Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4209: ghost rules

4209 - Ghost Rules

Although the ghost department looks big, but in terms of size, at least on the surface it doesn't look as big as the five elements department.

And the ghost department has never been welcomed by people.

But the queen, one of the queens, did not despise the Onibu, and even became the king of the Onibu.

This is the strength and specialness of the ghost department.

To fall in love with the queen and become the king of the ghost club, the queen should pay a lot in this process. After all, she is a human being at heart. There may be a way to become a member of the ghost club, but it is not easy.

This must pay a lot of price, and the queen is willing to pay the price, join the ghost club, and become the king of the ghost club.

What is this for?

There must be something in the Onibu that attracts the queen, ordinary things cannot attract the queen.

It's not once or twice that Luo Chen and the Queen have fought against each other. This is a creature that looks crazy but is extremely rational.

Something that can attract the Queen's level is by no means a simple thing.

That's why on the side of the ghost department, Luo Chen asked the Wangu Human Court not to act rashly for the time being, to force it, to force the ghost department.

Let's see what can force out the ghost department.

Now it seems that only ten ghost kings have been forced out.

However, Luo Chen had obviously seen the speculation about the ghost gate and the clues about the ghost gate.

And Luo Chen followed his gaze, his attention was on the broken ghost gate, and he also noticed it at the same time.

The tall ghost just opened his mouth, as if he could kill anyone in an instant.

It's like a rule?

Just like the movement of heaven and earth, the sky will naturally darken, the sun will naturally rise, and in autumn, the fruit will naturally lose, the fruit will fall, and the fruit will fall to the ground.

Everything is so natural.

As long as this tall ghost opens his mouth, people will die if rescued.

Also very natural!

Of course, the moment the ghost opened its mouth, the damned Ancient Emperor Shangya didn't really die.

He is the ancient emperor Shangya, his body is too powerful, as if it contains an entire ancient universe, his power is so powerful that he can ignore the laws of nature!

The moment that tall ghost opened its mouth, it could at least kill the creatures below the Supreme in an instant!

That is to say, if you are under the crown, you will definitely die!

Even if you are fighting to cross the ninth floor, it should be no exception.

This is definitely a ghost. The moment he opened his mouth, it seemed that ancient ghosts appeared one after another.

However, the ancient emperor Shangya didn't have anything wrong, he just turned his eyes sideways, and glanced sideways at that ghost.

Then the ghost's head exploded just like that.

No matter what the ghost is, it doesn't matter if it's a mental body, or a mind, or it's the way of the world.

All of this is indifferent in front of the ancient emperor Shangya, but in front of absolute strength, everything is futile and unstoppable.

Li Gui's head exploded and his body twisted.

At this time, a ghost in the distance roared fiercely.

Thousands of ghosts, no, densely packed ghosts, the environment of this universe has changed drastically in an instant, and it is more terrifying than hell.

The endless ghosts stared at Ancient Emperor Shangya with green eyes.

Especially the few ghosts who were close to the ancient emperor Shangya were even more terrifying.

It was a scarecrow, and the scarecrow's face should also have facial features made of straw, but this scarecrow's face was not, but a human face hung, or stuck on his scarecrow's face.

At this moment, the scarecrow smiled charmingly, took a step forward mechanically, then took out a nail and pierced it towards Wuxin.

This is a kind of witchcraft, and people in the Xi clan should know it too.

Neither witchcraft nor Yi of the Xi clan seem to be products of this era and civilization.

Strictly speaking, there is not much causal relationship between cursing this kind of thing.

This kind of villain curses each other, not only among the common people, but also in some ancient royal families.

And this is very strange. In the simple version, you only need to tie a villain, paste the other party's name, and recite the spell silently, and you can curse the other party.

And some may also need some things from the other party, such as hair, or personal items, and so on.

But there is no doubt that this evil thing is indeed a bit similar to Yi.

At this moment, the scarecrow pierced a thick nail into the center of his eyebrows, which was also a fatal killing.

This kind of thing is like a deserted village, if a white silk is stretched out, that person will definitely hang himself to death.

It can be said that at this moment, the killing methods of these powerful and weird ghosts are the same as those in the deserted village.

And Luo Chen was also very curious, what kind of killing method was this?

Because you know the principle, you can naturally avoid it.

Especially in terms of ghosts, it is precisely because they do not know **** people that they are more frightening.

There are also some folk legends, such as when a person is walking at night at night, if someone calls you from behind, don't turn your head and don't agree.

Because it is very likely to be a deadly ghost.

Some people will be killed by ghosts as soon as they turn around.

But this is not in line with the principle of cause and effect, because if the ghost wants to take his life, he can just pounce on it.

You have to wait until you turn around and agree, but if you don’t turn back and promise, then you can’t do it?

This is very strange!

It's like some legends that try to get people to pat you on the shoulder from behind, because there are two lights on the left and right of people's shoulders.

This was photographed, and maybe the lights were extinguished, and in some places it is also called a fire.

If a person always sees ghosts and unclean things, it will be considered that this person is not angry!

And some people are so angry that they have to take a detour when they see ghosts, and some people are so angry that they have to kowtow twice before they dare to leave when they see high and low.

Some of these folklore are false, but some of them are not groundless.

And this way of killing at this moment also coincides with some folk legends!

"Is it the power of rules?" Luo Chen wondered again.

Luo Chen was dissatisfied with this answer. People don't have the power of rules when they are alive, but they will after death?

This is obviously nonsense!

But this method of killing is like the power of rules between heaven and earth, and sometimes it is irresistible!

This is very strange!

However, this is just that ordinary people cannot resist, and it does not exist for the ancient emperor Shangya.

He didn't even look at the scarecrow, and the curse that the scarecrow pierced into his forehead had no effect.

The entire universe has become a hell, all kinds of huge bones, all kinds of horrible ghosts after death, chaos, despair, pain, darkness, death, stench, all flock to the ancient emperor Shangya at this moment!

However, Ancient Emperor Shangshi stood proudly there, motionless like King Ming!

There was contempt in his eyes, he raised his hand, hum, desolation returned to his hand, then he raised his hand again abruptly, waving the desolation in his hand!

Chop down!

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