Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4204: see through

On one of the planets of the ghost department, on a huge continent, there are many tribes scattered on the continent.

One of the tribes with a population of one million, many of them are very nervous.

Because the tribe has reached the critical point of life and death.

However, they are still waiting, wondering whether the Eternal Family will accept their surrender.

Suddenly, it seemed like a storm swept over, and it seemed that some unstoppable force attacked and killed it!

People exploded one after another.

A young man from the Onibu stood at the highest place in the tribe as usual today.

He had meant to watch and play.

Although he was equally nervous, he wanted to go to the battlefield to see, he wanted to kill people!

However, at this moment, he looked at it in astonishment, as if he came from a high altitude and fell from the sky.

He saw the east side in the distance, there was a team of dozens of people, it exploded in an instant, and died before he could figure out what was going on!

This kind of death is the complete kind, not becoming a ghost.

Or called death!

Then he saw dozens of young children nearby. They were smiling and turned into ashes in an instant.

He felt it, and at this moment, the powerful shock wave was about to knock off his scalp.

The stones and buildings on the ground were instantly reduced to ashes at this moment.

Then that young man also instantly became able to fly at this moment.

He didn't even know, what the **** was going on?

In fact, there are more than one million tribes on the mainland?

There are at least hundreds of millions of ghosts here.

It was a series of low tombs, all of which were piled up with stones.

Buried below are the Onibe warriors waiting to be revived and revived!

However, at this moment, it was too late, too late at all!

The tomb was torn apart, and the mountain was instantly reduced to ashes.

At this moment, the vast ocean in the distance of the mainland turned into mist.

It was a sea of ​​blood, and there were countless masters in it.

But this moment evaporated in an instant!

This is one of those planets, the unprotected part.

Several planets are not protected.

Although one of the planets protected the first wave of attacks.

But the atmosphere dissipated in an instant, and was blown away alive by the roar of the ancient emperor Shangya!

Those who died, they wouldn't think, wouldn't understand, it was caused by the ancient emperor's roar tens of light years, hundreds, thousands of light years away!

This is the Ancient Emperor Shangya!

This is also the reason why the wars of the First Era were sometimes too inhumane and even difficult to end.

The destructive power is too great, too amazing!

If it weren't for the protection of the masters of the ghost department, at least 60% of the creatures in the ghost department would have been killed by the roar just now.

Even so, the roar just now was originally aimed at the ghost king in red, but it also killed at least hundreds of millions of ghosts!

This is the real death without knowing how to die!

At this moment, the power of the ancient emperor is undoubtedly revealed, manifesting in the world.

The ghost king in red has a hideous expression at this moment, his face is extremely distorted.

"You should really be damned!" The ghost king in red sternly snarled, and the sharp voice also attacked and killed her. She opened her **** mouth suddenly, revealing her sharp teeth.

The sound waves that shatter the stars seem to be even better.

As soon as it touches a planet, that planet shatters.

At this moment, the ghost realm was boiling, and in the deep space of the universe, a supreme ghost emperor appeared behind her.

The ghost emperor's eyes burst, and his terrifying and gloomy aura made any living creature feel as if his life had come to an end.

As if the ghost emperor was death itself!

However, the ancient emperor's complexion was still calm, and there were no waves.

Such an attack meant nothing to him.

He took a step forward, and a terrifying vitality bloomed on the surface of his body!

Suiya is really too scary.

The powerful oppressive force came, and there was no need to make a move at all, just standing there, the entire universe was bent.

Those attacks had disappeared before his eyes.

This is the ancient emperor!

"Go and kill it!" The ancient emperor said softly.

The Supreme behind him moved, still wrapped in an unparalleled killing momentum, and charged away, the terrifying killing momentum shook the world.

The red-clothed ghost king was just about to make a move, but a glare came from his eyes!

It was the gaze of the ancient emperor Shangya, which directly locked on to her, making her unable to move.

More than a dozen supreme beings rushed over with unparalleled murderous intent, and started killing!

One of the supreme beings punched down, shattering a star in the ghost department.

Similarly, there are flying people everywhere, dead people and extinct ghosts!

The war broke out at this moment!

The masters of the Onibu tried their best to guard and guard, but unfortunately they were still retreating steadily, and they were no match at all!

The ghost king in red roared.

She was ready to attack again, but at this moment she was suppressed so that she kept trembling.

In the void, the ghost king in red could only shake like a robot, dancing.

Blood was flying, ghost energy was shattering, and everything was collapsing.

"No!" The ghost king in red roared and screamed.

The people in the ghost department are being slaughtered, dying one by one, and the ghosts are also being wiped out!

The Onibu was too tragic, the stars were blown up alive, and the flying Onibu creatures were crushed by the supreme foot, like trampling a bug to death.

"I am irreconcilable with the Human Emperor's Department!" The red-clothed ghost wanted to struggle, but was suppressed by Shang Ya, and she was unable to make any effective resistance at all.

Onibu is miserable, with wailing and screaming everywhere.

The number of dead creatures is already in the millions.

More than a dozen supreme beings only wanted to kill, and there were also some supreme beings from the ghost department who resisted, but they were no match at all.

They can't protect the creatures of the ghost department at all.

In the void of the universe, there are blood, corpses, broken mountains, and shattered ashes.

These things are built together, as if this place is a hell.

The hot magma is dark red, and it looks like the only light in the dark void.

All that remains is the splintered corpse and the occasional cry of pain.


It was so dilapidated that almost nothing remained.

At this moment, several major living planets were all blown up alive and torn apart.

This is not something that manpower can repair, nor is it that manpower can gather broken stars and reorganize.

But on the other side, in the forbidden area of ​​the Ministry of Fire, Luo Chen sat cross-legged, imitating and trying!

He was reorganizing the mountains and rivers, reorganizing the broken stars, and beside him, the creature from the Ministry of Fire reappeared.

The flame creature looked at Luo Chen seriously, or at the game Luo Chen was playing.

This seems to be more interesting than playing chess.

As for the ghost department, everything is broken, huge, and the ghost department seems to be gone today, destroyed!

A dozen supreme beings are ready to stop at this moment.

The ghost king in red still acted as if he wanted to eat them alive, showing his hatred.

But at this moment, Ancient Emperor Shangya did not leave.

"How long is it going to be?" The ancient emperor Shangya still had infinite murderous intent in his eyes! He looked at the ghost department coldly!

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