Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 278: Toast

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What's the best way to stink a politician?

It's not pouring dung on him, it's hyping his personal privacy.

No one is perfect, as long as it is stained by individuals, Tweed is the same, and compared to others, Tweed has a lot of stains. Time Magazine does not even need to look for it, just casually Can catch a lot of material.

"Troubleshooting New York City-not so good." Samuel did not expect that Li Mu would be so extreme.

Yes, although Samuel is the editor-in-chief of Time Magazine, after all, he is just an ordinary person and cannot understand Li Mu's behavior.

In Samuel's view, it is definitely an irrational choice to find trouble in the city government in New York. Li Mu is a businessman. If a businessman wants smooth sailing, he must first establish a good relationship with the government. Lifting the table if you don't agree with it, it breaks the rules of the game.

For Li Mu, it's different. Although Tweed's power in New York is large, it is not as big as Springfield's Amis. At Springfield, Amis could use one hand to cover the sky to describe. If it was not Li Mu while The chance of being attacked by Burnside suddenly killed Amis, and it would definitely take some effort to overthrow Amis.

This time it's different. Although Tweed has money and power, here is New York, the financial center of the United States. Countless people want to make a name for themselves here. Tweed has a force that is no less than Tweed's Arthur. He was embarrassed, and secretly did not know how many people were waiting for the opportunity. As long as Li Mu provoked the flames of war, the forces of all parties would appear one after another.

Tweed has been the mayor of New York for ten years. Although he has a lot of power, he definitely guilty of a lot of people. Those people may not be able to bring Tweed down by their own power, but they will never mind falling down.

"What are you afraid of? You are the uncrowned king." Li Mu is not worried about Tweed's small moves. New York is the center of the United States. It will definitely cost more to perform small moves here. Li Mu is not a simple businessman now. When he returns from Cuba, Li Muguang was a gunman and brought over a hundred people. There was also a Battalion Guantanamo Infantry Regiment on his way to New York. But the regular army, not a lone gunman, even if it was open, Li Mu was not.怵 Tweed.

"The uncrowned king-ha ha." Samuel shook his head and grinned, clearly remembering some unpleasant memories.

Before he knew Li Mu, Samuel did think that journalists were uncrowned kings. But after knowing Li Mu, Samuel finally understood the fact that the so-called "uncrowned kings" were just the illusion of being touted. When the real big men want to deal with these "uncrowned kings" At the time, these "Uncrowned Kings" had no power to fight back.

Perhaps it was the secret promotion of these big men that reporters got the honorary title of "Uncrowned King", because big men need journalists to achieve their own goals.

"Don't worry, no one can hurt you right now. Listen to me. If this time you perform well enough, then I can give you some shares in Time." Li Mu gave the bait, and he didn't believe Samuel would not bite.

"Shares--" Samuel was clearly heart-beating.

As the editor-in-chief of Time Magazine, Samuel knows the future of Time Magazine. To be honest, compared to the newspaper in Springfield, Samuel feels that it is only as large as Time Magazine. Newspapers are worthy of his ingenuity. Compared to Li Mu, Samuel used to be petty.

"Yes, shares, if your performance is better in the future, then maybe you will have a further chance. You must know that if someone is out of luck this time, the Senate and House seats in New York State will be vacated. As the editor-in-chief of Time Magazine, you are not hopeless. In fact, if you perform well, you will be one step ahead of others. "Li Mu continued to add jealousy.

The source of politicians in the United States is complex. Lawyers are one of the main aspects, while media practitioners are another. The first president related to the media industry is the 29th president of the United States. Warren Gamaliel Harding, another It was the 35th President, John Figirel Kennedy.

The reason why newspaper reporters can become presidents is probably related to the resources they have. There have been no broadcasts or televisions these days. Newspapers and magazines are the main positions of publicity. Journalists can touting others in the newspapers, and of course they can hold themselves A handful.

Samuel estimated that he had never thought about it before. As soon as Li Mu's voice fell, he heard Samuel's heavy gasp: "Done, I will start to trouble him tomorrow."

Samuel did not let Li Mu down.

Just as Li Mu and Samuel calculated Tweed, New York Mayor Tweed was toasting with Henderson in an office on the third floor of the New York City Government Office Building.

"Come on, let's celebrate the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge. I told you long ago, don't toss those businessmen, who have powerful people behind them, will always cause unnecessary trouble, like the Brooklyn Bridge The project that we should pay attention to is. "The Tweed Toasting Initiative, which is almost sixty years old, has reached this age, but Tweed is still agile and still undisputed by the Tweed Group in New York. core.

"I'm so embarrassed. The smooth sailing of the past few years has paralyzed me. I don't think a Chinese kid is threatened. He just made a little luck and made some money. Such a person is the best fat sheep." Hender Sen apologized to Tweed. He did not expect that Li Mu's power would be so large.

"I told you to be careful and low-key. You always don't care. How could that kid be an ordinary person? You know Amis and know how terrible Amis is in Springfield, even me. I'm not sure that I can kill Amis in Springfield, but the kid can do it, and he will go to Cuba this year. Although there are no reports about him in the newspaper, I clearly saw a certain number of coups in Cuba. Human shadow, don't doubt, I'm sure that guy named Lim must have played a role in it. "Although Tweed has not seen Li Mu, Tweed thinks that Li Mu and he are the same person. Li Mu is a praise.

"Manipulating a country? This is too horrifying," Henderson was dumbfounded.

Although arrogant, Henderson is not stupid. In fact, Henderson is the key successor of Tweed. If there is no accident, the next New York mayor is Henderson, not one of Tweed's three sons. Any of them.

"It's appalling? Not at all. I actually regret it. If someone can control Cuba, that person should be me. Now think about it. You have to admire the kid's vision. Young is really enviable. He Can afford to lose, and at my age, I have no courage to take risks. "Tweed smiled bitterly. Probably for Tweed, the hero is just like him.

"You are not old at all, Mr. Tweed. In my opinion, you are still the same as ten years ago." Henderson is not a flatterer. In Henderson's mind, Tweed is like his father.

"I'm glad you can say that, but I know my situation, the future is yours, so do your best and don't let me down." Tweed looked admired, and he also took Henderson as his Look at your own son.

"Rim has returned to New York. Would you like me to make an appointment and have a good chat with him?" Henderson actively used his brain to repair and Rim had fallen into a broken relationship.

"No, if the kid is smart enough, he should know how to do it." Tweed is not in a hurry, and he has been in the high ranks for a long time. Tweed naturally has Tweed's pride. In Tweed's eyes, even if Li Mu is Jiang Long, When you come to New York, you should visit the pier first.

What Tweed did not expect was that Li Mu did not come to visit Tweed. Tweed and others came with a special report from Time Magazine-some people, New York City maggots.

Time Magazine lists a series of problematic municipal engineering projects in New York in recent years. These municipal engineering projects range in size from the construction of Central Park, the laying of water pipes, the replacement of floor tiles to streets, and the signage of urban billboards. Leasing, etc., covers all aspects of urban life, accounting for more than one percent of New York's municipal engineering projects in recent years, and the total construction cost exceeds 150 million US dollars.

Although "Time" does not name names, everyone who sees the newspaper knows that "some people" refers to Tweed, the current mayor of New York and a current senator in the United States Senate.

What's even more shocking is that Time Magazine claims that they still have some evidence that the Brooklyn Bridge contractor who just started construction is suspected of bribery, the total bribe is about 10 million US dollars, and the total investment of the Brooklyn Bridge It is only 25 million US dollars, which means that two-fifths of the project money is divided up privately by some people.

The Brooklyn Bridge is the pride of New York. The bridge is 1,834 meters long, and the bridge body is lifted 41 meters above the water by tens of thousands of steel cables. When completed, it will be the longest suspension bridge in the world and the first bridge made of steel in the world. Although just started, the Brooklyn Bridge has been regarded as the eighth miracle after the ancient seven miracles in the world, and is hailed as one of the seven epoch-making construction engineering miracles in the world in the era of the industrial revolution.

Such a great building that can become a landmark in New York is actually also associated with corruption, which immediately stabbed New York citizens. On the second day of Time Magazine, people began to gather in front of the New York City government. With slogans, shouting slogans such as "Tweed stepped down" and "punish corruption offenders", they asked the New York City government to give them an explanation.

Just as the citizens gathered, Tweed and Henderson stood in front of the office window, watching the excited crowd in front of the door silent.

Two kilometers away from the city government, Li Mu and Arthur are toasting each other.

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