Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4188: ruthless

4188 - Chapter 4188

Luo Chen's statement not only shocked the five elders, but also surprised them.

After all, they didn't even see the relationship between the coffin and the Five Elements Department?

"What does this mean?" Long Yi was also very puzzled.

"The Department of the Five Elements cannot be completely wiped out."

"Once it dies, I think the seal will definitely be broken." Luo Chen said.

"Is that so?" The emperor was also puzzled and doubted the authenticity of Luo Chen's words.

After all, this speculation is baseless.

But Luo Chen wouldn't talk nonsense, because they had already agreed to the Five Elements Department's surrender.

Then everyone in the Five Elements Department would not be killed, and there was no need for Luo Chen to lie just because he wanted to protect the Five Elements Department.

So there must be some truth to this statement.

"Where did you see that?"

"One of the seals is made up of the divine gold on the periphery of the Five Elements Department, and there should be divine wood, water, etc."

"These are the first seals. I just observed them. Those seals are almost invisible now." Luo Chen said.

"It's not that the seal no longer exists, but it's invisible, which means it's getting weaker."

"And the top creatures of the Five Elements Department have made sacrifices before. I don't believe they will not leave any means to protect the Five Elements Department."

"The best means of protection is something that can deter everyone." Luo Chen said.

"You suspect that there are creatures from the previous era inside the coffin?" The emperor immediately understood Luo Chen's meaning.

"Are they still alive?" The emperor frowned at this moment.

"It's hard to say." Luo Chen said.

"But judging by the strength of the seal, there might be some left alive."

"If it is really a restriction to protect the Department of the Five Elements, then when it was sealed, the life inside would be alive." Luo Chen said.

"If it's really protection, we will indeed find a way to keep it alive." The emperor just said.

"We went in, and the king died inside, many of them!"

"I thought it was because the seal drained the strength in their bodies!"

"This statement is actually not completely accurate!" Luo Chen added again.

"Luo Zun, do you mean feeding?" The five elders thought of it all at once, and were shocked and scared at the same time.

"That's right, take the king to feed the sealed thing." Luo Chen said.

"The thing that needs to be fed by the king, what level of life is this?" The elders of the Five Elements were completely dumbfounded.

"Isn't this too scary?"

"This?" Long Yi was also very surprised, this idea was too bold, and the same idea was also terrifying.

"What does that mean?"

"Actually, this is also a hole card!" Luo Chen said suddenly.

"Have you ever thought about the final result of this battle?" Luo Chen asked.


No one thought about what the outcome of this battle would be in the end.

"There is a possibility that the mountains and rivers will be broken, everything will wither, and everything will die with it, including the first era!"

"That's the end of the world!" Luo Chen said.

The Emperor and Long Yi were silent.

Not sure, but it might be there.

Because the result is nothing more than, or win without dying.

Either they win!

Or lose both!

Or it will be annihilation!

All four situations should be considered.

So what Luo Chen said is right, what if it is the last situation, what about Mishi?

"This has something to do with the situation of the Five Elements Department!" Luo Chen said.

"Is it related to the situation of the Five Elements Department?"

"You mean, the people from the Five Elements Department also made this plan in the first place?" Long Yi and the Emperor immediately guessed what Luo Chen meant.

"The backhand left by the top creatures is, if the Five Elements Department is destroyed, then let the last wave of enemies be resurrected!"

"That's why it was used to feed the king." Luo Chen said.

"Does the emperor know about this matter of immortality?"

"I don't necessarily know." Luo Chen said.

"After all, many people in the Five Elements Department don't know about this matter." Luo Chen looked at the elders of the Five Elements Department.

They looked at each other in blank dismay, and they were still thinking that it would be great if the ancestor left some self-protection means.

As a result, the means of self-protection are really left.

It's just that this self-protection method is a bit scary, and if it doesn't work out, it will lead to a catastrophe.

"Then what does this seal have to do with the coffin?" The emperor frowned.

"This is where things are strange, but maybe the top creature in the Eternal Family knows about this?" Luo Chen said suddenly.

"It seems that many things are not as simple as we thought. This is a situation where everything is just in balance!"

"If anyone moves a little bit, it will affect the overall situation." The emperor sighed.

What was their ancestor doing?

"However, now, this is a hole card." Luo Chen said.

"This hole card is shared with you." Luo Chen said.

Luo Chen could have swallowed this hole card alone. After all, if he didn't share the information, then both Long Yi and Eternal Human Family would miss it.

But now, Luo Chen shared it.

No matter how powerful the seal is, it can be untied after all.

And once the seal is released, then the third force will join the war.

If Wan Gu Ren Ting and Long Yi are really unable to defeat and come back, then unlocking the seal at this time is really a hole card.

And this hole card can also be unexpected.

"This hole card is really surprising." Long Yi sighed.

He looked at the emperor, after all, there should be a lot of secrets involved in this matter.

"Looking at it this way, I already have some clues." The emperor sighed.

"Things are getting more and more complicated."

"It's a good thing you helped keep the Five Elements Department, otherwise the Five Elements Department would really be a tough nut to crack." The emperor sighed.

"There is a way to verify my statement." Luo Chen said.

"any solution?"

"Remove the people from the Five Elements Department and see how the forbidden area and the seal will react." Luo Chen said.

The people of the Five Elements Department are the seal itself, and this matter itself is outrageous.

But it's not particularly difficult to understand, but what is difficult to understand is how people from the Five Elements Department became seals.

"Some of them will be removed from the Fifth Era, that is, the families of those people from the Five Elements Department, men, women, old and young!" Luo Chen said in a cold tone.

"Luo Zun, why don't we handle this matter?" the elder of the Five Elements Department hurriedly said.

They understood what Luo Chen meant, but they were afraid that some people would disagree, especially some kings!

Because Luo Chen felt like kidnapping a hostage.

Once the family members of some people from the Five Elements Department are brought into the Fifth Era, it is tantamount to being completely controlled by Luo Chen!

In this way, not only can Luo Chen command them to work hard, but they can't have any malice towards the Fifth Era!

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