Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 254: captive

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Francisco couldn't think of any reason why the army of Orientals could have such a powerful combat force.

If it was defeated by a white army, Francisco would be able to forgive himself, but defeated by a group of Orientals, Francisco could not accept it.

The ancient empire of the East was a lingering shadow of the Westerners, but the British launched the Opium War thirty years ago, and they thoroughly exposed the last concealment of the Qing Dynasty, so that Westerners could truly recognize the once powerful East. The empire is now strong and strong.

Those Orientals with their braids have been a joke among Western white people since thirty years ago.

Prior to this, Francisco believed that the braided army was not combative, just like their appearance, they were as weak as women.

Obviously, Li Mu, who was sitting in front of Francisco, had no braids. Although he had the same yellow skin, Francisco confirmed that the yellow race in front of him was more brutal than all the yellow races he had encountered before. Francesco believes that this guy named "Rim" will surely wipe himself out at the gate of the barracks.

This guy must be able to do such a thing!

By the way, this Lim is not an Oriental. Although he looks like an Oriental, this Lim is an American—

Thinking of this, Francisco felt better.

Li Mu didn't know that Francisco's inner struggle was so fierce. Seeing that Francisco finally quieted down, Li Mu smiled and nodded, raising a glass to Francisco.

"Would you like a drink?" Li Mu didn't want to be rude. After all, he was a viscount. After reaching his own place, the friendship of the landlord still had to be done.

Francisco didn't speak, and there was fear in Li Mu's eyes.

"Where are you from? Mr. Francisco." Li Mu tried to get the word out of Francisco's mouth, and finally he caught the Viscount, so he had to get some information.

"I am Viscount Elbiso of the Kingdom of Spain. My family will pay me a ransom, and I ask for the treatment I deserve—" Francisco did not answer Li Mu's question. Although he was captured, Francisco didn't seem to be completely Lose self-esteem, this sentence is repeated.

"Well, it looks like you don't want to cooperate, then you will stay here until the war is over, until your family pays the ransom for you." Li Mu stopped talking nonsense with Francisco and waved his hand to order Mason to take Francisco Throw into a prisoner of war camp.

Hmm, Will didn't kill all the servants, and more than three hundred soldiers were captured. They were taken back to Guantanamo, waiting for their endless labor until the war ended.

Li Mu does not support idle people here, even the Viscount who can sell money.

Watching Mason take away helpless Francisco, Li Mu picked up the battle report on the table.

Just yesterday afternoon, Willai Nikolaou launched his fourth offensive. This time, there has been no progress. From the beginning of the war to now, Willi Nicolaou's soldiers lost nearly 10,000 people, but nothing. Even before entering, the Spaniard did not even break through George Dewey's first line of defense.

George Dewey's telegram to Li Mu still urged Li Mu to order to move the Guantanamo Infantry Regiment to the Spaniard's flanks, restrain the Spaniard's strength, and prepare to launch a counterattack against the Spaniard.

Li Mutie was determined to wait for mortars. Without artillery, Li Mu would not order the troops to advance to El Christo.

On July 20th, a freighter from New York finally brought the long-awaited mortar of Li Mu to Guantanamo.

With the guidance of Li Mu, there was no detour in the development of mortars, and it was on the right path from the beginning.

With the guidance of Li Mu, the mortars produced by the Steed Weapon Company are the same as the common artillery runs in the 21st century, except that the power of the explosive is not enough to make it less powerful. It also has no rifling in the barrel, and it also launches a tail flank. , It is also the sitting plate that bears the recoil force.

Artillery is different from machine guns. Even if the structure of the mortar is relatively simple, a certain amount of training is required to operate the mortar. To this end, Steed Weapon Company sent a dozen engineers who are responsible for training artillery to use mortars. The data should be recorded for feedback to Steed Weapons Company to improve the mortar.

Most of these engineers were dug by Junma Weapons Company from other arms companies. Two of these engineers were from Krupp in Germany. They brought to Junma Weapon Company the latest Krupp technology, tight barrels and bolts. Type locking machine, which made it possible for Steed Weapon Company to manufacture large caliber artillery.

There are also two professors from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the engineering team who are responsible for improving the computing power of artillery.

Along with the mortars, there was Greene Giles, who was the special envoy of Grant to communicate with Li Mu about the construction of Guantanamo.

"Rim, you're proud of the spring breeze--" Greene Giles and Li Mu are old friends and joked with Li Mu as soon as they met.

"Oh, Green, it looks like you have risen again-" Li Mu noticed that Green Giles brought several secretaries and entourages, but the director of the Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance did not have such a leader.

"Oh, thank you, I am now the Chief Executive Officer of Guantanamo, and I have been ordered to come and handle the transfer with you." Green Giles shook hands with Li Mu in a serious manner, with a bit of intensity.

"Welcome welcome, please rest assured, I will cooperate with all my strength." Li Mu understood what Green Giles meant, and it looked like he was getting rich again.

It was indeed a fortune, and after three months of preparation, Washington finally came up with a plan to build Guantanamo. In order to protect Guantanamo, a lonely overseas territory, the US government would build a lot in Guantanamo to guarantee the interests of the United States.

In this plan, Washington will build a shipyard in Guantanamo Bay, expand the dock in Guantanamo, and expand the battery and barracks. According to information provided by someone, Washington will also hire an army to protect Guantanamo.

Now is the time of the economic crisis. Washington ’s plan is not too much. The investment in the first phase of the project is only $ 7 million. Green Giles has been named Guantanamo's first chief executive.

"It's only seven million dollars, which is too little." Li Mu looked a little disgusted at the plan that Green Giles gave, and didn't notice the bitter smile on Green Giles's face.

"It's still" this point ", it is probably that you are so sighed." Greene Giles shook his head and sighed, looking at Li Mu's eyes filled with "You are not saved".

"Okay, okay, this is really a big deal. Let me see what parts have something to do with me." Li Mu didn't care, and began to figure out what oil and water can be obtained in this plan.

"Your Guantanamo Infantry Regiment, I'm going to hire a thousand soldiers, is there any problem?" Green Giles began to enter the state.

"Of course you can. One hundred thousand dollars a month, the soldier's salary is paid by Washington." Li Mu offered the price, but he didn't think that one hundred thousand dollars was a big number.

"One hundred thousand dollars? Why don't you grab it?" Green Giles disagreed.

I ca n’t agree. One hundred soldiers are hired for 100,000 dollars. Each soldier is worth one hundred dollars a month, and Washington has to pay the salaries of these soldiers. This price is indeed a bit expensive, not even serious American soldiers. expensive.

Li Mu has raised 5,000 people, and even eats, drinks and consumes only 100,000 US dollars a month, even including the salary Li Mu paid to the soldiers.

"Is it expensive? If you send soldiers from the United States to Guantanamo, then in addition to paying salaries, Washington will also pay soldiers a special allowance abroad. That's pretty good." Li Mu did not think that price Expensive, compared to the US soldier, this price is very cost-effective.

The presence of troops in and out of the country is two different things. If troops are dispatched from the United States to Guantanamo, it means that those soldiers will not see their families for many months, so the allowance paid by Washington will be higher than the original salary, and Cuba It is currently in a state of war. However, the cost of a garrison will be higher here, and the key point is that the United States does not have an army at all. Therefore, the US government is now adjusting and adjusting, and Li Mu is a strange commodity, so the price is not high.

"That's too expensive, for the sake of being the Chief Executive, let me give you a discount." Green Giles and Li Mutao are close to each other. This is the killer of Green Giles.

"Well, for the sake of being the Chief Executive, I'll give you a discount, that's-95,000 U.S. dollars." Li Mu gave face, and gave it a discount.

In fact, even a little discount can be used. The government's money is always the best earning. This is cheap and not worthless. Anyway, Guantanamo will not face too much threat on land, so sending regular troops is a bit wasteful. Get some militia to make up for it, of course, the regular army can also come over for rotation, just as a vacation, anyway, the US government is responsible for salary.

This business won't lose.

"You are really a vampire, so I need 5,000 workers." Green Jills was not entangled with Li Mu, he was just doing it. Li Mu would not lose Green Jells anyway.

"Each US $ 20 per month, 5,000 workers, I guarantee that I will be in place within three months." Li Mu still wielded his sword and priced at the salary level of workers in the United States.

"It's another 100,000. I now suspect that you only have this number in your head." Green Giles didn't let the discount this time, only five thousand dollars, really can not open that mouth.

"Ha, if you want 10,000 workers, I promise I won't make a price of 100,000." Li Mu is very happy. The 100,000 here is every month, not every year, let alone Li Mu has a way to not give those a penny. Workers, this is all earned by Li Mubai.

El Christo is engaged in a war. Li Mu decides to say hello to George Dewey to catch more prisoners.

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