Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 247: Strategic Reserve (first subscription)

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To the point where Li Mu is now, Li Mu can already maintain the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment without fear of Washington's views.

The reason is very simple. When Li Mu was still weak, Li Mu had to protect himself carefully, even if he had ambitions, he could not reveal it in front of others, so as not to cause the disaster.

It ’s different now. After Li Mu sold Guantanamo to the US government, after Li Mu ’s business spread to the United States and Cuba, and after Li Mu was able to cultivate political power to enter the Senate, it ’s almost impossible to move Li Mu. If Runkel and Henry go well Entering the Senate, it is impossible to pass any policy against Li Mu on the official level, and on the private level, think about the end of Amys, Li Mu ’s enemies should be more concerned about themselves.

What the US government should worry about now is not whether Li Muhui will defend his tribe, but whether Li Muhui will shift his career focus to Cuba and then lean towards Cuba between the United States and Cuba. If the latter may really break out, then This is undoubtedly a loss for the US government.

Why did you, as J.P. Morgan, rush to send money to Li Mu? Now, during the economic crisis, Scott ’s loan, J.P. Morgan, has been rejected some time ago. Scott was a former United Pacific Railroad company. General manager, according to the analysis of Amz's resume, Scott is also eligible to enter the Senate. J.P. Morgan can even refuse such people, so to say that J.P. Morgan helped Li Mu to sell government bonds without Washington's intention , JP Morgan was the first to believe.

Li Mu's iron and steel plant is not in the plan of J.P. Morgan. This is a matter of San Diego Investment Company. There is no room for J.P. Morgan to intervene, but this can increase the weight of Li Mu. Morgan negotiated for better conditions, so after discussing with Carnegie, Li Mu decided to start construction of the steel plant as soon as possible.

The United States of Cuba has given Li Mu the greatest support in this regard. Although the Cuban United States has insufficient manpower to rebuild Santiago, Nielsen still squeezed 3,000 workers for Li Mu for the first phase of the steel plant.

Li Mu intends to place the steel plant in Kaimanella, Guantanamo. It is close to Guantanamo Bay. The terrain is flat and the area is vast. The key is that the weather is hot here. No cactus can be planted on the ground. Will waste land.

The iron and steel plant is a heavy industry. It not only has a huge area, but also generates pollution, so it is not suitable for construction near San Diego. And the steel plant that Li Mu wants to build now seems to be huge, but Li Mu ’s goal is to supply the countries along the Caribbean coast. So within a few years, this steel plant will have insufficient capacity, so Li Mu must leave ample space for the future expansion of the steel plant.

The vicinity of Kaimanella is just right. Nearly a hundred square kilometers west of Guantanamo are desolate and hot Gobi Desert, and there is enough space for future expansion.

And Guantanamo is now American territory. Li Mu ’s Guantanamo Infantry Regiment is also stationed in Guantanamo. There is no need to worry about security. No matter it is land or sea, as long as the Spanish dare to harass, Li Mu can be sure that they will not come back.

Carnegie returned to Pittsburgh the next day after Li Mu promised him. In order to obtain the exclusive authorization of stainless steel and "titanium-platinum tungsten-nickel alloy steel" in the United States, Carnegie will dispatch a group of technicians to Guantanamo to guide the construction of the steel plant as soon as possible. At the same time, help San Diego United Steel Works find a competent general manager.

Yes, Li Mu ’s steel plant is called the “San Diego United Steel Plant”. This is a project invested by the San Diego Investment Company. The name is justified. Li Mu does n’t want to come up with a Rim-Harrison steel plant, or a Rim- Dewey Iron and Steel Plant, such a name is everywhere in the United States, Li Mu wants to make others feel refreshed when they hear the name of the steel plant, even if it sounds a strange name, Li Mu also has to make a deep impression.

At the end of June, the agreement between the San Diego Investment Company and the Morgan family was finally reached. The Morgan family injected 15 million U.S. dollars into the San Diego Investment Company, occupying 49% of the shares of the San Diego Investment Company.

In order to ensure that the controlling interest is in his own hands, Li Mu took back the shares to George Dewey, Benjamin, Mahan, and Silvester, retaining only their rights to receive dividends. He owns 51% of San Diego Investment Company. Of shares.

As a result, Li Mu ’s shares in the San Diego Investment Company actually dropped to 31%. It seems that the assets have shrunk sharply. In fact, it is not. After all, the original capital of the San Diego Investment Company was only $ 5 million, and Morgan The 15 million US dollars invested by the family are not entirely part of the Morgan family. A large part of this was raised from Wall Street. The Morgan family ’s own money only accounts for about three million US dollars, accounting for about 100% of the San Diego Investment Corporation. Ten percent of the shares.

In order to ensure equal funds, Li Mu separated all plantations and mines from the San Diego Investment Company, and the San Diego United Steel Plant does not have the Morgan family, but if the San Diego United Steel Plant is expanded in the future, the Morgan Family has additional investment. right.

This is the role of Carnegie. If it was not for Li Mu and Carnegie to reach an agreement, the Morgan family would not easily compromise.

The Morgan family has obtained the right to use the port of San Diego. Of course, the ownership is still Li Mu, but the Morgan family is responsible for part of the expansion of the San Diego port, which will greatly reduce the pressure on Li Mu's funds.

Although Li Mu was in Cuba, he never ignored Springfield's Steed Weapons Company. After selling Guantanamo to the US government, Li Mu newly established Steed Machinery Company, which is a company specializing in the production of industrial machinery. "Industrial Mother Machine".

After the emergence of smokeless gunpowder, existing weapons have fallen, and new production lines are needed to produce new weapons. The machines that produce these new weapons are only the deepest involved in Li Mu's factories worldwide. At this time, a new machinery company was established. Just the time.

To be honest, the economic crisis is a crisis for others, but it is an opportunity for Li Mu. After the economic crisis broke out, many companies closed their doors and the market was flooded with various talents. Other factories were shrinking production to cope with the economic crisis. However, Li Mu ’s factory was expanding aggressively. In 1873, the horses of Junma Weapons Company exceeded 5,000. The Kuobinhu Reservoir project attracted tens of thousands of workers to participate. These numbers continued to rise, from California to Sp. The train between Linfield is open day and night, bringing hundreds of Chinese people to Steed Weapon Company every day. In terms of Chinese density alone, Massachusetts is the most densely populated Chinese place in the United States and has surpassed San Francisco, California.

The economic crisis brought not only workers but also a large number of scientific researchers to Li Mu. In the context of the economic crisis, even the national laboratories led by the US federal government had to lay off staff, not to mention other companies or privately led experiments. There are many more graduates who have just stepped out of the school. They can't find a job at all. Some people even have to go to the factory to apply, starting with front-line workers.

MIT's four experimental teams are already overcrowded. The original small courtyard has been expanded to an entire experimental building, but it is still insufficient. To solve this problem, Li Mu met Boston and MIT across the river. Back Bay area bought ten square kilometers of land at a stretch to build a new campus and new laboratory for MIT.

That ’s right, Li Mu ’s name is to build a new campus for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, so that he can buy ten square kilometers of land in Boston, which is so expensive. As for whether such a large place can be used up, this is not a question for Li Mu to consider. You can use it to build a park and green space if you do n’t build a house. Create a good working environment for researchers, which will help improve the enthusiasm of the researchers, and also improve the compellingness of the institute. In such a large place, when the laboratory is relocated in the future, the land will be a lot of revenue.

With the name of "supporting the education in the United States", Li Mu spent only 100,000 US dollars to obtain the ten square kilometers of land. Of course, the "public relations expenses" unexpectedly exceeded 300,000 US dollars.

Li Mu also had an unexpected harvest. After buying this land, the Boston Municipal Government awarded Li Mu an "honorary citizen" title. This title cannot bring economic benefits to Li Mu, but it can bring huge popularity to Li Mu.

This is exactly what Li Mu needs most.

The new factory and new laboratory occupied most of Li Mu ’s funds. Fortunately, with the support of J.P. Morgan ’s national debt, Li Mu was not overstretched. The hotel's rooftop chanted "Early Snow, Early Snow, What's the Snow?".

When Li Mu was in Santiago, the Spaniards were not idle. After Willai Nikolau's retreat from Bayamo, he regrouped with pain and pain. After three months of preparation, he finally renewed his courage to attack and again sent to Santiago in early July. Launch an offense.

This time Willi Nikolau was more fully prepared. Not only did the troops that had suffered heavy losses in the last battle of El Cristo have restored their vitality, Willi Nikolau also issued a general mobilization of war and sent the colonial servants. It increased to six divisions, with a total strength of nearly 90,000 people. At the same time, Willai Nikolaou mobilized nearly a hundred artillery in an attempt to succeed in the battle and attack San Diego with one go.

Compared with the aggressive Spanish, George Dewey still has no advantage. After three months of training, George Dewey's army has nearly 50,000 people. This has drained all the potential of the war in the United States of Cuba, regardless of the situation. Development, George Dewey did not have any reinforcements.

No, in Guantanamo, there is a Guantanamo Infantry Regiment with about 4,000 people. This is George Dewey's only strategic reserve.

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