Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 461: City boss

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No matter what time the government's public department needs credibility, government departments must consider more when they do things, and they cannot do whatever they want.

For example, the Boston Police Department. Even if the Boston Police Department knows who is the culprit responsible for the chaos in the city, the Boston Police Department can do nothing without evidence.

Private companies like Springfield Security are not the same. When the police handle a case, they must first declare that "you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become a testimony." Private security companies have no regrets. It's better to start first, and then to be attacked later, it is better to kill 3,000 by mistake than to let one go.

This is how Chuntian Security was developed in New York. The New York Police Department endorsed it on the surface and the Steeds Group supported it on the back. If Chu Wushuang could n’t get around, I ’m really sorry for the golden signboard “Hongmen”.

It is not impossible to move Springfield Security to Boston. Steed Group also has industry in Boston. Steed Lab is located on the Charles River and is one of the core industries of Steed Group. The security work here is handled by Springfield Security. It is precisely because of the existence of Springfield Security that the area where Steed Lab is located is the best area for law and order in Boston. However, this model has little possibility of promotion. If the scope of Springfield Security is to be expanded, it will definitely violate the vested interests of many people. The Boston government does not necessarily have this courage, so Li Mu will not rush into this matter.

John Hancock also did not expect that in three or two words, the business center of the Steed Group could be transferred. For a city with a population of hundreds of thousands, it is not entirely unacceptable that 100 people are missing or killed every month. However, there must be a certain attitude. The steed's business focus is on Springfield and New York, and Boston as the capital of Massachusetts is nothing, which is not acceptable to John Hancock.

"Rim, you know, tens of thousands of people flood into this city every month. These people have no job, no remaining property, and have nothing to come to Boston from the European continent. As the actual owners of a city, we should Do something for them. "John Hancock put Li Mu on an equal footing and was very upright.

Since the Tevede incident, the word "city boss" has become a derogatory term. Before the Tweed incident, all mayors were proud of the title "city boss", and now the title has been added. More sense of responsibility, if the happiness of urban residents' life can not be, this once glorious word is more like irony.

Li Mu did not have the consciousness of being a city owner, but Li Mu was still a little interested in what John Hancock called the "actual owner of the city."

In the evening, Tom Levi's finished his job, holding a cardboard box containing some debris, and walking out of his 20-year office.

Tom Levis is the owner of a shipping company in New York, a 50-year-old family-owned company that has been running the shipping company since at least his grandpa's generation.

Tom Levis sees this company as more important than his own life, but the ruthless economic crisis has shattered all of Tom's dreams. Today, the beloved family business has finally come to an end, but Tom has no regrets. However, although the results were not satisfactory, Tom thought he was worthy of his last name.

Standing on the drizzling ancient street, Tom finally glanced back at his office. The cold raindrops hit Tom's face, running down Tom's horns, and flowing into Tom's neck. It was not clear whether it was rain or tears.

Feeling a bit sour in the nose, as if a fire was burning in his heart, Tom wanted to yell to vent the depressing breath on his chest, but didn't want to let others notice his downfall, so Tom pulled his hat down and covered the windbreaker Neckline, bowed his head and walked down the street to the familiar old Chuck's tavern.

That's right, it's the tavern. Tom doesn't want to go home today, even though he has a tender and lovely wife and two lively and lovely sons waiting for him.

Sliding open the door, accompanied by crisp wind bells, a sweltering air mixed with malt scent of malt smelled.

"Tom, good evening." It was the old Chuck's grandson, Chuck, who was mixing at the counter. When Tom came in, the young Chuck greeted him diligently and pushed a glass of beer over the counter.

The pub was very lively. Little Chuck was very busy. The economic crisis did not have any effect on the old Chuck's pub. Perhaps it was because more and more people were disappointed, as if business was better than usual.

"Give me a glass of whisky ..." Tom doesn't want to drink beer today, he urgently needs a little high-alcohol anesthesia.

"As you wish ..." Little Chuck didn't talk nonsense, immediately put on a glass of whiskey.

The pale golden liquid in the crystal clear glass is very beautiful. The body of the glass is not smooth and has some irregular protrusions, so it seems that the liquid in the glass is a bit invisible and hazy like a dream. It's like raindrops like smoke outside the door.

Tom's drink was a little rushed, and he took a big sip. Tom immediately coughed violently, and the coughing snot flowed. I didn't know whether the liquor or snot flowed down the thick stubble and merged on the counter in front In a small pile, the two women who came up to try to chat with each other immediately hid away.

"Chuck, get another." A glass of wine is not enough to anesthetize his nerves, and Tom needs more.

"You're overdone today. Try my freshly brewed dark beer ..." They are regular customers who have dealt with for decades. Little Chuck is also responsible to his customers.

With the voice, a glass of dark beer was placed in front of Tom. The beer glass had a crown logo. The steed's forefoot hoisted into the sky and hissed, the shape was fierce and fierce.

Tom recognizes that this is the Budweiser beer just launched by Steed.

The way the Junma Group promotes this beer is very clever. They ferment the malt into semi-finished products and send them to various beer halls. The bar owner can add and blend according to his preferences to form different flavors.

Even if it is a person who does not know anything about brewing, bringing this semi-finished product home, you only need to mix in a certain proportion of water to get a pretty good beer.

Although Chuck is also a veteran of brewing, Chuck does not reject this malt, because Chuck was surprised after the experiment and found that using this malt to blend beer not only can reduce the cost, but also the taste is not too much Poor, so Budweiser immediately became the signature of Chuck's Tavern.

"Chuck, give me a hot shot." Tom's mood was a little excited, and he roared loudly at the counter.

"Give him a glass of rum and count it on my account." A softly lazy voice sounded, full of scent, accompanied by the sound of a coin falling on the counter.

Tom turned his head and looked at Doug with unspeakable aversion in his eyes.

Doug is a lawyer. Although he has a high social status, this profession is not welcomed. Whenever Doug appears, there are always lawsuits and troubles. Especially after Doug was hired by Steed Group, Tom He didn't like him even more.

"If you still want to persuade me to sell the company, then I want to tell you, I'm sorry, I have sold the company to Charlie, and Levi's Shipping Company has nothing to do with me." Tom laughed, and his laughter was full of sadness and desolation. , Laughing and laughing, there are big tears dripping down the corner of the eye.

"My dear Tom, what should I say about you, don't you know? Charlie is employed by the Japanese consulate. I remember I reminded you many times." Doug ordered a glass of rum, but didn't rush to drink it. , Leaning on the counter with a cup, shaking his head, and looking at Tom with pitying eyes.

"Damn, it's my business to whom Charlie is employed. I just want to sell my company for a good price. I will sell it to anyone who pays a high price." Although Tom's mouth was still hard, but A trace of guilty conscience passed through the eyes, if he was not very familiar with Tom, he would not have noticed it.

After more than 50 years of operation, Levi's Shipping Company is still a bit of a family. Prior to this, Levi's Shipping Company had more than 20 various vessels with a total tonnage of more than 50,000 tons.

About a few months ago, Tom heard a rumor that probably meant that a shipyard in Santiago, Cuba, was buying a large number of scrap ships that were about to be dismantled. This shipyard acted very aggressively, and all the scrap ships had to be sold to them. Can only be sold to them.

At that time, Levi's shipping company was okay, so Tom didn't take the news to heart.

Unexpectedly, a few months later, the situation suddenly reversed. The rookie shipping company Eble-Rim Shipping was spun off. The Eble company specializing in European routes bought a large number of new ships and signed a monopoly shipping contract with New York Customs. Levi's Shipping The business of the company was greatly affected.

If this is not the case, it will not cause a fatal blow to Tom. At this time, Tom's partners demand withdrawal of funds, the bank loan cannot be repaid when due, Tom has to apply for bankruptcy, and sell Levi's shipping company. To repay debt.

At this point, Tom had long forgotten the rumor. Tom also knew that Charlie was serving the Japanese, but what does it matter? Reeves Shipping Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in European transportation business and has no business relationship with the Far East. Tom didn't even know where Japan was, so Tom couldn't care less.

After the news of Levi's shipping company was about to be sold, Doug found Tom and requested to buy all the vessels of Levi's Shipping Company. At this time, Charlie also found Tom and the price given was 5,000 higher than the price given by Doug. U.S. dollars, so Tom took it for granted that he sold all Levi's ships to Charlie.

Just this afternoon, Tom just signed a contract with Charlie in his office, and charged a deposit of 10,000 US dollars. So Tom has no way out now. If he chooses to break the contract, the penalty will be unbearable for Tom.

"It's a pity that you have to have a life and a life to spend." Doug looked at Tom with pity.

Tom used to come to Chuck ’s tavern for a drink after work, so strictly speaking, Chuck ’s tavern should be regarded as Tom ’s place. If Tom and Doug are in conflict here, Tom believes that Chuck will stand by himself Over here.

A shotgun was hidden under the counter in front of him, so Tom was not afraid: "You **** dog, what do you want to do? Are you threatening me?"

Tom would love to find someone to fight with, even if he is beaten up. It might make Tom feel better.

Doug didn't clash with Tom, stepped back a half step with a smile, and then a figure occupied Doug's position.

This is a fierce guy with a pair of ferocious eyes. His ears are half missing and his nose has been ripped open with violence. Perhaps it is because the doctor he is looking for is not clever and the scars are stingy. He wore a worn felt hat, a vest with a hole that could not be seen in the original color, and the vest was tightly hooped on his developed muscles, which could not cover the tattoos and scars on the guy.

Usually only Irish talents will dress like this, but looking at the pistol hanging on this guy's waist, he doesn't look like an Irishman.

The average Irish can't afford a horse craft pistol.

"Tom, I'll give you a chance, go to Charlie and tell him you're sorry, you won't sell him Levi's Shipping Company." The guy's voice was hoarse, and there was a leak, as if the vocal cord was torn But it never looked the same.

Tom knows that this is because the vocal cord of this guy was burned by fire. Previously, there was such a person in Tom's company. Later, the person committed suicide because he could not bear the pain of torture.

"I ... why should I do this ..." Tom felt that the underwear was soaked with sweat, sweat dripped down his forehead along the hair, and the eyes flowing into the corners of the eyes were a little painful, but Tom didn't dare wipe it.

"Because you're going to live ..." The guy in front grinned, and there was a row of golden teeth in his mouth, a smile that made Tom feel creepy.

"I ... I ..." Tom didn't want to agree, but he didn't dare to refuse either. For a moment, Tom felt his throat tighten and his throat hurt as if he was choked by someone.

"Tom, if I were you, I would tear up the contract right away ..." Doug's voice was still so annoying. Although he was separated, Tom still heard it clearly.

"I ..." Tom's expression was struggling, remembering the liquidated damages on the contract, they were very interesting, the urge to break the net.

"You don't have to worry about legal issues. If there is a lawsuit, I will be happy to be your agent, and you can rest assured that you don't need to pay any fees ..." Doug's voice came in time and called Tom back from the cliff.

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