
This is a big misunderstanding

In fact, it’s nothing to say something as an assistant

Sister-in-laws are so magnanimous, they won't care about it

But the problem is...

Lorraine is in the United States

And it was the voice of a Chinese woman

This woman’s voice is still very charming and enchanting. The point is... Lorraine didn’t tell them before that he found a female assistant who could speak Chinese.

and so……

The phrase "Luo Shaodong, I'll wait for you~" is very easy to cause misunderstanding

Lorraine is not stupid to know that Pantene did it on purpose

So he made a very majestic expression and looked at Pantene

Pantene blinked his eyes as if he had done nothing wrong, shrugged and turned to hold the file and walked away.

"Xiao Lin...what was talking just now"

"Oh, my new assistant"

"Then she just told you...what is waiting for you..."

"Oh, she said she was waiting for me to go to a meeting later"

"Then what she said is Huaxia...Aren't you in America?"

"Oh, she is...well, strictly speaking, a Chinese from the United States"

"Is a woman"

"...Obviously yes..."

"Is it pretty"

"..." The speechless in Lorraine's heart

How smart is he to know that Pantene just spoofed himself on purpose

But he didn’t know why he couldn’t get even a little bit of aversion to this slightly playful trick.


After pondering for a while, Lorraine actually answered such a thoughtless remark

"It's okay...that is to say it looks good." Although Qin Wanshu's words sound a bit aggressive on the phone, in fact she still has a very gentle tone.

But the embarrassment in Lorraine's heart

He didn't know why he felt this way. It was obvious that he and Pantene had nothing, but when Qin Wanshu asked about it, he seemed to have done something wrong.

Who says that only a woman’s heart is a needle in the seabed and a man’s heart is sometimes hard to fathom

Just like Lorraine at this time, he doesn’t even know why he always struggles at a certain point in his heart

"Haha okay, Xiao Lin is joking with you, it's okay to see if your recent development is going well"

...Then they said something and they hung up

"Sister Wanshu, why didn't you tell Lorraine about me" Lan Lan asked curiously when Qin Wanshu hung up the phone

But the four big and small beauties present are the only ones who are unknown to Lan Lan.

Jiang Yan and Song Miyuan naturally understand

"It seems that this little villain is not honest when he arrives in the United States," Jiang Yan gritted her silver teeth.

Song Meiyuan squinted, picked up the knife and fork in the dinner plate, and made gestures: "He will be old and dishonest after being cut off by this little villain."

"...Sisters, we still don't know if Xiaolin is lying" Qin Wanshu smiled bitterly.

"Hmm, is this little villain lying? Just listen to his words and you can tell."

"Wan Shu, you didn’t tell him that Lan Lan’s thing was right. Let’s uninvited the past to catch this little bastard. The four of our sisters can’t satisfy this little bastard.” Song Meiyuan spoke most straightforwardly and was about the so-called traditional concept She is also the one who least likes to obey. She has always been very personal. So at this time, she really inadvertently blushed Qin Wanshu, Jiangyan and the three daughters of Lanlan.

I didn’t let the strangers around you hear this.

Especially if a man hears it, he will probably vomit blood with envy and hatred.


Lorraine in the United States is not a know-it-all

When he focuses his attention on some big things or business plans, some small things in life will be difficult to care about. For example, Lan Lan was admitted to Cornell University this time, Lorraine. do not know

Lorraine didn’t say anything about Pantene’s “special” performance this time.

In fact, Lorraine has always deliberately kept a distance from Pantene no matter how cooperative he is at work for so long.

Pantene can feel it too

One deliberately keeps a distance, the other naturally looks a little more atmospheric

So Pantene always likes to make fun of Lorraine

Lorraine discovered that Pantene is really a very good woman. This kind of woman is an excellent object for being a friend or a husband and wife. Beautiful, sexy, attractive, sensible, humorous and considerate, and more importantly, makes people very, very kind. sense

Lorraine had to admit this


Pantene’s identity is special. Lorraine can’t remove the psychological barriers

The two people coexist under this delicate working relationship

It's time for off work

"Young Dong is free tonight? I want to invite you to dinner. I think based on your gentlemanly demeanor, I won't refuse me such a big beauty."

Pantenemei smiled and gently stroked the rimless glasses on the bridge of her nose, her hair falling randomly, her beautiful face, this woman is so beautiful and moving, and the self-proclaimed "big beauty" can't rise from her mouth. Feel the slightest offensive

Pantene has a very good figure

Say so

Qin Wanshu, Jiang Yan or Song Meiyuan, Han Xuan, and their figures are very good

Concave and concave childish, attractive curve, big place big, small place small

But among the many beauties that Lorraine knows, only Pantene and Long Er

The two of them are really hot

Yes hot

The chest is very plump, the waist is very slender, the buttocks are very straight, the legs are tall and tall

Although Pantene has always been wearing work clothes during working hours, it still cannot conceal her hot body

This place in the United States is much more open-minded than in China. I don’t know how many senior female white-collar workers on Wall Street like to wear no underwear during working hours. The short skirt can even see the spring of the skirt when you bend over.

Of course Pantene is quite conservative

She wore Xiao Nene but this still couldn't hide her **** demeanor

Standard OL uniform, standard short skirt, stockings and high heels. Walking on the street, she can successfully attract 99% of the eyes of men. The remaining 1% are either blind or base.

Lorraine shouldn't refuse the invitation of such a super beauty

But he naturally shook his head: "Hehe subordinates invite the boss to have dinner. This is not good for employees."

Speaking of Lorraine stood up and walked to the hanger as a gesture to take off the windbreaker and put it on her body

But Pantene has quick eyes and quick hands, she can always see through Lorraine what he wants to do. She took off Lorraine’s windbreaker and put it on Lorraine.

Lorraine saw Pantene like this and smiled and said nothing

Lorraine is used to this

Because in the months when the two were working together, Lorraine always inadvertently found out that Pantene could always guess his intentions and solved it for himself first. Of course, I was only able to guess some things. Explicit intentions rather than deep plans

Otherwise, Lorraine will not leave someone who can thoroughly see through all of his plans as a personal assistant.

While dressing Lorraine thoughtfully, Pantene's slender hands gently sliding on Lorraine's clothes seemed natural. She smiled: "Luo Shaodong, such a maverick, when do you care? If you pass other people’s opinions, isn’t it a working relationship with your Ms. Qin, but why don’t you shy away?

Lorraine was about to say that Pantene was about to say it, but he said: "After you go, Shaodong Luo, I know that you don't like to talk about your personal affairs, but I hope you can appreciate your face once...because you have to agree."

"Oh why"

"First, I will submit my resignation to you during dinner tonight, which means that we are no longer the relationship between the boss and subordinates, so you don’t need to avoid anything. Second... Since I have to submit my resignation, look at this. Since I have helped you so much in the past month, don’t you even give me a chance to invite you for a casual meal?” When Pantene said this, she was smiling from beginning to end.

Lorraine couldn't refuse hearing this


Lorraine thought for a while, yes...

It's been a month or so without knowing it. Now, roughly, it should be the best time for the Pan family to enter the United States.

And not only the Pan family and the Han family are also starting a new round of plans

of course……

The Rock family has also taken a solid foundation. The next step is to start a comprehensive plan to enter the United States on a large scale.

It feels quite interesting

The daughter of the Pan family had a meal with the youngest of the Luo family under the pretext of submitting her resignation

And this meal ended the new American version of the Chinese giants struggle...

It's about to be staged

Lorraine is convinced that the next struggle will be many times more dangerous than what he has encountered before.

"In that case, what reason do I have to refuse, but as a boss, I should let me ask you?"

Lorraine smiled and walked forward, then the gentleman opened the office door to Pantene and said, "Ms. Pan, please"

Pantene smiled and unceremoniously blinked a wink and went out

The atmosphere at this time is very delicate

Whether it's Pantene or Lorraine, they know very well... this meal is a real mess meal

After eating, the two are really going to... part ways.

It shouldn’t be...

PS: second more

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