basically restores the real situation at the time. After all, when Junichiro Abe made a vow to bet with Lorraine at the time, there were many Hollywood celebrities present.

But all the people present that night have admired Lorraine.

At that time, people were only convinced by Lorraine’s courage but now... they are convinced by Lorraine’s methods

This time he wins and is a big victory. The winner will always be cheered

Not to mention this is in a country that advocates heroism

Lorraine's complete victory won a lot of prestige for himself and successfully passed this prestige to the Chinese Vision Film Company, which was gradually transferred from China.

Oh, by the way, since Lorraine expanded the breadth of the entire entertainment business to a certain extent, he has decided to change the company's name.

Called Chinese Vision Entertainment Company

As the name suggests, changing "movie" to "entertainment" is to make this Chinese vision company under the name of the Rock Group have a broader path

Lorraine decided to let the entertainment companies under his company's name include the physical surroundings of movies, music, film and television stations, etc.... A series of entertainment-related everything will be involved

In this more and more diverse world, the more energetic people are, the easier it is to excite, the more they need entertainment to fill the spirit to please the body

This has contributed to the inevitable development of the entertainment industry

So it’s the wisest choice to start the entertainment industry early

After the shocking masterpiece of Avatar was released, Lorraine became busy again

Mainly to prepare for Rockwell Group's full entry into the United States in the future

Before that, what Lorraine needs to do is to strengthen the foundation of the Chinese Vision Entertainment Company.

This requires preparation plans for various films, signing plans for various actors and singers, and extended plans for business development of various commercial endorsement

In fact, all this is relatively unfamiliar to Lorraine

Especially let him do these strange things in a foreign country like America

So he naturally needs to find a helper

As for who this helper is

Lorraine was also surprised

This helper...

Turned out to be...


Anyway, a very terrible person


The specific situation is this because Lorraine’s trusted assistants don’t know much about the U.S. market. Moreover, it’s even more difficult for the American entertainment industry to know that Lorraine’s veteran team in China can be trusted. It must be surprisingly low. Maybe you will hit a wall. So Lorraine feels reasonable and needs to find an experienced, professional and ethical person in the United States to be his assistant.

Simply put, digging a corner

Of course, you can also go to the talent market to see if you can find experienced people who have lofty ideals and just quit their original jobs.

Lorraine has a good eye for people, the same is true for resumes

At that time, there were many resumes in his hands, but the one without photos caught his attention

The owner in the resume said that he had worked in Fox and Warner. Although the time is short, he has made huge profits for the company during his tenure. He has a very unique vision. Young and energetic. A sense of vigor and courage. Ethics also has the pursuit of one's own inner dreams. People who have a passion for their own dreams will always be full of enthusiasm for work, especially when the work she does is driven by her interest.

Lorraine felt that this person should be the vacant person he was looking for

So he arranged a face-to-face test through his staff

That is, directly let the recruited come to Lorraine’s office to talk to Lorraine face to face and see from the communication between the two people whether it is worthwhile to hire


What's interesting is that the other party turned down the interview

And also sent a letter through the people of Lorraine

Although the letter is composed of English words, judging from the graceful brushwork, the other party should be a woman.

And she should be a woman with a strong book

Lorraine can even imagine a blonde American woman with fair skin and shawl hair wearing a professional attire, holding the rimless glasses on the high nose bridge, smiling and appearing in her office.

Whether choosing a woman or an assistant, Lorraine pays attention to virtue

Most of the women with strong books are more reliable. At least they know more about the truth in the books they read, and they are more rational and more mature.

More importantly, in this letter, the woman actually told Lorraine that she refused to interview. She said that a successful decision maker should trust her intuition. The so-called interviews are often one-sided inspections or subjective assumptions in a short period of time. Prove that if there is no mistake in the decision-maker's choice, then the person must be qualified for this position

Simply put, this woman asked to either hire her or...Don't contact her again

It's that simple

After reading the letter, Lorraine couldn't help but smile

He has a weird personality, so he always has an inexplicable affection for such people who like mavericks.

So he decided to try

So he once again let his people contact the woman and Lorraine only waited for the woman to arrive in a few hours.

Since the company in the United States is just established, the office building is not too lavish, but it is a good floor leased on Wall Street.

Most of the employees are old members transferred from Huaxia, not more than a dozen.

Lorraine didn’t even think about talking about each other as a big company.

Lorraine ushered in this somewhat maverick candidate with a very peaceful attitude


When the door of Lorraine's office opened from the outside and he saw this person coming in from outside...

He was completely stunned

Yes this is a woman

And still a very beautiful woman

Whether it is body, appearance, temperament or posture, it is far beyond Lorraine’s imagination

Wearing glasses is not fake, and filled with a book, but Lorraine does not think that the other party is a cold and wise business woman

First of all, this woman is not American. The authentic yellow skin and black hair and beautiful facial features all clearly show her identity as a Chinese.

And she can’t hide her charm in her eyes, even if she is burned to ashes, Lorraine will recognize her

"... I said, madam, should you give me an explanation when you suddenly appeared in my office" This is a nonsense question, but both Lorraine and the big beauty in front of me know what this means.

PS: Second more~~

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