Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4144: stay by force

4144 - Forced to stay

The fifth prince looked at the emperor standing in front of him.

He doesn't have much emotion.

Because he is just an obsession, and this obsession was only born for Luo Chen!

Up to now, he has ended his mission, or he is worthy of the Eternal Family, the Xi Clan, and everyone!

He has a clear conscience!

At this moment, he walked towards Luo Chen with his already transparent body amidst the flames of war.

This short distance already felt very close to him, and he only needed one thought to arrive.

But now, he felt so long!

Because his strength was almost exhausted at this moment.

All his strength was used to maintain his existence.

He couldn't walk this distance.

Luo Chen sighed, and when he raised his hand, the fifth prince was attracted and floated towards Luo Chen.

In the deep space of the universe, a big tree occasionally shakes its leaves. The emerald green leaves are incompatible with the surrounding darkness, but fortunately, the leaves emit a little emerald green light.

It's warm tones of color and light that make the icy universe seem a little more human!

The battlefield at this moment seems to have disappeared, and the universe, soldiers, and even the old emperor in the eyes of the fifth prince have all disappeared at this moment!

He is the indomitable fifth prince in front of everyone!

But in front of Luo Chen, he is still the fifth prince, but he will always be the fifth prince who has not grown up in front of Luo Chen!

At this moment, there is only light in his eyes, only Luo Chen and Dabao Erbao who are drinking tea under the tree of sentient beings!

He smiled, he didn't know whether he was walking or Luo Chen's power, he only knew that he was approaching!

"Uncle Fang!" The fifth prince had a thousand words

He wanted to say, I'm sorry, Uncle Fang, for dragging you into such a dangerous and troublesome battlefield in the end.

He wanted to say, Uncle Fang, you have to take care of yourself in the future and be careful around you.

He wanted to say, I miss drinking tea with you so much, you watched me grow up

He wanted to say, Uncle Fang, I want to catch up with you.

Because for Luo Chen, it was just entering a dream, and then walking out of the dream to see the fifth prince again.

But for the fifth prince, he hadn't seen Luo Chen for tens of millions of years.

Two people's experiences are different!

However, these thousand words turned into a sentence of Uncle Fang in the end!

The word Uncle Fang made the prince and Long Aotian cry instantly.

They have sent away the second prince today.

Now the fifth prince is going to be sent away again.

Even the crown prince's tears were cut off at this moment.

Because he didn't take care of the fifth prince in the first life.

But in the second life, he took care of the fifth prince.

He finally realized what it was like to send a white-haired person to a black-haired person.

So the crown prince's shoulders kept shaking, tears dripped down, Long Aotian turned his back, knelt down and covered his face, after all he was still a child.

And Luo Chen looked at the fifth prince calmly.

The moment Luo Chen heard the fifth prince calling him, Luo Chen smiled slightly.

"Yes, I've always been here!" Luo Chen said softly.

The fifth prince is different from Dao San, Dao San is much more free.

But the fifth prince has too much to bear, and the fifth prince also wants to do nothing.

He just hid quietly in the family of the ages, and then waited, waiting for the arrival of Luo Chen in the future!

Waiting for his Uncle Fang to come to see him!

However, he couldn't do it!

He really can't do it!

So, it ended up being like this.

If it wasn't for this obsession, he would have dissipated.

"Sit down." Luo Chen waved his hand, and the almost transparent Fifth Prince sat down.

"Uncle Fang, I'm a little scared!"

"I'm afraid of death!" The fifth prince looked at Luo Chen.

"Are you afraid of death, or something else?" Luo Chen asked.

"I'm afraid I'll be alone in the future."

"I'm afraid of being alone!"

"I am afraid that after death, I will be plunged into darkness and be alone forever!"

"When a person is born, he is actually born alone!"

"There are people waiting for you in this world, and there are people to welcome you!"

"When you go, you go alone."

"Someone sent you!"

"Come here crying, leave smiling!"

"The person who welcomes you greets you with a smile, and the person who sees you off tears you off!" Luo Chen said.

It's exactly the opposite!

Just from scratch to nothing!

this is life.

"Life is incomplete without death."

"Uncle Fang's words always give me great strength!" The fifth prince smiled.

However, the next moment, the Fifth Prince still murmured.

"I just want to wait, wait for Uncle Fang to come!"

"It's been so long that I almost forgot what Uncle Fang looks like!"

"Uncle Fang, I let go, my greatest wish is!"

"Uncle Fang, I wish you could take me home!"

"Uncle Fang, when will you take me home?"

The Fifth Prince was smiling at this moment, his obsession was about to fade away at this moment!

At this moment, he gradually disappeared.

"Uncle Fang will take you home!" Luo Chen suddenly took a deep breath!

As soon as Luo Chen raised his hand, the obsession that was about to disappear in the end was firmly grasped by Luo Chen at this moment!

The moment he held it, Luo Chen almost staggered!

Because the cause and effect of the fifth prince is too great and too much!

It felt like an ordinary person suddenly grabbed a moving car and had to stop it abruptly with his own strength!

At this moment, Luo Chen felt as if he had grasped the long river of time and history of the entire First Era.

Qiu Shui has already done this!

But now Luo Chen didn't have as much exaggeration and interference as Qiu Shui did!

But it is indeed difficult for Luo Chen to protect the fifth prince's spiritual knowledge abruptly!

After all, the karma involved in this involves the Queen, the Eternal Family, and the Xi Clan.

No one should be underestimated!

Fortunately, Luo Chen had already mastered many ways of cause and effect.

Otherwise, Luo Chen would have to get involved in it if it was just so simple.

This is a pure change of fate against the sky.

And it's not the sky that's going against it, but the first era and many causes and effects!

At this moment, Long Yi, who was farther away in the endless abyss, suddenly frowned!

Then he transmitted sound through Long Aotian!

"Why are you doing this?"

"You are in the middle of the battlefield now, keeping your strength on your body and ensuring your safety is the best choice!"

"Since he has already chosen, since he has passed away, why force him to stay?" Long Yi advised.

"He's just a kid in my heart!"

"The kid said let me take him home!"

"Then I will definitely take him home!" Luo Chen's voice sounded.

At this moment, the tree of sentient beings was shaking, and the space around Luo Chen was shaking, as if the void was collapsing.

The powerful causal power is stronger than the wave, and at this moment he wants to forcibly take away the spiritual consciousness of the 1.5 prince in Luo Chen's hand.

The prince raised his hand to help!

"Don't touch!"

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