Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 3929: various combinations

Various combinations

These words made Jiu Wang furious instantly.

They are kings, and now Tu Tu suffers one after another, and is humiliated like this?

The ghost king and the other king of the Heavenly and Human Dao Palace acted again.

Another king of the Taoist Palace of Heaven, Humanity, and Taoism is now extremely powerful, and he is exercising the power in his body to the extreme. His body is like the earth collapsing or a mountain collapsing.

The surging power is endless, impacting in the body, heaven and man are one!

At this moment, he was full of blazing light, and charged towards Luo Chen.

After all, the Palace of Heaven, Humanity and Taoism has a certain background and has made great achievements in Taoism.

So the moment he made a move, the surrounding space was rippling, and his strength returned a lot.

A palm fell on Luo Chen, and the big killer weapon in the Heaven Suppressing Chaos Realm struck again.


Luo Chen raised his hand and slashed at it with the Taihuang Sword, sparks flew everywhere.

A long sword exactly the same as Taihuang Sword appeared in the mirror.

At the same time the mirror shook like Bowen, and a hand stretched out of it.

The moment he stretched out, the hand quickly closed.

Luo Chen knew that this trick must be interrupted, otherwise there would be trouble.

But Wei didn't give Luo Chen a chance, but took the opportunity to bully him, and his crazy power and fists were released like a torrential rain in June.

Luo Chen was enveloped almost instantly, and the ghost king charged, but at this moment he had no way to join the battle group.

Because of his long hair fluttering, he was wearing a pitch-black armor with a cold glow, and his fists were extremely sharp, shocking the entire universe.

Every punch is powerful and heavy, with the power to open up the world.

However, it was Luo Chen who made people even more horrified. When Luo Chen raised his hand, his fists kept falling.

And it was one hand, the fist crazily clashed with Xi's double fists.

In the instant of confrontation, the two played a boiling river of time and a vacuum of death.

And Luo Chen's other hand was still holding the Taihuang Sword, fighting with the long sword in the Zhentian Chaos Mirror.

As for the hand in the mirror, it seems that this moment is about to be completed.

Suddenly, Luo Chen's eyes froze, because flowers with vines suddenly protruded from the surrounding space.

Luo Chen almost just saw that he was standing on the huge petals. The petals were as huge as Huashan, and they looked majestic.

At this moment, what kind of petals are these? They are the wheel of fate, like the destiny between heaven and earth.

Luo Chen instantly understood that since the Palace of Heaven and Humanity was feeding the Mandate of Heaven, it would naturally gain some benefits.

"I'll send you on your way!" Bi stepped on the mountain peak turned into a flower at this moment, and when she raised her hand, the petals around her began to rotate one by one.

And the red petals are as huge as Huashan Mountain, and they are also engraved with dense golden ancient runes.

These runes carried a strange power and shone with golden light.

Epilepsy is almost desperate.

In his rage, he used his ultimate move almost instantly, determined to kill Luo Chen.

And those golden runes are surging.

Luo Chen's own fate seemed to be fluctuating.

Clang, fate is turning, everything is turning around, and at this moment, the long river of time opens up again.

Everything about Luo Chen's past seemed to be manifested at this moment.

This is really going to change Luo Chen's fate and deal a fatal blow.

destroy everything.

But also at this moment.

"It's interesting!" Luo Chen's expression turned cold suddenly.

"But it's not enough!"

"Luo's fate, you can also move it?"

Luo Chen's words fell to the ground, and the Taihuang Sword in his hand trembled extremely quickly. At the same time, behind Luo Chen, he suddenly stood proudly in the world, a huge spirit overlooking the world, overlooking the world.

At this moment, the soul of Luo Chen's previous life was instantly combined with this life.

That is the uncrowned king, that is the invincible spirit overlooking the eternity!

"Sword, come!"

Hum, the void behind Luo Chen vibrated, and golden ripples rippled.

Theoretically, Luo Chen couldn't summon the Taihuang Sword in the First Era, or even by projection.


At this moment, Bi from Tianren Dao Palace deduced Luo Chen's fate, and took the initiative to open the long river of time.

In this way, Luo Chen can summon the projection of the Taihuang Sword.

Of course it was his own Taihuang Sword, not the one on the boat.

After all, the Taihuang sword on the ship is rotten.

As for Luo Chen's own, it was golden, and the blade gleamed coldly, extremely sharp.

And the moment the Taihuang Sword projection appeared, a sword swept across the sky, sweeping away in all directions!

The sharp sword energy is like destroying the world, everything in the world is being destroyed, and those petals are cut off in an instant at this moment.


At this moment, the world was completely silent.

"How could there be two swords?" Bi was also stunned at this moment, and everything he used stopped abruptly.

At this moment, Luo Chen had the mutilated and decayed Taihuang Sword in his right hand!

In the left hand, a Taihuang Sword is projected!

The two swords meet, although the projection of Taihuang Sword is not real, but for some reason, the two swords seem to have some kind of common interaction at this moment.

At this moment, the pitch black night shrouded in an instant.


Luo Chen beheaded with one sword!

A head fell instantly!

The sick man's head was full of astonishment and consternation.

two swords

But he couldn't get the answer, and the Ghost King had already prepared a matchless move to drop.

But at this moment, the pupils suddenly contracted.

His whole body was in turmoil, and a feeling of heartbeat came down.

Even Luo Chen himself felt this jittery feeling.

It's as dark as ink, like the night is coming, but the deep space of the universe is always pitch black?

So what is this darkness within darkness?

It's too late to think about it, the ghost king can't do without hitting at this moment, but he already knows that his blow probably won't have much effect.

Sure enough, as he expected, when his monstrous ghostly aura and sea of ​​blood rushed away, it was stained with the darkness around Luo Chen.

In an instant, his ghostly aura disappeared without a trace.

His entire body trembled at this moment, his body twisting in an unbelievable posture.

At this moment, the big ship became more and more turbulent, and the disaster of long hair began to hang down.

Hanging down from the sky, it looks like aquatic plants and kelp, and like vines, it keeps growing.

Luo Chen's realm of forbidden kings, two Taihuang swords, a long river of time, and the king-level battlefield at this moment, the combination of these conditions actually formed some kind of extremely strange power.

Luo Chen himself didn't know this kind of power.

At the same time, in the deepest part of the big ship, there is a scarlet light that is about to recover at this moment.

The red color is very weird, and the first thing that emerges is the red hair.

A red light flashed, slowly recovering.

And Luo Chen held a sword in one hand, and what surprised him at this moment was that the body of the Sun God Emperor was actually recovering on his own initiative!

The body was originally very cold, but at this moment it actually began to warm up, as if it was about to be resurrected!

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