Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4565: attract attention


"As long as there is no poison and shackles from the Old Emperor, all of us should live as long as heaven and earth and live forever!" At this moment, an old man wearing golden armor said.

This is the old man on an ancient star of the Golden Human Race speaking.

"The old emperor's machine has been exhausted, what will be the result?"

"Many people are still living forever and are still at ease!"

"Now that the war is coming, the people of the Human Desolation Saint Clan are not good people, and the Imperial Dao Clan is not good people either!"

"We prepare for war and are ready to attack at any time!" the old man said.

"We will live forever with heaven and earth, and our golden race will be immortal for generations to come!"

"Respect the immortal, worship the eternal life!" Someone shouted at this moment.

There are many people gathered here, also on an ancient star of the Golden Human Race.

It was starting to get dark here at this moment, but the entire ancient star was mobilizing before the war, because some people from the Golden Human Race had already moved away from the past.

They also know what is happening, so they are always ready at this time!

"Don't be afraid of death!"

"What are you afraid of death?"

"I have had a brush with death dozens of times. Have I died?" The old man's words were extremely inspiring. He was mobilizing before the war on a high platform like a speech.

He was very excited and his words were very intense. The millions of warriors of the Golden Human race below were all infected by his emotions at this moment.

"So, just because the shackles restrict us, there is no death in this world, and there won't be!" the old man raised his arms and shouted!

He was a victim of the yoke, but he did survive for many years.

But he suddenly felt a little cold. He was standing on the high platform and didn't notice that a flower from the other shore fell down next to his shoulder!

Then, his whole body suddenly stiffened!

He felt as if he was caught by something. His whole body was stiff, and his strength was passing away rapidly, including his vitality.

His body was decaying rapidly, and he couldn't even open his mouth at this moment.

He kept extending his hand, and after the cheers just now, millions of people below finally stopped and cheered, looking at him quietly, waiting for him to speak!

It was very quiet, everyone was looking forward to it, looking at him with excitement and expectation!

While millions of people were watching, he made a grunting sound in his throat. He wanted to make the last sound, but he didn't!

What does death feel like?

At first, I felt very cold all over my body. I felt like a big mountain was pressing on my chest. It was difficult to breathe and my thoughts were intermittent.

Then a feeling of loneliness hit me, and the bright light my eyes saw became smaller and smaller. It wasn't that the surroundings were blurred, but the range of my vision became smaller and smaller.

In the end, only two points could be seen, two very weak and tiny points.

Finally the light disappeared, and even though my eyes were still open, I could see nothing and could hear vaguely.

Because hearing is the last sense to disappear!




The old man of the golden race listened to the anxious shouts of the people below. He was in great fear and fell into eternal darkness.

Everything happened so fast, he didn't even have time to call for help.

Everyone watched him fall stiffly and fell on the high platform. A red flower of the other side grew on his chest, which was very coquettish and beautiful!

The red flowers of the other side appeared one after another, and the stars in the sky lost their light and were shrouded in darkness.

In the distance, there is a corpse or a figure, holding a long knife in his hand and a tombstone on his shoulder, heading towards this crowd of millions!

Death and darkness descend upon this ancient star!

This is the closest ancient star to the Golden Human Race!

The ancient stars of the Human Desolate Saint Clan and the Golden Human Clan have been killed and spread silently, and at this moment, the Golden Human Clan and the Human Desolate Saint Clan don’t even know it yet!

In other words, no one would have thought of this!

On the side of the Imperial Clan, Luo Chen was guarding it with a golden sky pillar, and in the universe next door, someone had already built a golden Great Wall.

Moreover, everyone in the universe next door has been moved out one step ahead of time.

Even if there are still people who have not moved out at this moment, they are left to die.

Respect other people's lives, Luo Chen will not interfere too much with such people!

But it has to be said that Luo Chen has made enough preparations. At least at this moment, the breath of death has not spread.

Because this place is blocked by Luo Chen!

But because of this, Luo Chen felt that he might be receiving special and important care here!

Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang was feeling more and more scared at this moment.

Because he just felt the aura of Ancient Emperor Chengdao and Ancient Emperor Xantian.

But that is definitely not the breath that a living person should have.

Looking at the increasing number of female corpses, Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang was very worried. If Ancient Emperor Chengdao and Ancient Emperor Xantian were also killed and joined the other side's camp, the trouble would be big.

Moreover, there is also the ancient emperor Potian, who is still alive and dead!

From what Luo Chen just said, they got a message, that is, immortality!

He didn't know what Luo Chen's definition of immortality was, but one thing was definitely that these things would be difficult to kill!

No, we can’t say kill, but destroy!

And the army is still fearless in death and continues to fill the ancient star with life and blood, perform blood sacrifices, and feed the ancient star!

Luo Chen's eyes became more and more focused. Under the ancient star, a handful of red hair had grown there, swaying in the wind in the sea of ​​blood!

At the same time, at this moment, a red light filled the air.

"Here we come, stop it!" Luo Chen saw it with his eyes. In his eyes, the jet-black hair was now covering the ancient star.

At this moment, Gu Xing looks like a human head, one eye is about to open, it is particularly penetrating!

The jet-black hair hangs down and floats in the universe.

Sure enough, the terrifying aura erupted the next moment, with a roar and impact, a red light flashed past, and everyone was swept away.

Only when it came to the direction of the Imperial Clan, the red light was blocked by the Golden Sky Pillar!

But even if it's only part of it, the red light still makes people hairy!

Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang felt an unrivaled power, and he almost froze!

"Can you stop this?" Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang opened his arms and was full of momentum at this moment.

"You take Zi Ji with you when necessary. If you are contaminated too much, you will die!" Luo Chen said.

"If the people of the Imperial Clan try their best, if they can't stop it, it will be the disaster of annihilation!" Luo Chen's eyes narrowed and he looked at Gu Xing.

Luo Chen has already attracted attention.

Rotten hooves trample the void, accompanied by dark fire.

And at this moment, the fried old woman, the **** corpse, and the Bai Ling Taoist corpse seemed to be looking towards Luo Chen!

In Zhentian Pass, a hand suddenly stretched out. The hand was white and clean, and it looked like the hands of many people.

That hand touched the bronze mask, and finally picked up the bronze mask on the case.

Then he put the bronze mask on his face! "It's time to ask the ancestor to die!"

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