Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4173: king ran away

Despair spread in Kibe, and their vitality was extremely luxuriant.

It stands to reason that they should be the least likely to be killed in the Five Elements Department, but the result is just the opposite. The one who attacked them was the Queen's old department, the Twelve Witch Ancestors.

The Twelve Ancestors of Witches used to be witches between heaven and earth. They were related to demons, people, and even spirits. They were regarded as another form of life.

But the difference is that the Twelve Witch Ancestors are very low-key, and they hardly show any special abilities.

It's just that although you can't see it, being able to kill more than a dozen kings of Kibe is extremely terrifying in itself.

They didn't kill them on purpose, they shot, and then Long Yi sent an order to stop, there was a time in between.

And at this time, the Twelve Witch Ancestors had already dealt with more than a dozen kings of Kibe.

These kings have different means, and some even resurrected several times.

If only one person has one life, according to this calculation, the witch ancestors have killed dozens of kings in a short period of time.

And it's easy and fast.

If it wasn't for Long Yi's order, then the Wu ancestors would have killed the Wood God King long ago.

The Wood God King at this moment is just being teased.

Sitting in the ruins, he was forced by the terrifying aura of the Twelve Ancestors, and his expression was extremely uncomfortable.

The treatment of people in Kibe is far worse than that of Mizube.

The people in Kibe were suppressed by the coercion of the shaman ancestors.

The Ministry of Fire was a little better, the people who attacked the Ministry of Fire were not so irritable, they were just easy to kill.

The leader originally planned to prepare slowly and take them all away in a flash, but the order came only to surround and not to fight.

At this moment, the ancient emperor was wrapping a bandage-like piece of cloth around his wrist.

He is an ancient emperor of the eternal family, called the real emperor!

He wasn't in a hurry, he waited while entwining, but no one in the entire fire department dared to underestimate this ancient emperor.

Because this ancient emperor knew at a glance that he was the kind of ancient emperor who was extremely difficult to provoke, had an extremely dark heart, and was easy to kill.

So although the Ministry of Fire felt a little better, they were also very nervous as they watched the hourglass tick by.

As for Tube, there was already a quarrel at the moment.

"If they don't let the water fall, are they going to drag all our tribes into the water?"

"We drop, we drop!"

"Why didn't you come down, did the Palace of Heaven and Humanity show us?"

"Has the Human Sovereign Department ever cared about us?"

"They would have rescued them long ago, surrender, surrender directly!" Tube wanted to surrender the most.

Because they are considered the most sensible tribe.

From a long time ago, Tube understood.

"Such a good opportunity to join the Eternal Family, why give up?"

"There is no need to think about whether we will be betrayed in the future, because if the Eternal Family betrays us, who will dare to follow them in the future?"

"What are the people in the Ministry of Water struggling with? Why should the Ministry of Water come to do this kind of weighing the pros and cons and using their brains?" Someone shouted loudly.

In the eyes of Tube, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to finally get rid of the Emperor's Ministry. Such an opportunity is in front of you, why are you still struggling and hesitating?

There is no need for the Tubu to persuade them to surrender, they will want to rebel themselves.

Because just as Luo Chen guessed, the reason why Tube was loyal to Renhuangbu was because he had no choice.

Whenever there is a choice, they will not choose the Human Emperor's Department. After all, the Human Emperor's Department has been suppressing the Five Tribes openly and secretly. Isn't it all the reason for the Human Emperor's Department to become what they are now?

Such a good opportunity was right in front of them, but the people in the Water Department still couldn't understand it, which really made the people in the Tube anxious!

Jinbu has been very silent.

Because Jinbu is the most weird and exaggerated.

The entire Jinbu fell into a sad mood.

A few kings of the Jinbu died, but it will never affect the Jinbu.

Like the King of the Golden Man killed by Luo Chen, or the King of the Golden Land who died unexpectedly.

After all, Jinbu has other kings.

What makes Jinbu sad is not that the king died, but that the king ran away and abandoned them.

All the kings of the Jin Department, with a group of quasi-kings who followed the king, ran away immediately.

In fact, the kings of the Ministry of Gold, they are very sharp and smart.

Early in the morning, people were sent to notice the situation on the other side of the endless abyss.

Then when the people from the Eternal Family appeared in large numbers, they were ready to run.

In fact, they made the right bet and ran right, otherwise they would be surrounded right now.

But Wang ran away with some quasi-kings from the Ministry of Jin, his cronies and a few family members.

Then when the army of the Eternal Family came, the people from the Ministry of Gold found out.

The kings of the Ministry of Gold all ran away.

Their king deserted them.

At this moment, Minister Jin came back. He was originally here to persuade the Ministry of Finance.

But when he arrived, the entire Jinbu had become a mess.

Crying, helpless, angry, roaring, panic, everywhere!

In the end, it was Mr. Jin who appeased everyone, but a great sadness permeated the hearts of all the people in Jinbu.

King, leave their people and run away!

How ridiculous is this?

Where should their gold department go in the future?

Is their gold department dropping now or not?

All the problems finally converged on Elder Jin.

Many people from the Ministry of Finance who can speak and represent everyone have come.

"Elder, what should we do?"

There was both sadness and fear in their hearts, because the entire Jinbu was surrounded by an army, with banners flying outside, and a terrifying aura surged.

And just obliterated the tribe next door to them.

Although that tribe is not big, they can be regarded as monitoring them, but at the moment of being slaughtered, they also felt scared.

At this moment, they all looked at Elder Jin.

Minister Kim is very interesting, he solved the immediate trouble.

He sent a signal to the prince for help.

And the prince looked at Luo Chen who was drinking tea in the water department, and finally went to find Luo Chen.

Luo Chen was also surprised after hearing the news.

The king of Jinbu ran away, all of them ran away, and they ran ahead of schedule!

"You watch the time, when the time is up, kill without mercy!" Luo Chen got up immediately.

"Can we surrender?"

"Can we surrender?"

"We want to surrender, we don't want to die, it's worthless for us to die like this!" The people in the Ministry of Water finally couldn't stretch their nerves at this moment.

Everyone shouted out, they want to live!

You can still live if you surrender now, even if you live a few more days?

At least it's better than dying now!

The people of the First Age were terrified of death.

Human beings in later generations are already accustomed to death because of their genetic shackles.

But many people still fear death.

What about the First Age?

Unless it is a war, normally, they will not die, so they will be even more afraid and fearful of death!

This is why Luo Chen thinks the old emperor is right! because!

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