Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 3939: Comply with cause and effect

The big ship seemed to be moving forward again, because even Luo Chen's consciousness was blurred a lot, and it was already a little unclear whether this was the first time the big ship had moved forward.

Time seems to be non-existent on the big ship.

In the extreme pain, it seemed that at this moment, Luo Chen had endured the eternal darkness and loneliness. In the loneliness, he was alone bearing thousands of pains.

Luo Chen's expression was still very natural, and he didn't feel any pain at all.

On the contrary, Luo Chen felt that pain was still a bright light to illuminate the way forward.

His injuries were too serious, and at this moment, coupled with the darkness of the big ship, he was almost on the verge of death.

After all, how could there be no price for beheading the Four Kings?

Even with the help of the Sun God Emperor's body, he would still suffer backlash.

At this moment, pain became the only thing Luo Chen could count on and be with.

As long as he is still suffering, it means that he is still alive, he still exists!

This is a good thing, if there is no more pain suddenly, that's what Luo Chen should worry about.

In the eternal pain, Luo Chen became clear again at this moment. He seemed to have spent an eternity on the big ship, but at this moment, the battle outside continued.

The still surging power forcibly broke into the first era!

Tianyu was torn a huge hole.

Suddenly the big ship shook violently, and then slid forward for a long distance without stopping!

Luo Chen could see that the whole sky seemed to be on fire.

In other words, the entire space is filled with flames.

The Human Sovereign came across the sky and struck with his hand. The whole ship was shaking, and a terrifying and powerful force erupted within it.

Especially Luo Chen could feel that there was a living being or another kind of existence revived in the middle of the boat!

The red light was very strange, and the creature seemed to be sitting up slowly at this moment.


Even on the boat, Luo Chen's soul was swept away by this sudden fluctuation, Luo Chen almost lost any consciousness and feeling for a short time!

Too powerful, it can even be said to destroy everything.

The natural breath alone almost killed Luo Chen.

The red creature finally stood up, and just one step caused the entire ship to surge.

The Human Sovereign made a move in person, and came with a horizontal attack.

The fighting in this place has been monstrous.

The three top creatures of the first era made their move, and countless army of kings gathered around them.

The drums of war were beating.

It took Luo Chen a long time to regain consciousness again.

This surprised Luo Chen. Although he was extremely weak now, the red creature was indeed a little too terrifying.

Even the top creatures seem to be difficult to match!


The iron chain swayed, and the long red hair of the red creature walked towards the bow of the big ship.

Can't see clearly, or can't judge what that thing is at all.

Its side is like a huge galaxy like the Great Wall of Wuxian Beimian.

It was just one of its hairs, a single red hair, which gave Luo Chen such a vast feeling.


The Celestial King used the ultimate killer move, and countless timelines were all unified or even condensed at this moment.

At this moment, the time was turned into a huge roulette by the raising of the hand of the king of heaven and man, and the circular roulette was the time between heaven and earth.

The Heavenly King abruptly turned the roulette wheel, reversing time!

This is too scary, no living beings can reverse time and make time go backwards.

Even if it is extremely short!

But the Heavenly Man King did it!

He reversed the time, Tianming, Renhuang, and the four top creatures of Heaven, Humanity and Taoism also shot together at this moment.


This moment of time reversal seems to make the big ship go back.

This is not a physical retreat of the big ship, but a real retrograde time.

The four top creatures are too terrifying.

And the red creatures are still difficult to get rid of, because there is always a part of the big ship that is difficult to enter the first era.

Just now the entire bow has gone in.

But now the ship seems to be going backwards, because that is time going backwards.

Crack, crunch!

The loud noise made by the roulette is unacceptable, or the two sides seem to be wrestling.

Apparently, even the Emperor himself took action. It is conceivable that the threat of this big ship is terrifying.

At this moment, the two sides are wrestling, stuck in the time and space of the first era.

"Shrink the space!" Heaven and Humanity shouted loudly!

At this moment, when one thought arises, all things are born, and when one thought falls, all things perish.

This is the real Dao, the Taoist Master of Heaven and Man is not just a false name, and naturally there are peerless masters in the First Era.

After all, he has come to the end of the road.

Although the Human Sovereign is old, he is still domineering, as if he is the template for the creatures in the world.

In other words, people in the world are all done according to his appearance.

The terrifying power also exploded incomparably, and the sense of oppression was too great.

At this moment, he held down the big boat with one hand, preventing the big boat from moving forward.

At this moment, the tracker is also entangled by Tianming, wrestling with Tianming as well.

Luo Chen forced himself to think with vague thoughts.

Big ship, horror, power, endless, red hair, four, top creatures!

Luo Chen's thoughts could not be coherent, and his thinking was always broken.

Invasion, First Age, Destruction?

Luo Chen finally connected his thoughts.

But at this moment, he actually got an astonishing inference!

However, he did not wait for him to continue his deduction.

"He's coming, he's going to make a move!"

"Prevent!" Heavenly and Human Daoist said suddenly, with the flick of a finger, thousands of worlds are shining brightly, endless rays of light gather in the sky and the earth, the entire First Era seems to be covered with a huge protective shield!

At this moment, the long river of time is rushing again, floating between the sky and the earth.

Heaven, Humanity and Taoism can predict the future and calculate something.

Obviously he had already predicted that someone would make a move, making things even more complicated!

"How dare you!" Human Sovereign shouted at this moment!

He was drinking to a person in the lower reaches of the long river of time.

But with a sneer on the corner of that person's mouth, he simply ignored the Emperor!

He stood proudly in the long river of time, his blue shirt was hunting, and the colorful petals behind him fell into the long river of time like fluttering in the wind.

At this moment, in his right hand, a hilt, the position of the dragon's head suddenly spit out a bright sword glow!

The sword light is like a flame, it looks very radiant, even if the long river of time will evaporate at this moment.

That period of history seems to disappear from the long river of time!

That person came upstream, stepped into the world, he was not afraid of karma, because he was following karma!

Judging from the later history, he has already made a move, this is a certainty!

The blue shirt surged, and the fourth era seemed to be splitting apart, and it was impossible to bear such a force. This is still the fourth era, and it is unbearable, let alone other eras.

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