Wang is just a general term!

For example, you can be called the king on the first, second, and third floors of Guandao!

However, the gold content here is completely different!

Just like Long Yi, he is still at the level of a king under normal circumstances, but he is definitely not something that ordinary kings can fight.

And some kings not only have problems with their realm, but also with their combat power. For example, some of the previous kings of the Five Elements Division had high and low combat power, some were very strong, and some were so weak that they were even difficult to describe. king!

And today's seven kings, regardless of their realm, just in terms of combat power, they are definitely the most valuable kings among the kings.

They may also only have the first level of Guandao, but their upper limit of combat power is really high.

Just like King Xuan said, he is not King Xuan of the Ana tribe. His combat power is very high, otherwise he would not be called one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

However, what is embarrassing is that, like King Xuan of the Ana clan, he suffered a loss before he even took action!

Luo Chen's inexplicable attack made him suffer a heavenly punishment!

Although this heavenly punishment did not completely hurt him, it still made his blood surge.

The power of heavenly punishment is really not weak, even a king must treat it with caution.

After all, the power of Heavenly Punishment at this moment is already the combined force of more than 180 universes, and it is still increasing!

But with just one move, Luo Chen unleashed a world-dominating aura.

In front of the seven kings, Luo Chen, a person fighting for the eighth level, is nothing at all.

However, at this moment, Luo Chen used a move that not only made everyone confused and surprised, but also shocked the seven kings!

"Ancestor!" Ming Ye said with a complicated expression.

They followed this ancestor not long ago and only had contact with him during this period, but the impression he left on them was really deep.

Ming Ye felt that there had never been anyone like Ancestor in this world, and he was almost at the ceiling level in all aspects.

Even if he is the king, even if Luo Chen, the ancestor, has only fought to cross the eighth level, Ming Ye is still proud to have such an ancestor!

Yes, proud.

As the Imperial Clan, this is something to be proud of. Ming Ye has never seen the top of the Imperial Clan, but Ming Ye feels that maybe the honor brought to them by the top is almost the same as that of their ancestors!

At this moment, countless pairs of eyes looked at Luo Chen again.

Everyone was stunned by Luo Chen's move!

"You are really looking for death!" As soon as Qing Wang finished speaking, he was in front of Luo Chen.

His speed is very fast, he is good at hand-to-hand combat, and his whole body has countless strength. It penetrates the world and has an unrivaled momentum in ancient times.

He had already punched out a powerful and heavy punch, and at the same time, his powerful body made his whole body feel like divine gold.


Endless brute force, unparalleled physical body, like an ancient beast between heaven and earth, full of wild power!

However, his attack was blocked by Luo Chen, and they faced each other head-on, without dodging or dodging, head-on!


The surroundings collapsed, and the distance within a light-year collapsed.

Then it returned to normal!

But in just an instant, the two people were fighting against each other!

Boom, boom, boom!

Fist to fist, palm to palm!

The same overbearing style of play, the same unwillingness to give in even a single step, the same hard-hitting!

The surging force shot out, and at this moment, the entire universe seemed to be shaking.

At this moment, King Qing's strength was unparalleled, and he suppressed Luo Chen with absolute power. He wanted to suppress Luo Chen. However, people are very surprised. The two have fought and fought thousands of times. The energy they fired even traveled through time and space and reached a huge galaxy three thousand light years away. The leaked energy was slightly swept away. , it exploded directly

, the entire huge galaxy collapsed instantly.

This is just a burst of energy, which shows how powerful the real collision force is.

At this moment, it doesn't feel like two people are at war, it feels like two universes are colliding, like two pieces of unparalleled divine gold are colliding!

However, it is understandable that King Qing has such fighting power and such a physical body.

But is the physical body of the ancestor of the Imperial Clan so terrifying?

Is it so powerful?

Such a powerful body is like divine gold?

This feels incredible.

Even Qing Wang found it a bit incredible, because Luo Chen and he were completely competing, not only in every move, but also in combat skills, reactions, etc.

Even the physical body can completely keep up and support it.

This feels strange, even scary.

Thousands of impacts caused the surrounding area to be in tatters. When it came up, it exerted its ultimate power and annihilated everything around it.

Even sound, light and everything disappeared.

After a long time, in the huge dark opening, amid the chaos, two figures finally appeared there again!

A man stands proudly on top of a large mountain, with his hands behind his back. Below the mountain is the turbulent sea, with the ocean undulating and the angry waves rising into the sky!

And there was a person standing on top of the raging waves.

His body glowed, but it was a little dim, and you could see drops of blood dripping down his right hand.

His jaws and fists were broken in places and injured.

Looking carefully, that person turned out to be King Qing!

And it seems that the vast ocean and the mountains are all Luo Chen's tricks.

At this moment, everyone was puzzled as to how Luo Chen could still use these methods similar to Taoism in such a suppressed situation.

Moreover, in a close-to-hand fight, Luo Chen seemed to have the upper hand!

"The ancestor of the Imperial Dao clan is also called the Dao Ancestor!"

"As expected of the Tao Ancestor, in this case, you can still use the Tao Principles!" King Qing said at this moment.


You can also use Taoism!

At this moment, everyone suddenly woke up.

Yes, how could they forget.

This is the ancestor of the Imperial Dao clan. Maybe he is a person who participated in the construction of Dao, but isn't he the ancestor of Dao?

Even the people of the Imperial Clan realized at this moment how they had forgotten this.

If this ancestor is the Taoist ancestor, then all this will be explained!

Therefore, it was not Luo Chen who rebelled; it was not Luo Chen who rebelled!

But Tiandao rebelled!

The way of heaven went against the will of the Taoist ancestors.

Dao Ancestor himself is correct!

Now everything made sense instantly.

Luo Chen stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the top of the mountain. His body was Wa Huang Chen. Although he seemed uninjured, Wa Huang Chen was indeed suppressed by the law of heaven.

If we continue to suppress it like this, if we continue to fight hard, I am afraid it will eventually disintegrate.

Because Wahuang dust is arranged in accordance with the order and rules of Tao, every particle has Tao in it.

At this moment, the law of heaven is suppressing him, or in other words, Wahuang Chenchen will indeed be suppressed by the law of heaven.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen actually missed his own body. If it were his own body, King Qing would have had such a reckless fight with him just now. Then Qing Wang is definitely not as simple as an injured hand!

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