Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4619: invisible killing

This ecstasy was Luo Chen's second heartbeat after seeing the eternal pure land!

This is inappropriate and goes against common sense.

However, the strong never complain about the environment!

When other people face this situation, they may worry about how to survive and how to survive this disaster.

However, what Luo Chen saw was different.

Everything has two sides. When you see the negative side, this thing is a bad thing, it is negative, it is negative.

But if you can see the positive side and the optimistic side, then this thing will be a surprise!

Different perspectives and ways of thinking also determine that the same thing will be handled differently by different people.

And for Luo Chen, what is the surprise?

The surprise is that this is a place where he can upgrade all kinds of weather and weather!

If there are many kings here, then Luo Chen can carve more.

If he can completely carve the king inside, then this huge city will belong to him.

This is the surprise!

However, at this moment, it was obvious that Luo Chen had neither the energy nor the opportunity to do so.

After all, no matter how crazy Luo Chen is, he can't withstand such a terrifying city and remain unscathed among the six kings.

This is not because Luo Chen lacks self-confidence, but because these six kings have extremely high gold content and are by no means ordinary people.

There are always some strange people in the world, and there are always some amazing people.

And these six kings are such people, no, even the previous King Xuan!

King Xuan was just careless and died in the hands of the Qilin Knight. It does not mean that King Xuan is weak.

At this moment, Luo Chen was imprisoned. Seeing that the calamity was suppressed, the Bagua runes lit up under Luo Chen's feet.

This is Yi, it is an ancient inheritance from the Xi people's era.

Change the direction, change the world, change everything.

The Yin Yao represents the material world, and the Yang Yao represents the energy world.

A long time ago, the Xi people's definition of the world was yin and yang.

Yin represents the earth, and yang represents the sky!

Therefore, the Xi people have long understood the transformation between yin and yang.

Matter will turn into energy, and the accumulation of energy will turn into matter!

Luo Chen once spied on a legend recorded on the cliff of the Xi tribe.

That is the essence of all living things!

Life is fluid, and it is also the mutual transformation between matter and energy.

This ancient legend should have been spread to Guixu, so there was a saying in ancient China in Guixu.

When Qi gathers, life occurs; when Qi disperses, death occurs!

This Qi is not air or oxygen, but more spiritual energy and energy!

The accumulation of Qi is the process of formation, and the process of human beings in the womb is a process of Qi accumulation!

And human death also begins with the loss of energy.

But back in the First Era, this concept wasn't widespread.

What Luo Chen saw at that time was only part of it, and there were many secrets, which Luo Chen did not pry into.

But Luo Chen has already mastered a lot of things with just one part, and he has applied what he has learned and brought forth new ideas!

For example, now, Luo Chen is suppressed, and the six kings are eyeing him, especially Emperor Cheng, who has prepared a killing blow.

And an endless life chart provoked Luo Chen.

And the gossip at Luo Chen's feet began to spin.

Gossip is more like the language that makes up this world, just like the binary language of a computer, or a programming language.

At this moment, Luo Chen is using Bagua to change the world.

Just like the world inside a computer, programming languages ​​need to be used to change it.

Luo Chen uses the language of Yi and uses the most basic transformation between energy and matter to change the current space and time!

So the next moment, time and space began to go backwards, as if something went wrong.

Luo Chen was suppressed just now and imprisoned by the huge city.

But the next moment, Luo Chen regained his freedom, and the power that imprisoned Luo Chen disappeared.

At the same time, the Bagua at Luo Chen's feet began to rotate again, combining in different ways.

At this moment, the entire universe seemed to be in collapse.

It was already very chaotic here, but now it seems to be even more chaotic. Big stars sometimes appear and sometimes disappear.

"How did he regain his freedom?"

But the next moment I looked at it, the corner of the huge city in the catastrophe slowly emerged.

"Time has gone back?" Zi Ji was shocked.

"No, it's not, it's a partial reversal of time."

"The time of the catastrophe has been turned back!"

That corner emerged, and the next scene was even more shocking.

Because the power of the Heavenly Tribulation has returned again, returning to the state just now!

"What is this?" Someone was shocked.

This is trapping the passage of time of Heavenly Tribulation and causing Heavenly Tribulation to fall into a cycle!

At this moment, a stick of incense appeared at Luo Chen's feet.

This is the limit!

Luo Chen can use Yi to trap the Heavenly Tribulation, and the time of one stick of incense is the limit.

And this is extremely outrageous.

Because Luo Chen himself began to make mistakes, his whole body began to be affected by an invisible force.

If it weren't for the fact that this body was Wa Huangchen, Luo Chen's body would have collapsed.

After all, Wahuang's dust is the dust left over from the legendary creator level.

So it can block this powerful force.

But there is no doubt that this is very dangerous.

Before the breath of death invaded Luo Chen, Luo Chen's fifth-era soul lamp began to swing wildly, as if it was going to go out at any moment.

Obviously, using Yi will only cause a larger First Era Dao pursuit and attack on Luo Chen!

Luo Chen took the initiative to release a signal, angering the power of heaven and earth throughout the First Era.

If all the forces of heaven and earth in the first era took action, Luo Chen might really be unable to fly.

However, even so, Luo Chen still did this because he was too interested in the huge city of kings.

And he still won't change his mind at this moment, and he will still change his mind this day.

As the Bagua turned under Luo Chen's feet, Emperor Cheng's eyebrows suddenly felt something.

He felt a huge crisis!

Yes, just like killing King Xuan!

King Xuan seemed to have been killed by the Qilin Knight.

But that's just a coincidence!

The real cause of Xuan Wang's death was Luo Chen.

But they did ignore it, thinking that it was Luo Chen who took the initiative. They ignored it, why did the Qilin Knight happen to appear in front of his sword?

This is because there is another force at work.

This power is Yi!

Hidden between heaven and earth.

It's like being killed by a meteorite while going out.

This is a matter of probability, but the probability is too low.

So why does it still happen?

Because it’s easy!

This is the principle that Yi works behind, making the two attracted to each other.

What people usually call luck is actually this.

At this moment, Luo Chen didn't seem to actually take action, but he had already used Yi. This is an invisible killing move, but it has already begun!

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