Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 997: Old friend

"Okay, Luo Wuji, you are good!" Hong Ye looked at Luo Chen bitterly.

If he continues to entangle with the role of Hong Biao in his capacity, then today is really a joke.

So I can only look at Luo Chen bitterly, and then throw out these words.

After that, Hong Ye turned around and left.

He really didn't expect that the young man in his hand was suppressed with such iron and blood, so many people would come to pick up Luo Chen and stand on Luo Chen's side.

It seems to be making the young man in his hand cruel again!

Originally, he wanted to watch Luo Chen's jokes, but he didn't expect that in the end he became Luo Chen's jokes!

Only when he walked to the door, Hong Biao's voice rang again behind him.

"That royal family, let me remind you!"

"So far, those who have offended Lord Luo have no good end, you guys get ready for the coffin!"

These words shocked Hong Ye's body.

The whole person almost got angry!

How can anyone dare to humiliate their royal family like this?

Even Wu Wentian and others dare not!

But now that a little gangster relies on Luo Chen, dare to talk to them like this?

"Luo Wuji, today's affairs will not end!" Hong Ye calmed down his anger, then turned around and led people away.

"Hmph, I thought he was so capable, he was not afraid." Hong Biao's cold snort came from behind.

Luo Chen looked at Hong Biao with interest.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"As long as you are here, I am not afraid!" Hong Biao smiled, and then stepped back.

As the bearer of NSW, these words are not really out of his mind.

It's just that with Luo Chen's status, how could he care about Hong Ye like this, and even the big guys around him could not speak like this.

So he stood up and said.

After all, it is ugly, this is called letting a dog bite.

But let him be Luo Chen's dog, he Hong Biao is willing!

"Brother Luo." Su Lingchu smiled at this time and walked up to say hello.

Tens of thousands of people were already standing in the square outside the door.

"Mr. Luo, I have already booked a banquet at the Caesars Hotel in Longdu. Please Mr. Luo to move. We will pick you up!" He Yiming stood up and said.

The crowd voluntarily stepped aside, and Luo Chen walked out first.

The staff at the airport were already stunned.

Especially an old man, he has been working at the airport for almost 30 years, and he should have retired long ago.

It stands to reason that he has seen all kinds of airport pick-up scenes, but this is the first time that he has seen such a grand airport pick-up!

Surrounded by thousands of people, and these people are still big shots!

The reporters waiting around were also shocked.

Originally, they thought that Luo Chen was afraid that no one would come to pick up the plane after returning home.

But looking at such a huge scene, these reporters suddenly understood.

Luo Wuji is still that Luo Wuji!

And this domineering man is back, and the country is afraid that it will change again!

And in that special villa in Longdu, the young man was still fishing, but when he heard the news, he didn't seem surprised at all.

The old man beside him looked at the young man suspiciously.

Seeing the old man puzzled, the young man chuckled.

"After all, he is Luo Wuji, how could he collapse easily?"

"But these are just a mob!"

"Write down their list and liquidate it afterwards!"

"Moreover, the higher the reputation of Luo Wuji at this moment, the more excited I will be when he is stepped on by me!" The young man sneered again.

"Go and meet your old friend." The young man put away the fishing rod, turned and left.

The old man kept his head down, responded, and then stepped out.

In the Caesars Hotel in Rendezvous, a high-end cocktail party is being held at the moment.

The person in charge of the hotel is personally directing the scene, there is really no way, anyone here knows that it is extraordinary just by looking at the conversation.

Not to mention that there are a lot of big people he knows, but at the moment those big people are like a young man who surrounds a seemingly ordinary young man.

But Wu Yunchang also followed Luo Chen, and even Wu Wentian rushed over.

But not long after the reception started, an old man walked outside the door.

As soon as the old man appeared, everyone frowned. He Yiming stood up and was about to speak, but Wu Wentian stood up to stop him.

"Let him in."

Wu Wentian said this, and seeing that Luo Chen didn't speak, He Yiming sat back.

And the old man is extraordinary, immortal, and he is not afraid of these people at all.

Instead, the meteor strode towards Wu Yunshang and Wu Wentian.

"Mr. Wu!" Wu Wentian glanced at the old man with a sigh.

This old man is considered to be acquainted with them, and also has a connection with their martial arts family.

"It seems that your martial artist still remembers me." The old man walked up to a chair and sat up.

"I just didn't expect that the person next to him would be you!" Wu Wentian sighed again.

As soon as the young man arranged by Hong Ye appeared, their martial arts family began to try their best to investigate.

It's just that they haven't found out why, but they found out the people around the young man.

"Wu Guandao!"

"Li Chunfeng's proud disciple!" As soon as Wu Wentian said this, many people put down their wine glasses and looked at the old man.

They don't know this old man, but who has never heard of Li Chunfeng?

That was a great figure in the Tang Dynasty and Yuan Tiangang!

In fact, in addition to Yuan Tiangang, who is clearly the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty, this Li Chunfeng is also the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty!

And Yuan Tiangang is known as a half immortal. Where can Li Chunfeng, who can be as famous as Yuan Tiangang, go?

As a disciple of Li Chunfeng, one can imagine Wu Guandao's identity and status.

"Neither did I expect that Wu Guandao from Kunlun, and Li Chunfeng's proud disciple, would be willing to be a dog of one person!" Wu Yunshang sneered with a grim expression.

Whether they are from the Wu family, Yuan Tiangang, or Li Chunfeng, they all have unresolved origins. It was found that the young man beside him turned out to be a disciple of Li Chunfeng, which naturally made Wu Yunchang extremely angry!

"Old Wu, if you have any unspeakable talents"

"No, I do it voluntarily." Wu Guandao said proudly.

"You don't understand him!"

"I came here today because of my past feelings. I want to advise you a few words." Wu Guandao said with a composure.

"Advise us?" Wu Yunchang snorted coldly.

"Not bad!"

"You don't know how much he comes from, and you don't understand his strength."

"But I can only say that Mr. Luo will definitely not be his opponent!"

"I am willing to follow him because of his strength." "But I hope the Wu family will not fall completely because of standing on the wrong team this time!"

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