Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 3909: Battle of the Three Kings

The Golden King's expression was cold, his arm was dripping with blood, and there was a powerful force at the severed arm that made him spurt blood continuously.

He was glowing all over, and there was a roaring sound in his body, as if the supreme power of the heavens and the world were resonating.

That powerful force is repairing his wounds, allowing him to regenerate his broken arm!

But the wounds left by the simulated Xuan Ning are like the wounds left by the demon master Kunpeng, with a strange power, the wounds are difficult to heal, and it is difficult to regenerate a broken arm.

This situation made Jin Renwang's expression even more gloomy.

He is a majestic golden man king, but he was injured by someone, and an arm was knocked off by someone's blow!

Such humiliation had never occurred in previous wars.

What's more, he is still the king, and the king cannot be humiliated!

A mere person who doesn't know the realm of ants can actually hurt him?

The extreme anger finally made Jin Renwang truly murderous and murderous.

"He asked me to kill!"

"He must be tortured!" The King of Jin shouted angrily, his body was full of golden light, and the power of gold among the five elements was constantly surging!

And this time, he was no longer careless, the golden metal climbed up from his feet along his body, covering his whole body!

Armor of the King!

The golden battle armor covers everything except the head for defense!

Guhe Guiwang was also shocked when he saw that the Jinrenwang suffered a blow.

After all, they are all kings, and the creatures that Luo Chen summoned just now are very terrifying, and they have the strength to injure the king with one blow.

Luo Chen, on the other hand, looked at Jin Renwang, and then glanced around.

He just used his power to imitate the demon master Kunpeng and failed, but he simulated a living person. The key point is that the opponent has left.

And Luo Chen also wasted a lot of his own strength.

Although this blow removed one of Jin Renwang's arms, it was of little significance. It did not achieve the effect Luo Chen expected, but it wasted a lot of his strength.

Luo Chen was analyzing the battle situation calmly. As for the sense of oppression brought by the three kings, Luo Chen never cared about it at all!

It's just a king!

Luo Chen's eyes brightened, looking at the approaching Jin Renwang, what he needed now was time.

Either gather strength again and try again!

call out!

The golden spear appeared instantly, before Luo Chen's huge snowman body had time to react, the golden spear penetrated Luo Chen's snowman body!

This is the gold content of the king, full and invincible!

Anyone else would be killed instantly!

Even if it is the body of the ghost dragon, such a blow can't be dodged, it can't bear it!

This is also one of the reasons why Luo Chen took the initiative to shatter the ghost flood in the first place.

Now he is in the body of a snowman, and there is no physical death!

Even when this blow hit him, Luo Chen didn't even feel pain.

But this blow pinned Luo Chen to the ground.

The snowman almost collapsed.

At this moment, the ghost king frowned slightly.

In fact, it is best for the ghost king to take action, because Luo Chen is now a spirit body.

If the ghost king made a move, Luo Chen might have to retreat temporarily.

But the Jin Renwang was really angry at this moment, and he wanted to torture Luo Chen, and the ghost king couldn't intervene.

After the spear settled on Luo Chen, the Golden King slowly floated over, his eyes looked down on Luo Chen, his eyes were full of indifference and killing intent!

There is nothing wrong with saying that if you don't become a king, you will be an ant.

Even Luo Chen at this moment is so passive, if it were someone else, it might be over with one blow.

"After all, you are just an ant with more tricks, are you worthy of being king?"

"Which king have you seen so embarrassed?" The golden king approached the snowman, with endless terrifying power accumulated in his hands.

A golden light bloomed in his hands, and he was going to take Luo Chen's life at this moment!

Luo Chen didn't resist. The moment the snowman was pinned by the spear, Luo Chen's eyes and pupils in the spirit state turned golden, and there was a circle of black silk threads in it.

That is the thread of cause and effect!

The dreadful blow of the Golden King was about to fall, a blow that was destined to destroy everything.

But Luo Chen was still very calm, without any fear, instead he spoke coldly.

"I've said it before, you still don't learn a lesson. When the wooden man king and others died, you still didn't understand who you were facing!" Luo Chen's mouth drew an arc.

With Luo Chen's words falling to the ground!


The ground suddenly split open, and at the same time, a palm the size of a snowman pierced through the ground, heading straight for the King of Jin!

That palm is golden, as if poured from gold!


too fast.

The King of the Golden King fought back with one palm!


The hand was knocked over.

But the next moment the earth trembled!

A huge golden giant stood proudly out of the ground, still looking like Luo Chen!

Then he grabbed the golden spear and pulled it away!

The golden giant is cold, and its body glows with endless light, even if it is not as good as the king's body, especially the king's body like the golden man king!

But still very scary and powerful!

Luo Chen's spiritual body entered it, and the entire golden giant suddenly opened its golden eyes.

"This is?" Gu frowned slightly, looking at the huge golden figure.

An alternative ten-foot golden body!

As soon as the ten-foot-long golden body came out, Luo Chen's snowman's body broke, and the huge golden man held the golden spear that the golden man king had just shot, and then looked at the golden man king proudly again!

This was indeed unexpected, another trick of Luo Chen showed up.

Whether it's a snowman, or an imitation of Xuan Ning, or today's ten-foot-long golden body.

It is very surprising!

As for the so-called ten feet, ten is not a specific number, but represents a quantity!

Just like the great thousand in the great thousand worlds, there are not really one thousand, but just a representative amount, and the world inside already has tens of thousands!

Therefore, the golden body is actually not only ten feet, but very huge and tall!

In terms of firmness, it is indeed incomparable with the kingly body of the First Era, but it is enough to look down on the world.

But Luo Chen didn't want to fight for his body, he just didn't want his body to be destroyed at will.

What he wants to use now is the art, the law, and the way!

"Shu Lai!" Luo Chen grabbed the sky and the earth violently!


The endless sea of ​​thunder and fire, the monstrous waves, all the techniques are manifested endlessly at this moment!

At the moment when the three kings hadn't reacted, Luo Chen spoke again.


The space was cut instantly, and everything in the world became bizarre.

Each one is like fragments.

Among the three kings, the ghost king waved his hand, and the ghostly aura pierced the sky, easily wiped out everything!

At this moment, everything seems to be turned into dust.

The people of Absolute Dragon City left in an instant.

The vast ghost energy rushed away, rushing towards Luo Chen, trying to kill Luo Chen!

Full of ghostly aura, sharp and domineering attack power, looking down upon the world!

But Luo Chen suddenly spoke at this moment. "Dao, come!"

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