The old emperor represents an era and a belief!

Because the old emperor was also young, because the old emperor once had brothers who followed him!

These brothers are just not in the Eternal Family, but most of them have lived in seclusion!

The old emperor just gradually hid himself, just gradually kept a low profile!

However, he is by no means a mediocre person, a humble king or an unknown wave in the hearts of the world and in history!

He is the old emperor of the eternal family!

he is!



He is the most vengeful and ambitious person in the history of the Fu clan!

He could have, even had the opportunity to go further, to a higher realm!

But in order to enable many people to live better and live better in the post-war reconstruction, Futian used his own strength to repair the world!

His talent is not as good as that of the fifth prince, but if his talent and blood are not good, how can he produce a genius like the fifth prince after merging with the Xi clan?

Futian's talent is very good, but for the righteousness in his heart, he gave up on going to a higher level.

And this won't win people's hearts.

Therefore, the old emperor is not just a mediocre looking person.

He has an epic glorious past, and he has a life that is handed down from generation to generation.

It's just that it belongs to Fu Tian!

And now he is just a father, a bad old man, an old emperor who seems to be unknown in the eternal family.

But he also has an endless following.

The old emperor's body flew horizontally, and the position where he fell happened to be Luo Chen's side!

In order to go up, countless people from the family of thousands of ages, the old emperor stood up staggeringly, he stretched out his hand, and stopped the person who wanted to come to help him!

At the moment, his hair is disheveled, and he doesn't look like a king anymore!

At this moment, the current emperor, who was also the former eldest prince, is clenching his fists tightly!

On the other side, Long Yi waved his hand, and the rescue signal from the Eternal Human Family exploded like fireworks in the universes!

At this moment, in a forest, a man was humming a little tune, chopping firewood and picking mushrooms at the same time.

But when the golden light came on, he was suddenly shocked.

This has been almost hundreds of millions of years, right?

It seems that he hasn't seen this signal for hundreds of millions of years!

Then the screen flashed, and he saw it!

Not only him, but at this moment on a huge snow-capped mountain peak, an ancient emperor who has never changed since ages has also seen it.

There are also ancient emperors and ancient kings beside him, a total of thirteen!

And in another place, that land is full of lava-like world, where there is a real king, who also raised his head to look there at the moment!

The Eternal Family is not the old emperor alone has the final say!


He, Futian, also has many brothers, and he, Futian, has many subordinates and former minions!

He is in Futian, with a proud heart, the ancestor of the ancient family, the helper!

Do not help!

Then let him Futian's old department, let his brother, let the hidden ancient power of the first era be revealed at this moment, and then fight to fulfill his last wish!

Therefore, they counted on the top creature from the Eternal Family at first.

But I also made a plan to rely on myself!

And the look of astonishment and the look of surprise were all seen at this moment.

At the moment when I saw the old emperor at that moment.

At this moment, the ancient emperor's eternally immovable heart actually shed tears at this moment!

Time flies, vicissitudes!

Dog days!

Such an unrivaled figure, has become like this now?

At this moment, in the place of returning to the ruins, on a snowy mountain, that is the future generations of Gang Rinpoche.

But now, there are gods, immortals, unrivaled monsters, and the habitat of human races!

There, lived an indifferent and ruthless empress!

At this moment, the Empress also saw it.

Dog days!

At this moment, her ice-like face finally revealed an unbelievably rare expression.

Because is that really Dog Days?

Is that really the indomitable, boundless, and vast Futian in her mind?

When the wind and snow blew, the empress stood proudly among the rolling snow mountains, staring blankly.

The picture seemed to be still, those followers, or his disciples, or his former brothers, were completely stunned at this moment.

However, at this moment, the old emperor was staggering.

His hair was disheveled, his body was bent, and his body couldn't support his large robe at all!

There was blood in many places on his body, but the thumb-sized blood hole between his eyebrows was particularly eye-catching.

The battlefield really became quiet and still, no matter if it was other people or people from the Eternal Family.

They all knew something was up!

Dao Zisheng's scalp was numb at this moment. He had heard some legends about the old emperor.

This made him feel that at this moment, things had really reached the point where it was completely out of control.

"Ho, ho, ho..."

It was the sound of the old emperor panting hard. Someone wanted to help, but he still waved his hand to stop it.

He staggered like that, stumbling towards Luo Chen.

In other words, what he saw in his eyes was actually not Luo Chen, but his child, the fifth child!

Lao Wu is very bitter, he knows it!

Lao Wu is very difficult, and he knows it!

It's just that he is the emperor of the eternal family first, and finally he can be a father!

He has to do Futian well, and do what the emperor of the eternal family should do well, so that he can be a father!

Your Majesty, he is doing well.

Fu Tian also did a good job.

Only the role of father, he failed very much, a special failure!

"Has he already left?" The old emperor staggered and finally came to Luo Chen.

He was so embarrassed that he looked like a dying old man.

Even standing up, he needs to support the tea table in front of Luo Chen with his hands!

Luo Chen picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea, and pushed it in front of the old emperor.

Leaving aside the role of father, the old emperor is actually very remarkable, very powerful!


"Let's go, leaving a little hope, maybe in the next generation of reincarnation, he has that hope to wake up." Luo Chen said softly.

"Okay, got it!" The old emperor looked at the cup of tea in front of him, and in the reflection of the tea was himself!

"My life!" The old emperor seemed to be feeling emotional, regretful, and reminiscing!

"See myself, see the world, and see all beings!" Luo Chen murmured.

"You see the world, all beings, and yourself!" Luo Chen also sighed.

This is a sad person, but also a respectable person, and even more so, an awesome person!

"If there are people like you in future generations, it will prove that I am right!"

"Everything is worth it!" The old emperor also sighed. "See the world, see all beings, see yourself!"

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