Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 315: Dead another

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500,000 US dollars, more than 200 employees, the least bonus is a dozen new employees who joined the company last month, each person's bonus is 500 dollars, the most are Samuel and Sammy, each of them The bonus is $ 10,000.

This result is not surprising, since the car does not have Samuel and Sammy's share, the bonus must be replaced.

The results were all very happy. It seems that not only the Chinese like to have a "fat year", but also the Americans.

Li Mu was scheduled to go to Boston with Henry the next day to attend the year-end summary meeting of Steed Labs, but a telegram on the evening of the 22nd handed Li Mu from New York to Washington.

"The situation in Hawaii is not good. At the end of last year, after Kamehameha V died, because Kamehameha V had no will, Hawaiian elections were held in accordance with Hawaiian law, and Lunarillo was elected. King-this thing has come to an end, but the day before yesterday, King Lunelliro also died, so we need a stable Hawaii, at least a Hawaii that leans towards the United States. "Abel is sailing to the Presidential Palace Li Mu was briefed on the latest situation on the carriage.

"How did they all die? Murder? Or normal death?" Li Mu felt that it was not a good thing to be a king. Look at Hawaii. Two kings die a year, which is clearly a star of disaster.

"Who cares? Now is not the time to investigate the cause of the king's death. Stability is the most important thing." Ebble said easily, he didn't care how many kings died.

"I always have to know what I'm going to face. You can't care, I can't care." Li Mu is going crazy. It would be depressing to temporarily add work before Christmas, but also face unknown things. Ebble was standing up and speaking without back pain.

"Okay, okay, Kamehameha V. The king died of obesity, and he weighed 375 pounds--" Abel explained helplessly.

375 pounds!

This weight is really enough. If converted into kilograms, this weight is 170 kilograms, and as far as Li Mu knows, the former big shark O'Neal was only 325 pounds. Li Mu can be sure that the height of King Mihamiha must not be two meters. Sixteen.

This is the standard height of eight feet, and the waist is eight feet.

"The cause of King Lunarillo's death is unclear, but it is certain that he has a relationship with conservatives in Hawaii. King Lunarillo is a liberal. He originally planned to amend the constitution to give people more rights. This will definitely offend the interests of those chiefs in Hawaii. It is estimated that many people think that King Lunarillo must die before their power can be guaranteed. "Abel shook his head and sighed.

It seems that King Lunarillo was a reformer, so it is understandable that reforms are always inevitable.

At the President's Palace, Ulysses S. Grant is waiting for Li Mu.

After seeing Li Mu, Grant apologized: "Excuse me, I have to call you over, things are really tricky."

"You're welcome. It's my pleasure to serve the United States. I have already heard Mr. Eble on the road just now. What can I do now?" Li Mu was not sure what purpose Grant wanted to achieve.

"Do everything you can, just like you did in Cuba." Grant was demanding, but not enough to swallow Hawaii: "For some reason you know we can't use the country Power, but I can authorize the Navy to cooperate with your actions, and your mission is to build a United States-oriented nation in Hawaii— "

"Wait, Mr. President, why not make Hawaii a state of the United States—" Li Mu interrupted Grant's words, which looked rude, but Grant didn't mean to hold him accountable.

"Become a state of the United States-" Li Mu's proposal came out of Grant's surprise, and it seemed that Grant had never thought of it that way.

"Yes, you have become a state in the United States. You must know, Mr. President, that Hawaii has lost two kings in a row, so no matter who their next king is, if this king also died bizarrely, will the people of Hawaii be Would you be tired of this endless political upheaval? It would not be impossible to provoke such sentiment and guide the public opinion in Hawaii. "Li Mu thinks it is more straightforward. Anyway, Hawaii is America sooner or later, so sooner or later It doesn't matter. If Hawaii is turned into a US state under the leadership of Li Mu, the Chinese will occupy the most advantageous position in Hawaii, just like the Chinese in Cuba today.

In this way, even if the "Chinese Exclusion Act" cannot be prevented, Chinese Americans in the United States will have a place to retreat.

The states of the United States have great power, and states can make their own laws. If Hawaii becomes the Hawaiian state of the United States, Li Mu is sure to pass laws that are beneficial to the Chinese in Hawaii. In this way, Hawaii will become a paradise for the Chinese.

Of course, these words need not be explained to Grant.

Grant must have never imagined that Li Mu had such a plan. After Li Mu proposed to turn Hawaii into the Hawaiian state of the United States, the desire in Grant's heart was like a wild weed in spring.

"Yes, Hawaii has lost two kings in one year. If you come back a few times, the power figures in Hawaii will be completely lost. By then, Hawaii will be the state of Hawaii in the United States-" Grant was so excited that he stood up in Pacing back and forth in the office, speaking with exaggerated physical movements, it looked really agitated.

In fact, where do we need to come again several times, the so-called one emperor and one courtier, every time the power changes, it will lead to a political reshuffle. The death of two kings to Hawaii in such a short time is enough to make the Kingdom of Hawaii. Political forces are stumped. At this time, when the ruling ability is the weakest, if there is another "subversion expert" like Li Mu, the kingdom of Hawaii is really fateful.

"Say, what do you need?" Grant was determined.

In the United States these days, it is cold and not as cold as it was in the twentieth century.

In the twentieth century, a referendum was held in a Southeast Asian country and asked to join the United States. However, it was rejected by the United States. It was too shameless.

"Nothing—" Li Mu had wanted to be a little bit more upright, but then he thought, Li Mu really didn't like to show his face, so it was good to find a shield: "If possible, let Benjamin Harrison cooperate with me. It is reasonable and reasonable that the United States should express its condolences for losing a king-- "

Indeed, there can be, the death of the King of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and the US government must send someone to mourn. Benjamin Harrison was born in a well-known family and has a sufficiently high status in the United States to be qualified to represent the US government.

"Yes!" Grant didn't hesitate and fulfilled all requirements of Li Mu.

As President, Grant does not do well, at least not as good as Grant as a soldier. From the second term of President Grant, the corruption of the US government has been repeatedly criticized by the public. If Grant does not do anything, he can Qing Shi ’s famous political achievements, then I am afraid that history will not give Grant much positive comments, Grant is definitely not willing to be labeled "corrupt president".

If Hawaii can be the state of Hawaii in the United States, perhaps this will be the most influential part of President Grant's career. After all, it is a prosperous era of land expansion. The key is that no money has been spent, not the land that was bought. This is enough to be remembered.

"So-I still need some funding-" Li Mu completely left Gao Fengliang Festival behind him, what the **** is Gao Fengliang Festival? How can the green dollar be lovely--

"Well, if you don't need money, I have to wonder if it's Lime in front of me, let's say, how much?" Grant relaxed, and let Li Mu make a generous offer.

Grant and Li Mu haven't known each other for a day or two, knowing that Li Mu is a "money string". If Li Mu says he doesn't want money, Grant will suspect that Li Mu's motive is impure.

"I don't know how much it will take. After all, I have no experience with this matter. Otherwise, I'll give a meaning of three or five million first. Let's finally settle the account. If there is more refund, then we will make up." Li Muhua said As kind and pure as the little white rabbit, it was a pity that Grant had seen through the true face of Li Mu long ago.

"Come less, will you be inexperienced? You know, when I know that the situation in Hawaii has deteriorated, the first thing I think of is you, so be polite, you are the expert in this area." Not in line with Li Mu's heart, he almost did not twist Li Mu's nose.

"Five million dollars, I try my best to get a clean Hawaii for the United States." Li Mu offered a price. Now that his reputation has been ruined, he should get as much practical interest as possible. If this is not possible, then It deserves it.

"Five million is five million. Remember, Hawaii as clean as possible. I want you to kill all the hostile forces on the island and clear all the hidden dangers. As long as you can win Hawaii, haha-the entire Pacific is ours. "Grant has ambitions, not something a little Hawaii can satisfy.

Americans do have ambitions, and geographically, the Pacific is the best direction America wants to expand.

If you think about it, the Atlantic Ocean is already the site of established European colonialist countries. As an emerging capitalist country, the United States does not have an international status that matches its national strength. Therefore, the United States needs to expand abroad and more colonies. Hawaii is America's first goal.

This is also in the interest of Li Mu. As far as Li Mu knows, there are already many Chinese in Hawaii and there are branches of Hongmen. Then, just as the Chuntian Security Company just established by Junma Group came in handy.

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