Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4638: Extremely powerful

The breath is really going to penetrate all the heavens.

The Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was so powerful that he almost shocked the entire audience once he made a move.

He has been dormant and has knelt down many times and damaged himself. Logically speaking, such a person should not be too strong.

Because such people have lost their pride and arrogance.

No strong man grows up in compromise and kneeling.

But the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan is just the opposite. His current combat power can fly an old woman in a frying pan with one punch, and even knock over the frying pan with a kick. His combat power is truly the ceiling of today's battlefield.

At this moment, his long hair was flying, flames were rising in his eyes, and the holy light around him was endless, giving him the feeling of overwhelming the world.

The holy light surged like a tide from the place where he stood, clearing everything around him.

The overbearing aura swept across the sky, shaking the sky and making the entire universe tremble.

"It's the Great Elder!"

"The great elder takes action!"

"Is this the combat power of the Great Elder of our Human Desolate Saint Clan?"

"Look down on the world, invincible!" At this moment, the armies of the Human Desolate Saint Clan, even the affiliated armies, were excited.

Each one of them was also ignited with boiling blood in their bodies.

"I'll be responsible for clearing out the tough ones."

"You guys, go deep into the ancient star and move out the Nine Fires Li Yun!" As soon as the Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan finished speaking, he took action again.

The void tore apart, instantly forming a void.

There’s no bells and whistles here, it’s all about power.

The extremely powerful force went directly across and shattered the void!

The void burst, and a ray of holy light suddenly appeared on the side of the old man carrying the basket!


The next moment, the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was so brave that no one could see him, and the attack had already reached the old man carrying the basket.



His fighting power was so terrifying that one punch actually penetrated the old man with a basket on his back!

No blood flowed out from the old man carrying the basket. After all, he was a corpse. His eyes were holes, but he also launched a counterattack!

The terrifying aura of death and the strange power spread directly along the arm of the great elder of the Human Desolation Saint Clan. Most people would die if they touched this power, even the ancient emperor would be afraid of it!



A loud shout is like the sound of heaven exploding, like the true order of the great avenue!

With just one word spoken, the breath of death and the strange breath of the old man carrying the basket were blown away!

At the same time, he punched again, hitting the old man carrying the basket on the head again!



The head of the old man carrying the basket exploded!

The power of this blow is so terrifying!

At this moment, the ancient emperor Jin Hong, who had lost his mind, suddenly turned around!

It's too scary. The fighting power of the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan is actually so terrifying.

This is definitely impressive and even surprising.

The expression of the Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang also changed. The moment he looked at the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan, he could not help but feel a terrible wave in his heart!

"The legend is true. The Human Desolate Saint Clan is the number one person among the top of the Human Desolate Saint Clan!"

"This combat power may have surpassed that of the Ancient Emperor!" Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang said.

There has been a rumor from the outside world that apart from the top creatures of the Human Desolation Saint Clan, the only one left is the Great Elder of the Human Desolation Saint Clan. He is the real number one person in the Human Desolation Saint Clan, surpassing any genius and surpassing Any older generation!

Blasting the head of the old man carrying a basket with one punch was something no other ancient emperor could do before!

"Those who block my will will die or disappear!"

"Even if you are immortal, I still want you to disappear!" The great elder of the Human Desert Saint Clan is too brave and domineering.

The words fell to the ground and he was punched again!


His holy brilliance wiped out everything, and the old man's body began to disintegrate under the strong pressure, like pieces of paper, shattering one after another!

And there are countless splintered vicious dogs ahead!

At this moment, they were shattered by his breath and exploded one after another.

He has been holding back for many years and has been holding back, not wanting to attract anyone's attention. After all, he is the only hope of the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

Over the years, especially after the Guixu War when the Human Desolate Saint Clan was almost wiped out, it was he who turned the tide of the Human Desolate Saint Clan from almost being wiped out to now having a glimmer of hope.

He will not let go of this chance of life, and he will not give up!

He has knelt down and kowtowed his head, and has devoted his whole life to the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

For the sake of the Human Desolate Saint Clan, he would do anything, even die!

Now, they are about to usher in glory, as long as they resurrect the top creature of the Human Desolate Saint Clan who died in the battle.

When the time comes, there will be two tops from one clan!

Even if the Human Desolate Saint Clan cannot compare to the Celestial Human Dao Palace, it will definitely surpass the Imperial Dao Clan and the Eternal Human Court!

The Jedi will be restored to their former glory, back to their peak, and even better!

He would never allow any mistakes to occur at this critical moment.

Such a great undertaking and such an ambition must be achieved!

At this moment, he finally no longer hides. Once he takes action, he has the power to shatter the world. Once he takes action, he has the power to conquer the world!

The army of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was boiling again at this moment.

It has the power to inspire military morale.

It would be absolutely terrifying to blow up the old man carrying a basket with one punch.

Then the great elder of the Descendant Saint Clan looked at the countless women in white and those vicious dogs in front of them!

He took a deep breath, filled with anger, and clenched his fists!

"Anyone who stands in my way will be destroyed!"


He was really sweeping across the battlefield, punching out again, as if he was cleaning up the battlefield and dealing with the vicious dogs and the woman in white like a mixed soldier.

With this punch, the void collapsed again. Even the woman in white and the vicious dog who were extremely helpless before seemed unable to withstand his power at this moment!


Regardless of whether the void was shattered or not, his extreme power directly caused the woman in white and the vicious dog in front of him to shatter.

At this moment, no one could have imagined that the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan could be so terrifying, with such terrifying fighting power.

Even the Renhuang Saint Clan themselves were shocked.

It's too violent, too domineering, and its fighting power is simply indescribable!

In the world, at this moment, it seemed that only that tall, majestic and mighty figure was left.

His eyes are bright, like a magic lamp lighting up the entire universe. He is like the largest star in the world, shining endlessly!

The entire ancient star seemed insignificant at this moment in front of him!

Moreover, the old man carrying the basket and the corpse of the woman in white have not been resurrected by the vicious dog!

Because his Holy Glory is actually suppressing this place!

He actually suppressed the old man carrying the basket, the corpse of the woman in white, and the vicious dog!

He was suppressed forcefully and was wiped out by his brilliance over and over again!

The spirit is overwhelming!

However, a black dot appeared in the distance! Rotting hooves trample on the flames, coming with a broadsword in hand!

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