Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4218: I want Luo Wuji

If the fireman and the other five were human and they studied science, then Luo Chen felt nothing.

However, they are not human!

This is somewhat contradictory to Luo Chen's previous conclusion.

Because only human beings have such a strong curiosity and desire to explore!

This is innate!

Anyone who has raised or given birth to a child knows that when a baby is young, he is exploring and understanding the world. This is a talent!

Tiger cubs or other animal cubs are learning how to survive, but human cubs are exploring the world, playing in mud, catching bugs, and all kinds of curiosity!

Therefore, Luo Chen's judgment is not wrong. The reason why people can stand at the top of the pyramid, on the surface, depends on the peak of humanity and the strength of the human race.

Actually not!

This is a misunderstanding covered up, this is the truth.

Looking at the human race of later generations, there is no peak of humanity, no great power, even if they can't cultivate, they can still create atomic bombs to move mountains and seas, and still stand at the top of the food chain.

And the firemen also like to study.

Study science!

What is science?

Science should not be defined as a discipline that has nothing to do with myths and gods, or contradicts them.

Science cannot be defined entirely in terms of materialism.

Science is a discipline that seeks truth and pursues truth.

Pursuing whether there are gods in this world and exploring whether there are aliens in this world is essentially the same as pursuing room-temperature superconductors.

They are all searching and pursuing the truth.

Even if aliens are really explored one day, isn't it science?

Is it science fiction?

Therefore, fire husbands and the others do not violate harmony at all when they study science, because they are just pursuing the truth of heaven and earth in another form.

Seeking truth is science, and Tao is also seeking truth!

Science is just a branch on the road!

The reason why Luo Chen thinks about these is because.

Who gave the Firefive Five their curiosity and ability to learn?

What is the purpose?

What if Mr. Stoker and the others keep learning and advancing, even mastering the simulated universe and how to make it?

After all, Mr. Fireman and the others have a perfect characteristic, they are immortal!

This is scary, they can accumulate all the knowledge, not one or two years of knowledge, but hundreds of millions of years of knowledge?

Then the knowledge they master will surpass everything.

Do they look like the five top creatures of the Five Elements Department?

This is why Luo Chen thinks, and it is also what Luo Chen finds interesting!

Curiosity, to explore the truth, and then to the stokers.

Who arranged this step by step?

What is the end of the thirst for knowledge?

What attracts people to explore?

It seems that there is an invisible force behind this, and an even bigger palm is manipulating everything!

This seems to be closer to the essence and truth of the world, the old emperor and the others may have noticed it, or maybe they haven't!

Luo Chen might have seen it today, but was stopped by the bronze mask.

Luo Chen had always thought that Huofu and the others had something to do with the lineage of the Guixu Renhuang, they were pawns of the lineage of the Guixu Renhuang, and they were arranged to enter this eternal chess game.

But today, when Luo Chen suddenly became suspicious of his curiosity after enlightenment, he felt that Mr. Fireman and the others were not simple.

They may have been arranged by another force.

After all, the matter of endowing people with curiosity, as well as the fireman's curiosity, and letting gods study science is by no means a random arrangement.

Maybe it was arranged by the same force or some incomprehensible existence.

At this moment, the old fireman and others are also synthesizing room temperature superconductors, and even the old blacksmith is still researching wireless power transmission. He plans to build a large Tesla electric tower!

"Is someone talking about us behind our backs?" The fireman took a puff of his cigarette.

"I feel it too." The old blacksmith said.

Luo Chen thought about it, and now it seems that the form needs to add another force.

At present, the First Era headed by Undead Heavenly King and others counts as one side.

The remaining forces headed by the old emperor include the empress, the genetic shackles, etc., plus the party composed of the eternal family.

Then there is Guixu Renhuang's side, which has a far-reaching layout, and even now there is no obvious side.

Among the representative figures must be Lao Tzu, Sakyamuni and others.

Then there is another faction headed by the Fourth Era Yuanxuan family, Mingxian and others. I don't know if this faction belongs to the lineage of Guixu Renhuang, it is still unknown!

This is not over yet, because Luo Chen feels that this first era also buried an ancient civilization of the first era, which was based on the Xi clan in the past, Yi as the culture, and the forbidden coffins of the Five Elements Department.

This civilization, Luo Chen, felt that it had to be regarded as one of the forces, after all, it had already begun to show itself.

In the end, it is the side of the big ship, and it must be regarded as one of the forces!

And this is the power that Luo Chen knew before!

In five eras, a total of six major forces participated in it!

Each side is extremely powerful, each, each side is intertwined, and each has its own layout and calculations!

But now, Luo Chen felt that the Fireman and the others also had to be counted as a force!

That is the seventh force.

The last one is the most difficult to detect. Luo Chen didn't understand the Tao today, didn't doubt it, and almost ignored it.

It's normal for gods to learn science, but it's not normal either!

At least God of War has never studied quantum mechanics!

Luo Chen had doubts at the time, but he never thought so far!

Today, one enlightened, and unexpectedly discovered a new situation.

"What are you thinking about again?" The flame creature asked this time.

It wanted Luo Chen to continue deducing the universe of stars.

"I was thinking that the plate is not big, but it is crowded with a lot of people." Luo Chen laughed.

"The fate of the human race is not that simple. There are too many factors affecting it." Luo Chen sighed and looked at the simulated stars in the universe.

Then Luo Chen looked at the huge bronze mask of Guibu again.

This is seen through the mountains and rivers of the earth!

Ancient Emperor Shangya was already covered in blood at this moment, even though he was covered in blood, his aura was even stronger!

His body is still stalwart, standing proudly in the already dilapidated universe, and the universe where the ghost department is at this moment is almost 90% dilapidated.

The destructive power of the ancient emperor is too terrifying, and the creature that fought against him is also very terrifying.

But that creature is not feeling well at the moment, its body is tattered, and it is hiding behind the bronze mask at this moment!

"This battle should be over!" Ancient Emperor Shangya stood proudly, his eyes flashed!

He was undefeated, even if the ghosts played all their cards, he was undefeated!

Ghost Department, it's over!

"Go and spread the news, it's almost time to pick peaches." Luo Chen didn't even look at Shanhe Geography. "When saving someone, let's talk about a condition. I, Luo Wuji, want that mask!"

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