Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4603: Seed Demon Palace

Luo Chen, who was in the garbage shed, looked at the dark night sky. Snowflakes were falling in the dark night sky.

And in the night sky, a pair of cold eyes looked at Luo Chen in the garbage shed.

That was Luo Chen at the Immortal Lord level, that was cold and ruthless Luo Chen who just wanted to go further.


"You are already an immortal, resurrect him!"

"Why can't you do it?"

"He's dead, he's dead, he's dead!"

Such sounds kept ringing, and the power in Luo Chen's body was collapsing. The supreme power of the Supreme Emperor's Sutra, at this moment, could not resurrect anyone?

At this moment, Luo Chen suddenly stood up, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He failed again!

He cannot rewrite the past, even if the power of the Taihuang Sutra is powerful enough.

However, he still cannot rewrite the past!

There is no way to resurrect Father Luo!

He has become an immortal. If he wants the world to snow, it will snow. If he wants to stop, it will stop.

However, he was unable to resurrect Luo's father.

He tried, but always failed.

Because many years had passed and he could not find Father Luo's soul.

As for the bones, they have long since rotted, and the white bones have also rotted away.

Everything has turned to dust.

Luo's father's death has become a shackle and shackles for Luo Chen. Luo Chen tries to break through his current state every time.

They will face the despair and the scene of Luo's father's death again and again.

And he couldn't change anything.

Maybe he can forget this memory, that is the simplest and easiest way!

However, he is Luo Wuji, and he has his own pride.

He would not forget his father or erase the unbearable memories just because he was about to fail.

That is escape, that is fear of failure, and that is even more cowardly behavior.

He will keep facing it, even if he can't pass this test or this inner demon!

Even if he can't break through in this life, he will definitely not escape everything about Luo's father.

Because he was the only person in this world who was treated gently when his heart was soft.

That's his father!

Even if his father is just an ordinary person, just a mortal.

So what, that's his father, he will never forget his roots.

These are two obsessions!

On the one hand, he is brooding over his father's death and cannot resurrect Luo's father. On the other hand, Luo Chen will not erase the memory of his father.

Therefore, Luo Chen has been stuck at this step and can never make any progress.

This was his inner demon from his previous life.

Inner demons do not come from outside, but from within.

His heart and life were unable to understand, let go and be open-minded because of Luo's father's incident!

This also caused Luo Chen's Emperor's Sutra to be stuck in one position, unable to move forward either.

But Luo Chen only wanted to break through violently, and he did not want to give up his obsession with his father.

Even though his father is gone, he still doesn't want to give up that obsession.

He, Luo Wuji, just wants to live with his obsession with his father, and then climb higher step by step!

Even if heaven and earth don't allow it, the great road doesn't allow it, even if he still can't break through that step!

Because, without Luo Yangxu, there would be no Luo Chen or Luo Wuji!

This is the biggest cause and effect in his life!

That is his true root!

This obsession is like a big mountain. Luo Chen can break through if he throws away this obsession.

But Luo Chen would rather bear the burden and move forward, shoulder this obsession, and face the difficulties!

Stuck in that realm, Luo Chen seemed like he would never be able to move forward.

Because those who have passed away cannot come back again!

"Xiao Chen, you seem to have always had a regret in your heart, I can feel it."

"My father left. That was when I was at my weakest, and also when I was at my weakest. He left." Luo Chen's voice was cold.

"Do you want to resurrect him?" Mengnan's voice sounded. She could easily see through a person's heart and obsession.

"My world is for him, but now, I want the wind to win, I want to win the rain, I can shock the world with my words, and all things follow my thoughts, but I can't share even a trace with him!" Luo Chen's words were filled with emotion. Regret.

"If he were resurrected, you might not be so unkind."

"If I have a chance, I will definitely help you resurrect him!" Mengnan smiled.

At this moment, Luo Chen looked at the corpses around him and the world around him was shattered.

Does he care?

No, he didn't care anymore.

Everything he experienced in his previous life was more desperate than this.

Nothing could be more despairing than what I experienced in that garbage dump.

The destruction of heaven and earth is just that big of a deal.

Because in the last life, the moment Luo's father died, for Luo Chen, that was the real destruction of the world.

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Chen looked at the destruction of the world around him. Not only was he unmoved, he actually wanted to study it!

In his eyes, this inner demon is child's play, at least emotionally.

The only thing that caused Luo Chen some trouble was that Luo Chen was temporarily trapped here.

A broken world, a broken universe, it's all very real.

And further away, there is a huge temple.

The Demon Temple is floating coldly in the universe, without any luster, dark and dim.

Luo Chen floated towards the Demon Temple.

There are many things engraved on it, and there are also seeds embedded in the Demon Temple.

Most of those seeds have powerful abilities and energy.

It's like a person has condensed his whole life into it, ready to be resurrected when he comes!

"Choose me and I will reach heaven and earth!"

"Swallow me, I will have an indestructible golden body!"

"I, I can change all objects and have the power of ever-changing things!"

"There is also me, I am a heavenly emperor, I can help you get to where I used to be!" A dark seed emitted fluctuations of spiritual thoughts.

"I am an ancient god-king. I have surpassed human power and am extremely powerful!"

"Why don't you choose me? I can count all the world and can build a virtual world for you. In this world, everything you want will be realized."

"Choose me, and we will live happily in the virtual world together. Whether you want to be rich and powerful, rule the world, or have all the beauties, I can do it as long as you have a thought!"

"I call it the Paradise of Elysium!" A red seed sent out a wave of spiritual thoughts!

"They don't understand you, but I understand you. Swallow me and you will immediately understand the true meaning of all things and all the ways in heaven and earth!"

"How did the universe come about, how did all things come about, how did life come about, and how will the world develop in the future? You will become omniscient!"

"Don't you like research, like exploring the whole world? Swallow me, and all the answers will be revealed!" At this moment, a blue seed bloomed with faint blue light. "Choose me, choose me..." This place is densely packed with top seeds!

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