Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 974: Whereabouts, whereabouts (third more)

"Back to the old man, that phone number is for a driver, who often walks around the airport."

"Continue to check for me, and quickly find out the driver's taxi license plate."

"Yes, sir."


"Master, I found it."

"Send manpower to get this driver out for questioning immediately."


After an hour.

Next to a certain highway, a taxi was empty and parked quietly.

And in a dark place not far from this taxi.

Several people in black were interrogating this awkward-looking driver master.

"A few big brothers, the little brother really doesn't know where the little girl has gone, so I just lent her to use the mobile phone, and please spare me..."

"It seems he really doesn't know." These black-clothed men discussed.

"Well, give the master a call."

Then, these people told Elder Kang about the situation.

Hanging up the phone, these people dropped a thick stack of old people's head bills: "Nothing happened today."

With that, everyone left.

The guy who was kneeling on the ground with a blue nose and a swollen face was aggrieved: "My brother’s mother, apart from being a little bit ugly, and having a pocky face, I have no other shortcomings, and I’m not harming society, why? So to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu swears that in the future, if I meet such a beautiful and rich girl, I will never load it."

With a sad face, he looked down and smashed a pile of red banknotes on himself.

" much money does this have."

Seeing that so much money is a very good treatment, he went up and put all of them into his clothes: "Hmm...It seems that in the future, it will be more delicate to carry more rich girls, and it is worth a beating., ."


In this world, there are small people who are running around for a few hundred dollars, even losing their personality.

And some others live in another world.

For example, Kang Mengmeng at this time.

She is obviously a wealthy daughter, but she wants to live in a shabby hotel in a place where birds do not shit.

It's not that she can't afford to stay in a good hotel. It's that no matter which hotel she lives in, her identity registration must be verified, and it is easy to be found. Therefore, she chose the small black hotels around the university.

Some of these places do not require ID card registration.

She disguised herself as a college student who had just entered the university.

In fact... She has such a matte and tender appearance, even if she is a middle school student, many people believe it.

Living in the room, she placed all kinds of "anti-terrorism" items that she had purchased, such as a whole row of mouse traps at the door, and then scattered a pile of glass **** in front of the mouse traps. When entering the door, if you stepped on the mousetrap and were brought down by the glass ball, you must subconsciously use your hands to hold things.

Kang Mengmeng thought about this very thoughtfully. She opened the toilet door next to her a little, just reaching out to grab the handrail.

And this door armrest, once pushed, will immediately be poured on the head by a bucket of water on the toilet, and it will be poured into soup.

This is not over yet.

Because after the bucket of water is poured, the uninvited guest will definitely be soaked, and there will be a large pool of water under his feet.

At this time, Kang Mengmeng will give this person a fatal blow.

She had already cut the two wires, put them by the bed, and connected them to the circuit.

As long as someone breaks in and gets tricked, she will throw these two wires into the stall water, open and close the switch, and then, there is a particularly hearty current that will kill the other party. At least, The opponent can be paralyzed by CLP, from convulsions and vomiting on the ground for a period of time, or from a coma until the next day, or even to be sent for rescue.

... After all this, Kang Mengmeng can finally sleep with peace of mind.

She spent the most independent night in the true sense of her history very peacefully, without a single visitor.


However, Kang Mengmeng is obviously inexperienced in many things.

She didn't know that a real investigation is a race against time, whether it is the investigator or the investigation event.

While she was asleep.

On the other side, I don't know how many big people are struggling with the current affairs of the Kang family.

Either thinking about how to continue to strike while the iron is hot, or thinking about how to find a brother.


In the dark.

Lorraine's plane has arrived at the airport.

In fact, he was only one shift later than Kang Mengmeng, and that was exactly how long.

When he came out of the airport, he happened to see the Kang family driving away.

Thanks to his amazing eyesight, he could see the situation clearly from a long distance away. Kang Mengmeng... was not taken into the car by them, and from the embarrassment when they called, they did not even Saw Kang Mengmeng coming out of the airport.

Lorraine also had some doubts at the time.

Hardly, Kang Mengmeng did not come to China by plane as everyone expected.

Since Lorraine's cell phone was kept off on the plane, he didn't know what happened in the middle.

Although in this case, Lorraine may be a little bit suspicion of being slapped, but he would rather get the wrong information, at least this way, this little girl, Mengmeng, will not be in any danger.

And just when Lorraine hoped so much, he received a call from the other side of the ocean as soon as his mobile phone was turned on.

It is the father of Kang Shaojie and Kang Mengmeng.

"Uncle, what's the matter." There has been contact before, Kang Shaojie's father is a very friendly middle-aged man.

Kang Shaojie’s father said: “Lorraine, thank you very much for your attention to our Kang family this time. Shaojie can have friends like you. My father feels very lucky and gratified.”

"Uncle, don't say that. We are very good friends. This is what I should do."

"It's like this... Since you have helped us so, it would be too hypocritical if I were to stop you, besides... I also know very well, Xiao Luo, you are a capable person, maybe this time, I am someone Kang. The continuation of this vein really depends on your help... Just now our Kang family sent me a message that the little girl Mengmeng did not show up at the airport, but then she used a mobile phone from China Capital. The number made a call to the old man. Now the mobile number has been traced. It is the personal mobile phone of a taxi driver who often walks around the airport. In other words, Mengmeng avoided the Kang family’s pick-up, but chose her own choice. An independent investigation quietly..."

After listening to this, Lorraine felt a furry in his heart.

Lorraine probably understood what was going on.

It should be Kang Mengmeng who was worried that when he returned to the family, his every move would be mastered. Although there would be no life-threatening under the protection of Mr. Kang, he was being stared at after all, which was very passive.

This little girl, she was very bold in this matter...

However, she is a girl, what resistance can she have? Once she is in danger, it will be over.

Moreover, her experience is not enough, how can she investigate it alone.

In fact, Lorraine didn't know that Kang Mengmeng, the little girl, naively thought that she could settle it with money.

In fact, it is true that money can hire very good investigators and detectives, and have enough contacts to investigate Kang Shaojie's whereabouts, but then it is easy to be tracked by people counter-reconnaissance. If this happens, Kang Mengmeng It will be very dangerous.

Knowing all of this, Lorraine was firm in his heart and opened his mouth: "Uncle, rest assured, I will find Shaojie no matter what the situation is, and since Mengmeng hasn’t happened yet, I will assure you, I There must be no accident to her."

"Well, Xiao Luo, uncle trusts you. In fact, Mengmeng, besides her brother, the young man she trusts most is you. I think you should know this."

These words seemed to imply another layer of meaning, but Lorraine didn’t have the time and thoughts to study carefully. He replied: “Okay, don’t worry, uncle, let me do it, what’s the matter? I will inform you."

hang up the phone.

Lorraine frowned: "I...what should I do now? Is it to ensure Kang Mengmeng's safety first, or to find Shaojie's whereabouts first, or to say that both sides are progressing together, but I can't show mine. The exact whereabouts, after all, I will come to China, and Pan Jiajun and Kangcheng know that if they know that I am back home, they will definitely lock me whereabouts. I might as well walk outside, so that they won’t get me. Give lock detection."

After making up his mind, Lorraine started to act...

In a place surrounded by iron walls.

It's a bit cold, and a light bulb is not enough to completely light up the darkness at this time.

Damp, even some **** smell.

more importantly……

A person was sitting on a tattered chair at this time, gnawing on hard buns.


Garlic slowly opened his eyes, looked at the dim light bulb above his head, and muttered with chapped lips, "I...Where is this..."

"An abandoned factory in the suburbs of Beijing, feel relieved, no one is here."

Said a man sitting next to him who was eating dried buns.

Garlic was surprised when he heard the words, and subconsciously wanted to hold it up, but when he tried hard, he found that something was wrong, and there was a piercing pain: "Hiss."

"You forgot, your right arm was cut off by the foreigner, I saved you."

Looking at the empty piece of garlic on his side, he remembered. When he broke an arm and was about to be killed, the opponent was dealt with by a black shadow that suddenly appeared. At that time, the garlic finally couldn't hold it. Fainted.

"By the way, where's Mr. Kang," Garlic exclaimed suddenly.

The man who was eating dried buns looked lazy and said, "Hey, don't you just lie beside you."

PS: Continue to add more today, the third one,

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