"That thing has been recorded in ancient books before, as long as you see it, even the king will have to die tragically!" The elder Huochang said.

The remaining four elders also nodded at this moment.

Apparently there are also in their legends.

"What did you say?" Luo Chen asked.

"Let me put it this way, Luo Zun may not be very suitable for me to say this, but it should be true." The elder fire minister said.

"Old Emperor, you know, right?" the Fire Chief Elder said a little embarrassedly.

He was not born at that time, and it was only heard, but their Five Elements Department was indeed sorry for the old emperor.

"He saw it too?" Luo Chen asked.

"Yes, he saw it too, he saw it before he died." The Fire Chief Elder said.

"Not long after he saw it, he was ambushed and killed by the Undead Heavenly King."

"So, what I want to say is that maybe that thing itself doesn't kill people!"

"That thing will only appear in the eyes of some dying people." The elder Huochang said while looking at Luo Chen's face, for fear that saying this would make Luo Chen angry.

"Signs?" Luo Chen was not angry, but became more interested.

"Yes, the sign, just say yes directly!"



"It's interesting, let's continue." Luo Chen looked at the elder Huochang.

"This is a legend, because it was impossible for anything to kill the old man back then, so what he saw was a sign of death!"

"But it's hard to say, because some people suspect that the old emperor died not at the hands of the Immortal King, but at the hands of what you saw, Luo Zun."

"That's what the records of your Five Elements Department say?" Luo Chen asked.

"Yes!" The Fire Chief nodded.

"Has anyone seen the Five Elements Department?" Luo Chen asked.

"Yes!" The Fire Chief nodded.


"Our ancestors, the last generation of top existence, they also saw it before they died."

"So our Five Elements Department has always had this legend, that thing may be a sign of death!"

It's like when some people are about to die, there will be crows flying over and croaking around the house for several days.

This is a sign of death!

Luo Chen didn't particularly agree with this statement, but he didn't deny it either.

There is no doubt that this thing has something to do with death, there is no doubt about it.

But whether it was a sign of death or whether this thing directly participated in the death, Luo Chen preferred the latter.

Because this thing attacked Fengxian in the dream, but Luo Chen actually saw it.

Then there is a contradiction here.

The old emperor really saw it?

At that time, it was not only the Undead King who attacked the old man?

This weird thing is also involved?

And the top creatures of the Five Elements Department have also seen it?

This made Luo Chen feel surprised and a little disbelieving.

The others can't help it, the king can't help it, but it's impossible that the top creatures can't do it either?

Obviously, the records of the Five Elements Department are problematic.

"No one who saw it survived?" Luo Chen asked.

"No, no matter who it is, they all died in the end, Luo Zun, this is an ominous sign!" The fire department elder reminded.

"I know." Luo Chen didn't take it too seriously.

He turned his head to look at the huge group of coffins again.

The thing behind him returned to the same place just now, stuck there, with his hands hanging down, staring at him motionlessly.

However, although Luo Chen didn't care, Luo Chen felt that it didn't matter whether the records of the Five Elements Department were true or not.

It doesn't matter whether the death of the old emperor is related to this thing or not.

One thing is certain.

That is, this thing has a long history, at least it was there when the old man was still there.

And it can be traced back to the years when the top creatures of the Five Elements Department existed.

Then it's even longer.

"How did your top existence die?" Luo Chen asked.

As soon as this was mentioned, the five elders were a little excited, but also a little sad.

Obviously this is the secret of the Five Elements Department!

"If we say that those five of us are actually the ones who have contributed the most to this world, Luo Zun, would you believe me?" the fire elder said.

"There are no more legends about those five in this world, and there are no more words."

"They were buried and erased at the end of the world, the origin of everything!"

"I don't know how many billions of years ago."

"So, they are the creatures of the previous era and civilization?" Luo Chen asked.

"Yes!" The elders of the Five Elements Department nodded.

"They have paid a lot for this world, even their lives."

"Without them, the old emperor and the others would not be able to establish the current First Era."

"With their sacrifices, the old emperor and the others can build the current world." The five elders said in a low voice.

They feel unwilling and lonely.

If those five people are still there.

Who in this world dares to despise them?

And who dares to manipulate their Five Elements Department?

But the fact is that they died, fell silent, and even disappeared from history.

"The specific reason is no longer traceable."

"The vague concept we can pass down is that they remember how people were created back then." Elder Jin said.

This is even more bizarre, and it is close to the origin of life.

As for these legends, Luo Chen believed in them, but he would also be skeptical.

After all, the time is too long, it is inevitable to spread rumors and make mistakes.

But the human race is different from other races.

Other races are just for reproduction, but the human race is born to want to explore, to explore the origin of the universe, the origin of life, the origin and destination of all things.

It was a primal instinct disguised as curiosity.

People have exploration and curiosity about everything. Everyone has an exploration heart, but some people use it to explore the world.

Some people become like gossip and like to explore other things.

But the heart of exploration in the genes at that moment is always there, and this may be the reason why people can become intelligent life!

Discover the truth behind the truth!

At this moment, Luo Chen sat down cross-legged again, and he wanted to continue to explore the relationship between the fifth prince's body and the coffin here.

"If you feel something is coming to disturb me, light this talisman!"

With a wave of Luo Chen's hand, although spells cannot be used, it is still possible to take things.

The five elders nodded. Just now they saw Luo Chen using the paper talisman, and the power of the paper talisman was still very powerful.

So they felt that Luo Chen should give each of them one.

But the next moment!

In an instant around them, a high wall fell from the sky!

The five elders were stunned!

The city wall was actually made up of paper talismans stacked together.

The amount of this talisman is a bit too scary.

Three cards are so powerful.

Luo Chen directly moved four walls to surround them? Doesn't this ignite blow up the entire forbidden area?

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