Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 442: no way

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The real trouble is the language. Poor communication is a big problem. If the master you find can't speak English, you still talk with the ducks.

In fact, it is not troublesome. Learning languages ​​is mainly context. It is not easy to learn English while staying in the Chinese circle. However, if you are still in the United States, you can communicate with people smoothly even without a teacher for half a year. According to Li Mu ’s experience, if With the right teachers, you can basically conduct daily conversations within three months. The more complicated one depends on your personal needs.

There is a reason why Li Mu wanted to find a master for Arthur. Originally, Li Mu also hoped that Grant could be successfully re-elected again, but now it seems that this matter is almost impossible, so Li Mu must also prepare for the back road as soon as possible, and can't take Baodu Pressed on Grant.

It is not easy to say that Grant can be re-elected for two terms. In the original history, Grant wanted to be re-elected for three terms, but did not succeed.

Without the negative news of the Mobilier Credit Company scandal, the Whiskey Group case, etc., with the strength of Li Mu and Rockefeller, it is not impossible for Grant to be re-elected for three consecutive terms, but this situation is equal to Grant himself. After ruining their political careers, even if Li Mu and Rockefeller are hand-to-hand, they can only do nothing.

With the current strength of the Junma Group, even if the new president and Li Mu are not familiar with it, the Junma Group will not encounter too much crisis. At most, it is not as unscrupulous as it is now. What Li Mu is doing now is preparing to cultivate his own politics. Power, looking forward to the day when someone like Arthur can replace Grant's position.

There are many people like Li Mu. Arthur is just one of them. Grover Cleveland is also an investment target of Li Mu. Grover Cleveland is the 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States, and is the only president to serve two separate terms. And the first Democrat to be elected president after the civil war.

Grover is now the chief lawyer of Junma Group. Many Democrats, such as Arthur, disapprove of Li Mu using Democrats like Grover. Only Li Mu knows Grover's potential. When Grover comes to power, Li Mu and Georgia In relation to Lofer, the survival environment of the Steed Group will only be better than it is now.

There is also potential for Runkel. James Garfield can be elected president as a mathematician. Of course, Runkel, the inventor of the electric light, is also eligible. Now Runkel is already a senator in Congress. In a few years, Runkel also became a senior politician. By then, he would have a long and short ability. Compared with Arthur and Grover, Li Mu and Runkel had a better relationship.

Therefore, the Grant government's reputation is now sweeping down. Although Li Mu is a little regretted, he does not have much fear. For the future, Li Mu is still confident. Even if he changes to another president, it will not be difficult for Li Mu and his steed group.

The Junma Group now has more than 50,000 workers, and the total number of workers in Li Mu's related enterprises exceeds 100,000. These workers can affect more than one million people. No one can ignore this power-the power of capital.

Arthur's work is still fierce, making the current New York City government's investment in low-rent housing and public rental housing unrealistic, huge investment amount, long payback period, and when the low-rent housing first pays off, Arthur is no longer the mayor of New York In office, Arthur doesn't do this stupid thing.

Arthur's method is to sell the land to large enterprises that want to invest in low-rent housing and public rental housing. These companies run these projects, and then the government recovers the funds to improve the salaries of government employees, which minimizes the resistance to publicizing the accounts. .

Since the independent centennial exhibition attracted the most public attention, the account disclosure began with the independent centennial exhibition.

The headquarters of the Independent Centennial Exhibition is located next to the guesthouse of the automobile factory. A small white two-storey wooden building has been the focus of New York since the establishment of the Independent Centennial Organizing Committee.

Since it is the focus, the presence of reporters is definitely indispensable. Time Magazine has a person in charge here. Gloria is the person in charge. In order to facilitate access to information, Gloria even rented a suite in the automobile factory guest house for a long time.

As the eldest daughter of the Barron family, Gloria is now very valuable. Although Gloria still considers herself an ordinary reporter, the people around her have unknowingly changed it. Gloria's partner is still Elina, both of them are text editors and one is a photojournalist, but weirdly, there are six big men who are responsible for cooperating with them, two of them are responsible for driving, and four of them are responsible for carrying photographic equipment.

The current camera is indeed a bit bigger, but Elena can run on a girl, and she doesn't know where to send four big men.

Gloria is not a greenhouse flower. Knowing that this is a special arrangement by Li Mu, she can't shirk herself. If you want to work, you must accept this kind of protection. Elena also knew Gloria's identity. As long as Gloria didn't comment, Elena wouldn't say anything. During this time, she played fiercely with a guy named Thomson among the four big men.

Thomson is a very handsome young man who participated in the Montana war against Indians. He retired a few days ago and became an intern reporter for Time Magazine. Of course, there are some habits in the military career that can not be changed in a short time. Thomson always carried a lot of weapons with him. Alina knew that there were only three "pythons" pistols, and Elena believed that there must be weapons that Elena didn't know existed.

Every morning, Thomson always comes over and communicates with Elena every day. A groundbreaking ceremony will be held somewhere in the morning. Whoever will preside over the ceremony and who will participate in the ceremony; there will be a reception in the evening and the participants What kind of clothes to wear, no matter how difficult to get the invitation, but there will always be a big bitch, and so on, and such well-informed news, Thomson can always get it.

As for why Thomson didn't look for Gloria, Elena asked this question, but Thomson took a sip of the little white teeth, and then left with a look of a ghost.

Elena doesn't know what Thomson means, but Elena knows very well that Gloria is very beautiful and famous in New York, and Gloria is very clean, and definitely not the kind of casual social flower, So Gloria is not a ghost.

On the third Sunday of December, Thomson still used to come to Elena.

"There will be a press conference at the Independence Centennial Exhibition in the morning. Mayor Arthur will attend. Minister Frank and Commissioner Bresta will also attend. Anthony has reserved a place. We can arrive before nine o'clock-" Thomson Office In a well-organized manner, Elena looked drunk.

As for why the press conference has a predetermined position, this is not an issue that Elena cares about. Such a thing is not strange.

"At eleven o'clock, there was an exclusive interview with Mayor Arthur. If it ends earlier, you can also have an exclusive interview with Commissioner Bresta-"

This treatment is a bit high. Other people want to interview a police chief. It is not necessarily a chance to make an appointment for several months in advance. Here at Gloria, this is a matter of course.

This kind of thing is also normal for Gloria. Elena knows that Bresta is an old subordinate of Gloria's father Will. Like Thomson, last time Gloria wanted to treat Bresta After an exclusive interview, Blasta went directly to the Time Magazine headquarters the next day, and stayed at the Time Magazine headquarters for a day. The official tasks were handled at the Time Magazine headquarters. From then on, From the beginning, Gloria was promoted to full-time reporter, and was specifically responsible for counterparts in New York City.

"Elena, are you listening--" Thomson looked at Elena helplessly, and the petting in her eyes made Elena addicted.

"Of course, I'm listening. I want to interview Director Brest—" Elena finally looked back.

"That's what I said five minutes ago--" Thomson already knew that look, veterans, the concept of time is very strong: "I said there will be big news today, you better inform the headquarters, Ask Mr. Sami to send additional reporters— "

How to say, although Gloria and Elena are both formal reporters, everyone in Gloria is "official" and knows what is going on. As for Elena, she has been with Gloria for a long time. , Elena also has a tendency to shift in the direction of "flower fool", so these two people need to have so many assistants.

For example, Anthony who goes to the predetermined position, this guy also has another identity as a stenographer. He writes as fast as pulling a gun. Each time Gloria must sort out a detailed content based on Anthony's records. Report.

So Thomson was worried. In the morning, when Minister of Information Frank called Thomson, he emphasized that there will be a big news today. Since it is a big news, and it is deliberately emphasized, it is not Gloria and Irene. Na can handle it.

"Ask for support? Never!" Gloria's voice came from the door.

The white turtleneck sweater and beige windbreaker, with the golden pony tail behind the head, are visually coordinated and feel clean, and the combination of narrow-leg jeans and half-length leather boots adds a touch of toughness, even tom. Sen doesn't know much about fashion and appreciates Gloria's dress.

The daughter of the general should be a bit of a soldier. Like Elena, he must use fur for decoration. Thomson said that he couldn't appreciate it.

Although Gloria is not yet a qualified reporter, if Gloria joins the army, she is definitely a qualified soldier. The girl's blood is flowing in the bones of the girl, and she will go on firmly no matter how rough the road ahead, so Asking for support for such a thing does not exist for Gloria.

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