Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4167: ruthless war

Chapter 4167 Ruthless War

Next to a continent outside the Ministry of Water, almost half of the planet here belongs to the Ministry of Water.

The only thing here is that there is a continent that belongs to another tribe, and this tribe was quite famous in the first era.

The entire tribe has a total of 2.7 billion people, but it is a pity that only one person has reached the crown and become the king.

After all, many people in the First Era were born powerful and did not need to practice at all, so the atmosphere of cultivation was not very good.

But one Crown Dao is enough to support the entire tribe.

Because of the most important reason, even if it is adjacent to the Ministry of Water, this tribe is still prosperous, they are people of the lineage of immortality.

It can be said that this tribe has always been a nail in the heart of the Ministry of Water.

Any trouble in the Ministry of Water will be informed by this tribe to the Immortal Line.

So this tribe has always been proud.

And this tribe is called the Little Rain Clan.

It even has a great relationship with the Yu Clan, one of the four ancient tribes of the Human Emperor's Department of Storm, Thunder and Lightning.

The people of the Little Rain Clan waited for the sun to rise as usual, and then it was time to hunt and plant.

Some even go to the Ministry of Water to hunt some beasts from the Ministry of Water and rob some of the resources of the Ministry of Water.

But Mizube kept turning a blind eye and closing one eye.

However, when the members of the Little Rain Clan came to the territory of the Ministry of Water as usual, they found that there was no one here.

In other words, today is very strange. In the past, people from the Ministry of Water would guard here.

"Where are their people?" The young men of the Little Rain Clan are very courageous. They usually go to steal some wild animals raised by the Ministry of Water, and then leave with a big show.

The people in the Ministry of Water don't just care about young kids like them.

This is also a trick that the Little Rain Clan has always used. They let women and children steal.

Coupled with their special identities, this stealing has even become an aboveboard thing.

But the Ministry of Water will still send someone to guard it symbolically, and now?

None of the people from the Ministry of Water saw it.

In the past, there would be people in twos and threes guarding here every five hundred meters.

Today, the only thing that is quiet here is the sound of some wild animals.

"What's the matter?" Several youths of the Little Rain Clan folded their arms and looked at each other.

"Come here, there's no one here!" one of the children shouted.

Immediately, a group of about 400 women came over.

Each of them carried a basket on their backs, intending to dig away some medicinal materials, fruits and vegetables grown by the Ministry of Water.

The people of the first era were powerful, but they also needed to eat to maintain their energy.

After all, they are not immortals, so they can live without food.

Therefore, resources, the environment of heaven and earth, and the environment of the universe are very important to them.

But the world environment in the First Era was different.

In the first era, many plants were extinct in later generations, or even not seen at all.

And the growth cycle is also different.

For example, a plant similar to bamboo may grow taller in less than an hour after being cut down, and grow back to its original shape.

If it takes several years for a bamboo in later generations to grow tall, then this is inconceivable in the eyes of the first era.

Therefore, the resources in the first era are very rich, of course, no matter how rich they are, they cannot withstand tossing.

Because it is said that long ago in the first era, such a bamboo-like plant would immediately grow back to its original height when cut.

Instead of waiting an hour.

Obviously, the growth rate of the world and everything has slowed down.

At this moment, the group of more than 400 women in Xiao Yubu and a few young children have already started to steal.

It's just that when one of the babies was stealing well, suddenly whoosh!

A spear was stuck in front of him.

This kid is also courageous, and his reaction is a bit slow, after all, he has never been on the battlefield.

His first reaction was to look up, he wanted to see where the spear came from?

Then he looked up, ready to see if the spear came from the sky.


Another spear pierced his head, and the thick spear pierced his left eye, shattering the left eye completely.

He raised his head up, but it was pierced through, and his body swayed involuntarily.

"Baby!" one of the women yelled.

However, in the sky, the dense rain of spears fell down!

This place is littered with rocks, mud and debris!

Blood was mixed with some plants in the field, which were repeatedly pierced by spears.

Some women roared, wanting to burst out, wanting to display their momentary youth.

But she couldn't muster her strength no matter what.

Then it was ruthlessly penetrated by a spear!

Puff, puff, puff, the sound of the spear piercing through the body was heard continuously.

There are more than 400 people below, they don't know why, they don't know what happened.

But, they died!

They didn't even see what their killers looked like.

Above the sky, there is the army of the ancient family, and an ancient emperor personally sits in the rear and commands the army.

They are like a torrent of steel, very terrifying, and the army has already invaded.

As for the more than four hundred people just now, they just killed them easily.

The army didn't know who those four hundred people were, and it wasn't necessary.

Because in their eyes, the entire planet is an enemy, and they are all targets they want to kill!

At this time, the Ministry of Water has shrunk together, and more than a dozen kings of the Ministry of Water sit proudly around the planet.

But Yubu, they don't care, and they can't!

On the other side of Xiaoyubu, the army of the Everlasting Family continued to advance.

That's what war is like, what does it matter to you if you destroy you?

The army of the Eternal Family is now targeting the Water Department, and the Xiaoyu Department is just because they are next to each other, and they are also a tribe of the Immortal Lineage.

So they were the first to suffer.

With the four hundred dead, the army continued to move.

War can never be regarded as absolutely just.

But war is also inevitable!

A rain of spears poured down from the sky, carrying out carpet-like raids.

The people in Xiao Yubu were dumbfounded from the very beginning!

The moment the spear rain fell, the gathered city of Xiao Yubu was completely stunned.

Countless people fell, and countless people were pierced by spears.

Moreover, after this spear kills people, it will eventually turn into light and return to the hands of the army of the Eternal Family.

This spear can be regarded as a massacre murder technique, a truly unrivaled murder technique.

Just like the air-to-ground bombs of later generations, just throw it down, and it has unlimited firepower.

Blood splattered, the building collapsed, and the ground below was a mess. There was no resistance, and they didn't even know what happened.

"What's wrong?"

"Is this the Ministry of Water calling?"

"There is a war!"

"Help, go report."

"Save me, who will save me, ah!"

Puchi, puchi, puchi!

The whole city instantly became Senluo Hell.

Then there is the next city.

At this moment, the water chief looked at Luo Chen nervously, and looked at Luo Chen eagerly.

"Luo Zun, can you save the Ministry of Water?"

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