Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4572: darkness falls

Chapter 4572 Darkness Comes

Huge passes lie across the universe, floating in the void, rising and falling, exhaling endless breath and falling down.

Those auras were like gray waterfalls, falling into the void of the universe from around Zhentian Pass, leaving long traces.

The entire Zhentian Pass has a simple and elegant atmosphere, and carries a pressure that suppresses the universe. At this moment, the Zhentian Pass blocks time and suppresses space!

The tall Zhentian Pass stands behind Luo Chen!

That sentence asking the ancestor to die shocked the Emperor's clan Taichu, Mingye, and even the ancient emperor Yuanhuang!

Even in the distant battlefield, the warriors of the Human Desolate Saint Clan and the Golden Human Race warriors who were fighting, including the great elders of the Human Desolate Saint Clan and the Divine Mother, were all shocked!

People from the Imperial Clan actually took the initiative to ask their ancestor to die?

Is this an internal fight?

Or is there something else that happened?

The great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan smiled. Looking at the huge Tianzhen Pass, he had already made up his mind and must **** it!

And Luo Chen's situation has not improved much at this moment, because although the death energy has receded, Luo Chen is still entangled in the cause and effect and cannot escape!

That is to say, before Zhentian Pass, Luo Chen himself was at the forefront.

His body reacted at this moment, as if it was losing control, shattering, turning into dust, and then floating towards death!


A powerful aura came from behind, and Luo Chen was caught in the middle, in a dilemma!

At this moment, the Great Elder of the Human Desert Saint Clan has not yet realized what they are facing at this moment.

On the nearest ancient star, over to the village where I prayed before.

At this moment, a black crow flew into the village. The village was very quiet and quiet, and the bright white moonlight shone in the village.

The whole village was very clean and quiet. The black crow sat on the rafters. Looking around, the scene of the village was reflected in the crow's eyes.

They were corpses hanging in the air, swaying in the wind, and occasionally swaying!

These people were hanged, their tongues sticking out, their faces ferocious, very scary!

"Quack, quack, quack!" The black crow flew forward and flew to another village, as if it was going to report a message.

"Quack, quack, quack!" The crow's cry echoed in the vast mountains!

There was no one alive in this village before.

In fact, another village is panicking right now!

"Ah!" The huge force overturned a mountain. It can be seen that the force was very powerful. The next moment the mountains shook, and the mountains thousands of meters high collapsed one after another, and even flew into space!

There is extreme power here, like a red sun rising instantly, and then bursting out with terrifying energy!

The terrifying energy of the red sun ignited the entire sky in an instant, and the sky was burned instantly.

It stands to reason that such a terrifying scene and such a terrifying scale of battle must have been a real fight between the two sides!

However, in reality, only the people seemed to be going crazy and attacking something.

But what is he attacking?

He doesn't know either!

His wife and child had just died in front of him, hung up by white silk ribbons.

Now his brother is also being hung up by Bai Ling!

With tears on his face, this man was attacking like crazy, roaring and crying!

"No, no!"

"No, no!" he cried, heartbreakingly!

In fact, at this moment, not only him, but many people here are also shouting!

"No, no, please, stop!"

"No, he is still young, only one million years old!"

"This is still a child, only five thousand years old!"

"Father, Father!" Desperate voices rang out, constantly mixing here.

There were constant cries and calls to kill.

However, Bai Ling is ruthless!

There is no absolute fairness in this world!

If there is, its name must be death!

It is emotionless and has no subjective consciousness.

No matter you are a boy or a girl, whether you are a newborn baby, a lovely child, or a kind old man.

No matter you are a beggar, a person who is not treated gently by this world, or a person who lives like a wild dog.

Or, you are a successful person with endless wealth, even if you are the emperor of the ages and have unparalleled achievements!

In front of it, everyone will be treated equally!

When it comes to harvest life, it will not look down upon anyone, nor will it look down upon anyone!

Heartless, cold, and emotionless!

The entire village, no matter who they are, will be taken away!

A gust of wind blew, and the whole village became quiet, and the bodies kept swaying!

And in the distant city wall, defenses have already been set up, and many warriors from this planet of the Human Desolation Saint Clan have gathered there!

A hundred thousand soldiers were waiting in full formation, and every soldier seemed to be attentive.

They knew what was happening in the village ahead, they had no idea what they were about to face.

But they had a premonition that something was coming!

"what exactly is it?"

"Back to back, what the **** is this?"

"Don't be afraid, no matter what, just kill it!"

"We, the Human Desolate Saint Clan, are undefeated!"

"Yes, don't be afraid!"

"Beat the war drums and sound the horns!"

"Get ready to fight!"

"Dong dong dong!"


The war drums were beaten, and the trumpets sounded so loudly that the whole planet could hear them!

One hundred thousand warriors bloomed with immeasurable holy brilliance and soared into the sky. The brilliance was like a powerful soaring wall. That power made the world tremble and made all souls tremble!

That is the unparalleled power of the warriors of the Human Desolation Saint Clan, sweeping across the eight desolations and making a difference from ancient times to the present!

However, a gust of wind came.

One hundred thousand soldiers of the Desolate Saint Clan were at the front, and behind were five million creatures and people of the Desolate Saint Clan.

Many people are just holding hands at this moment, very worried, nervous, and a little scared!

Suddenly, someone among the crowd saw a flower.

That's a little girl!

"Mom, what is that?"

"What a nice view!"

A red flower of the other side appeared just like that on a desolate stone slab among the crowd.

It's like the stone slab has been penetrated and grown out.

The red Bana flowers bloomed quietly, very beautiful and extremely poignant!

Just like the next moment, the little girl suddenly fell down, just like the woman suddenly fell down!

Strands of white silk suddenly dropped from the sky.

The power of darkness is terrifying and is often underestimated, just like the dark turmoil experienced in the Fifth Age.

Suppressed by the Emperor!

There is a saying that those who are good at fighting have no great achievements!

The Emperor's suppression of darkness does not seem so remarkable!

Especially the weakened version of the dark power of the deserted village!

However, it was not until I personally experienced the power of darkness that I realized that this power is so invincible and so terrifying...


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