Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 436: To kill

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The nineteenth-century dollar was quite valuable. Old Willie had a family of ten or more to go out for a meal, which was only one or two dollars.

Seeing that the waiter did not lose his temper because of Wayne's generous shot, Old Willie nodded secretly, and even a waiter was so trained that Colt lost unfairly.

After working at Colt for a lifetime, it would be impossible to say that Old Willy had no feelings for Colt. Until Colt was determined to be bankrupt, Old Willy still insisted that Colt's weapons were the most in the world. Good weapons, Colt went bankrupt not because of product quality problems, but because Colt's relationship with the military was no longer, which led to Colt's defeat.

It doesn't seem to be the case now, either. Old Willie's confidence in Colt has shaken.

The Steed Group was quite generous. All the guest rooms arranged for the old Willie were suites, and each room only occupied one person. As a result, the old Willie occupied the entire third floor of the guest house.

The waiter did not leave with a tip, but enthusiastically introduced the facilities in the guest room to the old Willie. To be honest, they have never used the electric light, so they must tell the old Willie about their precautions. This will prevent accidents.

Like almost all the guests staying at the guest house, the old Willie was very interested in the electric lights. Larry kept the switch at the door and went back and forth to enjoy it. Now it is daylight and no electric lights are needed, so Larry hopes Coming soon.

The result of frequent switching is that the filament is burned, and with a light beep, the light bulb is finally dead, and Larry is scared a little stupid. This—it seems to be losing money!

As a result, the waiter looked indifferent, took out a brand new light bulb from the shoe cabinet at the door, and replaced it.

"This, how much does it cost us to pay?" Wayne was also stunned. He didn't expect anyone to break a light bulb before he lived in. It seems that Junma Electric sold the lighting system very expensive. Wayne touched himself. Sighed, it looked like he could not help but bleed.

"No compensation is required. All the expenses incurred by you during this period will be paid by the Junma Group, and we have the hospitality-" The waiter still smiled, and no one meant to lose money.

"Entertainment-" Wayne didn't quite understand what the waiter meant, and the waiter didn't explain it. He left immediately after the explanation.

"Damn it. We haven't decided to join the Steed Weapons Company, but we owe such a big favor to others now." Bobby was a little worried, and the Steed Group gave it so much respect that it made Old Willy feel that he wasn't very good when talking about prices. Opening.

"Relax, guys, since the Steed Group will do this, we will not embarrass us, of course, we can not be too much, as long as we are treated the same as other workers, I think that is enough." Wayne pragmatic, at this time thought Some others are useless.

"That's true. I want to have some children. Whoever remembered how the shower just operated, come and help me. I'll take a bath first, and then go to Junma Automobile Factory to have a meal and see if our lawyers have No bragging. "Old Willie thought about it. It was serious to make himself comfortable first.

A group of people immediately dispersed the birds and beasts. On the train, Glover described the steed of the Steed Group as if it were heaven, and everyone was interested to see it.

Immediately after taking a shower, I felt refreshed, hung the pass from Grover around his neck, and the group walked across the square toward the Junma Automobile Factory.

When passing by the statue in the center of the square, the group still had their own opinions.

"Ha, the Steed Group logo absolutely copied our Colt!" When Bobby saw the steed statue, he immediately settled down.

"It's different. There are arrows in our horses. This one doesn't." Larry didn't think it was plagiarism. If it was plagiarism, it would be funny.

The horse's logo is more similar to the Ferrari's logo, and it is indeed different from the Colt's logo, but both are horses with empty forefoots, and the similarity is also very high.

"Yes, our pony is on both feet. This one-footed, Larry what you look at-" Tom started the taunt mode to pull hatred.

"The angle of inclination is not the same. Our statue leans forward. This one is almost upright—" Larry's eldest son, Paul, was also helping.

Seeing it became a target of criticism, Bobby's face turned red, and he couldn't get off the stage.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A majestic voice came.

A group of people turned around and found that when they didn't know when, the two Mounted Policemen stood behind them.

The two horsemen's saddles had the Steed Group logo on them. The two were fully equipped, and their hands were placed on the "python" cavalry pistols around their waists. Wayne was keenly aware that one of them was actually used quickly. Holster, this is the latest product of Steed Weapon Company.

"Sirs, let's just look at—" Wayne raised his hands to show no hostility.

"I heard that some people are denigrating the sign of the Junma Group. Boys, be honest. Do you know where you are? This is Junma Square. If anyone dares to attack the Junma Group here, his joy will be great. . "A policeman with a mustache was rude, and pointed with a whip while talking.

"Two gentlemen, we are wearing this, how could we denigrate the Steed Group." Wayne pointed to the pass around his neck as a gesture.

When they saw Wayne, they both wore a pass, and the expressions of the two mounted policemen eased immediately. The moustache policeman didn't speak yet, and rushed over from the opposite Junma Automobile Factory.

"Hey hey, Mike, don't embarrass our guests--" One of them looked dissatisfied, but the voice had arrived first.

"No, Jimmy, we're just talking—" The mustache policeman smiled like Maitreya, without seeing the bad attitude just now.

"Hum--" Jimmy is a Chinese. Hearing Mike's excuse, Jimmy didn't speak, but his sneer and sneer were obvious.

Another Chinese was enthusiastic: "Let's go, Mike, let's find a place to have a drink."

"Man, we're working--" Mike said with work on his mouth, but he could not help turning his horse to follow another Chinese.

Looking at the Mounted Policeman's back, Wayne shook his head and grinned, "Are we in trouble?"

"No, no, this is New York, and the big troubles here are not trouble. In fact, if you just showed them the pass first, they wouldn't be nosy at all." Jimmy did not state clearly that the Steed Group and the New York Police The relationship of the bureau, but the tone can make people feel that it is not nonsense to find a policeman if there is a problem.

"Did you come from Hartford?" Jimmy was very enthusiastic, glanced at the pass on Wayne's chest, and immediately knew Wayne's identity.

Wayne noticed that the pass on Jimmy's chest was not the same color as his own pass, and it was estimated that his own was temporary, and Jimmy's was official.

"Yes, we are Colt's workers. This is to talk about joining the Steed Weapon Factory." Wayne did not conceal, there is no need to conceal such a thing.

"Ha, I have to say, you have made a right choice, believe me, you will definitely be happy with today's decision." Jimmy is a little bit familiar, and Barbara and Grover are more eloquent than others. .

"Hopefully--" Wayne laughed a little far-fetched.

"Ah, what are you guys?" Jimmy was very eye-catching and immediately switched the subject.

Joining Steed Weapons is a good thing, but Colt's bankruptcy has made Wayne sad, so this time Wayne can't be happy anyway.

"Mr. Grover highly recommends the canteen of the Steed Car Factory to us, so we want to see some." Wayne did not want to talk about Colt, and that memory was not pleasant.

"Come on, I'll take you there. This factory is a bit big. If no one takes you there, it's estimated that when you find the cafeteria, the chefs will be off work." Jimmy was enthusiastic and immediately recommended himself as a tour guide.

Someone is willing to be a tour guide. Wayne, they need a person to introduce the Steed Group to them. It seems that this is not Jimmy's first time as a tour guide.

"——Do you know? Maybe you can't believe this factory is 30 square kilometers in size, and ordinary cities are not so large. Look at the trees on the roadside and see how big their crowns are. Each plant from the Berkshire Mountains has a hundred-year-old tree. In order to transplant these trees, the group spent hundreds of thousands of dollars. At the beginning, it was miserable. At that time, there was no experience. On average, it was transplanted. Only one tree can survive after three. Now the group has set up a horticultural company. Three trees can be transplanted to survive two. Great progress, isn't it-"Jimmy was full of words and proud of his words.

Came to the cafeteria door, just in time for a group of employees are eating, Jimmy and Wayne took tableware from the door, and then lined up at the window: "——The factory is now open 24 hours, so the workers are divided into three shifts, chefs They are also in three shifts, to ensure that workers can eat at any time, and be polite when you will be cooking. Today you catch up with good food, there are tuna from Canada, and delicious braised pork. If I do n’t tell you now, You must not know what the meat is— "

When it was Turner's turn, the chef in the window could see Wayne's identity from the color of the pass, so the chef gave extra extra portions, two large pieces of pan-fried tuna, a large spoonful of braised pork, and another spoonful. With so much rice, Wayne thought he was going to pay, but the chef didn't want it at all, and he laughed and shouted "Next".

"You don't have to pay money, the group pays-" Jimmy explained with a smile.

Wayne noticed that everyone didn't give money, which made Wayne feel strange. Do n’t you want money for dinner?

"Yes, why not? No one has a standard daily living cost. A meal like this is worth ten cents." Jimmy is proud.

"Ten cents? How is that possible!" Wayne exclaimed.

"Well-you can understand it as employee benefits-" Jimmy casually found a table to sit down. The wooden table was clean and did not have the greasy feel of ordinary restaurants. Wipe it with his hand and there was no dust at all.

"Just aiming at this cafeteria, I also want to join the Junma Group." Larry was determined that as long as the treatment provided by the Junma Group was not bad, Larry decided to give his life to the Junma Group in this life.

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