Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4596: Cross-era game

In the vast universe, some places are extremely dark, or even without any light!

This is the thirtieth universe away from the ancient star, and it is still a universe belonging to the Imperial Clan.

This place is far away from the war, thirty universes away. Normally, that means forever!

Because thirty universes are too big and too far apart.

Even if one universe is 50 billion light-years away, these thirty universes are still 1.5 trillion light-years apart.

This is already an astronomical figure! However, at this place at this moment, a huge "Zhu" character suddenly condensed in the universe. This "Zhu" character emitted bright red light and illuminated the nearby stars. It was brighter than the explosion of a super giant star. It was extremely huge and random.

A word "Zhu" covers a distance of a hundred light years!

And this word "Zhu" exudes unparalleled terror and murderous intent.

Ordinary creatures do not need to have the word "Zhu", as long as a thunder and lightning is enough to kill them.

At this moment, the words "Zhu" appeared and instantly traveled through time and space.

At this moment, the power of heaven from at least three hundred universes nearby is gathering!

And this is the determination of the power of heaven to obliterate Luo Chen.

Because Luo Chen has repeatedly used various taboo and forbidden powers, he is already an alien among aliens.

In the universe where Death is located, near the ancient star, the space has been distorted, and the light has also been distorted.

This was caused by the soldiers falling from the Yutian Bow, which bent the space and avoided the nearby explosions of fighting. The Haocang Xuanjing had even explored the location of the nine volcanoes on the ancient star.

But on the other side, Luo Chen stood proudly between heaven and earth, facing the endless catastrophe.

"There is something wrong with this Heavenly Tribulation." The great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan frowned.

It’s too much, too rich, and too outrageous!

If this continues, even the ancient emperor will not be able to withstand such power of divine punishment.

Especially when the masters appeared in the void one by one, the scene was really scary.

All over the universe, everything is surging up and down like water waves.

At the same time as it surged, bright red Zhu characters floated in the darkness of the universe, emitting a heart-stopping aura.

The aura is so terrifying that it will destroy all living things, destroy all things in the world, and destroy the world!

And such words of execution are densely packed throughout the void and the universe around Luo Chen!

Even at this moment, a face appeared in the huge calamity cloud. It was cold, heartless, and indifferent. That face coldly looked down on Luo Chen, as if he would not stop until Luo Chen was killed!

"How could it be?" Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang also frowned at this moment.

"What kind of rule did the ancestor break?" Ming Ye didn't understand either.

Others' catastrophes will be over once they survive, but Luo Chen's catastrophes may cause a greater reaction and provoke more catastrophes.

If this is allowed to develop, the entire power of the First Era will probably gather to kill Luo Chen!

And Luo Chen naturally felt the deep malice that this power of heaven had towards him!

This obviously also has some problems!

Maybe it has something to do with his Emperor Wa’s dusty body?

Or was he exposed?

But it shouldn't be, this power of heaven seems to have to kill him.

It seems that he is the scourge of the first era and the source of ruin!

And the moment the word "Zhu" appeared, the power and aura of Heavenly Tribulation were indeed different, and there was a qualitative change in power!

And Luo Chen was like a small grass in the storm.

Compared with the entire vast world, the grass is tiny.

The grass can even be destroyed to death at any time!

But precisely, this is the most terrifying thing.

A small creature like Luo Chen did not die.

This is the strangest and most surprising place.

"Heaven and earth will continue to punish him. It seems that he really shouldn't exist!" At this moment, King Youwang of Seven Kings spoke.

That powerful catastrophe is frightening, and it's still brewing!

Even the ancient emperor felt a great sense of oppression and uneasiness.

It seemed as if Luo Chen's life was going to be taken away at any time!

In fact, at this moment, Luo Chen's soul should have been wiped out long ago.

But it wasn't just Luo Chen who was competing at this moment.

In the Palace of Heavenly Kings of the Fifth Era, Luo Chen's physical body was suppressed, and there were lights all around his physical body.

The light never goes out and is guarded by rays of power!

The person he was guarding seemed to have transcended time and space, and was guarding him in another time and space.

His euphorbia is now embedded in the entire universe of the fifth era fairy world!

He can't come in his real body, but Noriko can provide his body as a carrier at any time!

Guarding the lights on Luo Chen's side ensures that the soul lights on Luo Chen's side will not go out!

On the other side, on Mount Tai, it was like the underworld, where a soul lamp was lit.

Someone covered half of it with his hand so that the soul lamp could not be extinguished by the endless cause and effect and other powers.

It can be seen that the hand is protecting half of the soul lamp, and the back of the hand seems to be preparing to resist something.

His eyes were serious at this moment, and his stubble made him look even more rough.

There was a mask beside him, half broken.

If you look carefully, the mask is very similar to the mask worn by Zhenguan in the First Era, and may even be the same one.

But now it is not only half-shattered and incomplete, but endless time has passed, and it is no longer identifiable and certain.

However, things had reached a very critical point at this moment, and there was no room for mistakes, so he looked at everything in front of him very seriously.

He is also guarding a soul lamp to make it immortal!

This game has far exceeded certain things themselves.

Although Luo Chen is confused at this moment, he has already come to this step and he will never take any step back.

At this moment, Luo Chen still had a strong aura of invincibility in his eyes.

At the same time, at this moment, Luo Chen was ready!

The way of heaven?

Not as good as his Luo Wuji way!

The endless Zhu Zi has even affected the breath of death, making it impossible for the breath of death to get completely close. This has already begun to influence each other!

Of course, the breath of death is still increasing, and it may hit sooner or later.

But at this moment, with Luo Chen as the center, half of the power of heaven and half of the power of death are forming or reaching a certain balance as the power of heaven increases!

Vaguely, yin and yang are balancing, and Luo Chen is like the eye that balances yin and yang.

But at this moment, the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan realized it. "Kill him, he is creating a balance and affecting our ability to seize the Tianzhen Pass!" As the Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan spoke, he tore off the large robe covering himself!

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