Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4552: Calm in troubled times

Chapter 4552: Calm in troubled times

Before the person from the high altitude could fall down, the terrifying power of the punch caused smoke and dust to rise all around the ancient star!

The endless fist power is like the sun falling to the ground, with unparalleled power, moving the heaven and earth, and dense as rain, erupting in the apocalypse, destroying everything.

But what they destroyed was still Ancient Emperor Potian!

And entering the ancient star is not without cost. At this moment, they are all affected to varying degrees, or eroded.

The flesh and blood on some eroded faces fell off, revealing white bones, and some internal organs fell out like rotten flesh.

Some people's energy and blood declined, and they soon became like mummies and were smashed down.

This is still the Human Desolation Saint Clan, full of vitality. If it were people from other races, it would be even worse.

However, even so, they still went to attack and kill the ancient emperor Potian without fear of death!

Ancient Emperor Potian's scalp was numb at this moment, because it was not only the people of the Human Desolation Saint Clan who were attacked and killed, but also the weird things on the ancient star were chasing after them!

An old man holding a white silk ribbon came from the distant horizon. He walked very slowly, walking in the desert, as if a mountain in the sky was crushing him.

That aura made Ancient Emperor Potian frown. He knew that this was a formidable enemy. In Ancient Star, he might not be his opponent. There were too many enemies in this place, and they ranged from strong to weak.

This makes Guhuang Potian always timid and unable to exert his full strength.

Now, his fist, which was about to attack the formation again, was blocked by the fierce and death-defying dead servants of the Human Desolation Saint Clan.

One of the kings in particular has a good aura. He is young, energetic, and full of vitality, with surging vitality and blood. He has the aura of a holy king!

He fell from a high altitude and blocked the ancient emperor's attack with unparalleled power!

"Do you know what stupid things you are doing?" Gu Huang Potian frowned.

"This is our clan's grand plan, and no one can stop it!" The king stood proudly on the ground, thrusting straight into the sky like a spear.

"No big plan can destroy this place, don't you understand?"

"Those who come down cannot get out, because there are restrictions, protections, and formations here. Once broken, the world will be turbulent!" Ancient Emperor Potian tried to persuade.

"What kind of turmoil will be destroyed at the top level!" The king of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was also very arrogant!

"But the things here are not as simple as you think. Are you really sure about the top level?" Gu Huang Potian asked.

In Guhuang Potian's view, the top level may not be affected too much, but the top level may not be able to protect everyone.

And the things here, he had a hunch, were by no means as simple as what he saw now, and were even scarier than what he saw!

This may be just the tip of the iceberg. Once the balance and restrictions here are broken, neither heaven nor earth will be able to bear it!

Not to mention the Golden Human Clan, let alone the Human Desolate Saint Clan, even the Human Emperor’s Department is coming, it’s probably going to be quite a struggle!

By then, the entire First Era will be in trouble!

"That's not something you should worry about. I would rather die than stop you!" That king was very obsessed and didn't listen to the advice at all!

"Are all your people stupid?"

"This is not normal, can't you tell?"

"You people from the Human Desolation Saint Clan are using your brains, but the Ancient Emperor can't get out. What does this mean? You don't know what it means?" the Ancient Emperor shouted angrily.

He had always looked at the overall situation, but at this moment he felt that the people from the Human Desolation Saint Clan really should have been killed in the first place.

The biggest mistake Guixu made was not killing all the Human Desolate Saints!

No, this was a mistake made by the Golden Human Race. If the Golden Human Race had not hidden the Human Desolate Saint Clan, how could they have done such a stupid thing today?

"It is useless to say more, I will die eventually, please the ancient emperor to die with me!" The king's words were cold and cold, he suddenly opened his hands, and countless brilliance shone in his hands, like an unparalleled heavenly seal in his hands, covering Press down!

The ancient emperor was furious, because he not only wanted to fight the king in front of him, but also some people from the Human Desolate Saint Clan who had landed alive.

He also had to guard against the old man holding the white silk in his hand. He had a feeling that the old man would be very troublesome!

Now that the old man is getting closer and closer, it feels like the mountains in the sky are suddenly collapsing.

You know, nothing before had given him this sense of oppression, not even the footsteps following him that he couldn't see at first.

Or that hanging corpse!

Guhuang Potian now felt that the hanging ancient corpse might not have been hanged, but strangled to death by the old man holding the white silk in his hand.

Moreover, if you look carefully, you will find that the white silk in the old man's hand is exactly the same as the white silk that appeared out of thin air when Luo Chen and the others met in Huangcun!

As soon as that Bai Ling appeared, many people couldn't help but stick their necks in and hang themselves alive!

Now, this old man is more like Bai Ling's master!

The old man walked under the **** sun, feeling so oppressive every step of the way that even Ancient Emperor Potian felt it.

He struck back at the king, and the two of them exchanged hundreds of thousands of punches in an instant, causing the body to collapse and turn into plasma.

In the sky above the ancient star, this time, Luo Chen seemed to be feeling something.

Luo Chen could feel a familiar aura. Although there was only a trace, which was also isolated by the ancient star, Luo Chen still caught it keenly.

Then Luo Chen thought of Bai Ling in that deserted village!

Luo Chen frowned and looked in the direction of Gu Xing, but his mind was still trying to seize the golden pillar.

On the golden pillar, there is the will and intention of the ancient emperor Jinhong!

But at this moment, Ancient Emperor Jin Hong's will and thoughts were scattered and hazy, and Luo Chen squeezed him away almost effortlessly.

However, as Luo Chen's will deepened, he felt more and more something was wrong.

Deep in the Golden Sky Pillar, there seems to be the memory of the ancient emperor Jin Hong.

Luo Chen could see that on a winding path, many places on the path were frequently used by people, so the white soil had been trampled firmly.

On the bumpy dirt road, there was a woman holding a bouquet of flowers, and the ancient emperor Jin Hong just followed behind her without saying a word.

The strange thing was that Luo Chen couldn't see the woman's true appearance, or it might be because the ancient emperor Jin Hong didn't remember what the woman looked like in his memory.

There is only tranquility here, no, it is peace, peace of mind, as if here and at this moment, the world will not be destroyed, and big things will be settled here.

It is a kind of peace of mind that comes from the heart, a kind of ultimate tranquility!

Luo Chen was even infected, as if he were sitting down to drink tea.

Luo Chen's eyes swept around, and finally, Luo Chen discovered that this feeling of tranquility and calmness in everything did not come from the ancient emperor Jinhong.

And it turned out to be from that woman!

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