Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4216: The origin of Tuoba

Also at this moment, I don't know whether it belongs to the fourth era or the fifth era.

At this moment, in another space above Mount Tai, this is the manifestation of one yin and one yang.

And this space is Mount Dai, the underworld!

There, in a huge coffin, the coffin is stored in the galaxy.

Xinghan is brilliant and endless!

The huge coffin floated between the heaven and the earth, manifesting everything, accomplishing everything, and a terrible breath rushed towards his face.

That coffin is the real ruler of the underworld!

But if you look carefully, you will find that the huge coffin is exactly the same as those in the forbidden area of ​​the Ministry of Five Elements!

Similarly, in that coffin, there is a huge figure lying in it!

That huge figure always exudes an aura of fear, echoing strands of immortal energy so pure that ordinary people dare not imagine and dare not expect extravagance.

But that immortal energy is extremely poisonous, it is the poison of any living being in the world, it is the nemesis of any living being in the world!

As long as it is alive, as long as it is life, it will be restrained by this Qi Xi!

It has a terrible name called Mingxian!

The fairy of death, even he himself is death!

After the death of the old emperor in the first era, you may be the protagonist or the most powerful existence in the world.

Which one is not dead?

The sky will be barren and the earth will be old.

The final destination of all living beings is nothing but death!

However, things go back very far to the Fourth Era.

There, at the very beginning, in the fairy world of the fourth era, in that pioneering world.

It was a sunny afternoon, and the boss, that is, the eldest sister, was running away crazily!

Because behind her are several huge terrifying monsters.

At this moment, they are chasing her like crazy, and one of them is holding a piece of land to chase her.

Wang Yang, the mountains and rivers are constantly being destroyed at this moment, and the Wang Yang, which was just like the Pacific Ocean, was swallowed up by one of the monsters.

The other party held the ocean in his mouth, and was always ready to swallow the ocean to drown the boss!

Those are the Eight Demon Saints under the Demon Emperor True Dragon, one of the Four Heavenly Kings!

The eight great demon saints all had terrifying auras, and their combat power surpassed the world. The boss hadn't grown up at the moment, and like many human ancestors, the boss was groping for stones to cross the river.

However, it is still impossible to protect too many people in this troubled world.

This time, the parents of a child from the tribe where the boss was before were taken as tribute again!

The boss was furious for a while, so he found a special time to launch a surprise attack!

This wave of surprise attacks killed all the offspring of the Eight Great Demon Saints.

Even the boss killed several queens of the Eight Great Demon Saints, blood staining the whole land red.

This battle was very fierce, and no one of the eight demon saints of the demon clan would have imagined that there would be a human race to surprise their families!

If it weren't for the order from above, the entire human race couldn't be hunted and killed at once, and the current eight demon saints would have already started exterminating the race!


This naturally angered the eight demon saints. You must know that it is very troublesome for the monster clan to reproduce.

No monster clan can easily give birth to offspring, and they can say as many as they want.

The reproduction of the monster clan has always been a big problem, and it is also difficult for the four major monster kings to give birth to pure-blood offspring.

Therefore, this time the boss really has the feeling that he has provoked the eight demon saints to death.

Once caught, it is estimated that the boss will not be easily killed, and the boss will definitely suffer endless torture!

The Eight Demon Saints chased after him like crazy, the boss laughed while running.

She is not afraid of death, living in this world, in this troubled world, life and death can happen at any time.

Who knows if it will go into the belly of some monster tomorrow?

Anyway, he will be eaten sooner or later, but the boss is very open to it.

She smiled because she was happy, very happy.

Because she made money and got her money back.

The nests of demon boys were all taken care of by her alone.

Doesn't that make people happy?

It's just that the boss is also a little embarrassed at the moment.

There is also a huge monster's nail stuck on the back.

The nail was as big as a dagger.

That was when she beheaded the monster cub, and was accidentally left behind by the monster cub.

That monster cub's fingernails are as big as a dagger.

The roar behind him was getting closer and closer, and the terrifying breath was getting closer and closer.

The boss ran farther and farther, and was about to get lost.

She kept dodging and wandering in the starry sky, but she was locked.

The nail stuck on her back has been revealing her position.

Blood splattered, and the boss fled into the depths of the universe, stumbling and staggering.

Finally, the boss died.

Firstly, she lost too much blood, and secondly, she consumed too much.

It was just too much, and she seemed to have reached the end.

Death may be coming!

The boss's vision was a little blurred.

She seems to have run to, is that a blue planet?

She seems to be getting close!

There seemed to be other planets there, so the boss turned around and left.

She has to turn around and change direction, because she is afraid that there are also human races on that planet, and if she goes away with disaster, it will harm the people there!

So, she turned around decisively.

But after she turned around in the universe, what she saw was a huge paw slapping it!

When the paw came down, the boss couldn't do it anymore, he couldn't stop it.

After all, she was not only injured, but also poisoned.

The weaker and weaker heartbeat reminded her that she was going to die!

She, death, death approaching, death coming.

Darkness is coming!

It was like the sound of a coffin being opened.

Then the next moment, a figure emerged!

Then there was a roar in the void.

The boss shuddered, she opened her eyes suddenly, is she still alive?

Then there is a person in front of the boss.

The next moment, the man held a sword in his hand and chopped it down.

Totally brute force, without the slightest skill.


This attack was blocked by the huge monster, but fortunately, this person's brute force was so powerful that he even knocked that monster away!

"I thought I was saved!" The boss looked at the opponent's completely instinctive fighting skills and was a little dumbfounded.

But the opponent seems to be very strong.

She could tell from the back that the opponent was very huge, and he didn't look like a human being at all!

At least normal humans don't grow so tall!

But before the boss had time to observe, the other party was also drawn back by the monster's tail.

The opponent raised his fist again and threw it at him. Relying on his own defensive power, the opponent was able to fight the monster even now!

After a long time, the final victory belongs to the boss and this person!

This man was stained with the blood of a monster, he looked at the boss curiously, and the boss also looked at him curiously.

"Why are you wearing a mask?"

It was a bronze mask, exactly the same as the huge bronze mask of Onibu.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"You don't have a name?"

"Then call you Tuoba!"

"Where is your home?" "Who will come out of the coffin, you must be lying!"

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