Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 503: and many more

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Don't think that the plane will fly into the sky, everything is troublesome.

This is not the same as studying a car. As long as the car does not have a problem with the brakes, the most trouble on the road is the litter. If the plane has a problem, the trouble will be big. People can survive even if it is God's blessing.

The main problem is still the engine. This is the heart of the aircraft. As long as the problem of the engine can be solved, other problems are not the problem.

"The engine research has not stopped. The engine we are using is developed on the basis of type II engines. At present, there are two engine research groups under our engine research institute, one is responsible for the research of automobile engines, and the other is for aircraft engines. In the next step, we plan to list the small components of the aircraft engine research and set up a separate Institute of Flight Dynamics. This part is expected to cost about 250,000 US dollars. "Franklin's price is not high, even far lower than Li Mu Psychological expectations.

The research institute is mainly troublesome from scratch. As long as there is an institute as the foundation, it is not difficult to develop a second one, and the funds will also save a lot.

"No problem, I'll call you over this money later." Li Mu never spared any effort in scientific research, giving as much as necessary.

"There is also a part of our R & D expenses. There is no upper limit for this part. We expect that the first batch of funds will need about 300,000 US dollars." Franklin continued to ask, compared with the hardware facilities, this part is truly bottomless.

"I'll give you 500,000, and the extra will be issued as a bonus." Li Mu simply resolved the bonus together, so that the researchers would be motivated to work.

"In addition, we need the cooperation from the steel company. We need new materials that are lighter and stronger. The best material we can find is birch. It is difficult to find a better estimate. Of course, in this regard, We will not give up, if it can be found, it is best, if not, then we can only look forward to new products appearing in Pittsburgh. "Xibodu McMillan is more technology-oriented, Li Mu's requirements are getting higher and higher The pressure on Xibodu McMillan will also increase, and now what Li Mu wants and gives, then Xibodu McMillan will have to produce results.

Carnegie's business has been expanding. Three steel mills have started in one year. Another huge trust company is gradually forming, but Carnegie-Rim Steel's core special steel plant is still located in Pittsburgh.

"I'll say hello over the materials, but I can't pin all my hopes on the emergence of new materials. The basic work to be done is still to be done." Li Mu was not sure about this, so he didn't dare to pack tickets.

In Li Mu's impression, until World War I, the aircraft seemed to be made of wood, so materials are not the key factor restricting the development of aircraft at present.

Li Mu is very clear that the most suitable material for aviation is aluminum alloy, but it is not easy to get aluminum alloy at present. Before the emergence of pure aluminum technology, aluminum could not be produced on a large scale. This technology will not be available until the end of the 19th century. Appeared, and directly promoted the birth of the Mellon family.

In the end of the 19th century and now, it is actually not too many years. Thinking of the importance of aluminum, Li Mu decided to steal the livelihood of the Meilong family.

"Franklin, there is a new task now, to find some chemists and form a research team, we will start to study how to produce aluminum such as metal on a large scale." Li Mu said just to do it anyway, for Li Mu, just to The Steed Lab has injected a sum of money, and Li Mu does not need to worry about other aspects.

"Okay, no problem, I'll start the operation as soon as I go back." Franklin was also interested in this technology.

In fact, the metal "aluminum" was discovered as early as 1808. Over the years, countless scientists have tried to find a way to produce "aluminum" on a large scale, but no one has succeeded in extracting this science. Laurel wreath.

At present, the French are at the forefront of the world's research on aluminum. The French can produce 750 kg of aluminum every year, which is the entire output of "aluminum" in the world.

It is not difficult to produce aluminum on a large scale. In the original history, it took only a few years after Charles Martin Hall's graduation to obtain pure aluminum by melt analysis. Although Li Mu did not know the melting How does the analytical method work, but as long as you have the money, you can get the correct answer after all, even if you use the most stupid way to experiment little by little.

Thomas Edison once said: Scientific research is 99% of sweat and 1% of inspiration, but without this 1% of inspiration, 99% of sweat is futile.

This statement cannot be said to be wrong, but there is a possibility of speculation. Thomas Edison said that the thousands of experiments in the process of studying the light bulb are not worth mentioning. The inspiration he provided is the most important. .

The problem is that even this inspiration is not the original of Thomas Edison.

If it were not for the genius of Nikola Tesla, it would be more realistic to experiment honestly.

Regarding Nikola Tesla, this person is already in the possession of Li Mu. Last year Li Mu sent someone to Europe to find Nikola Tesla, and assumed all of the college that Nikola Tesla attended. Cost, Nikola Tesla has promised to go directly to the United States to work for the Steed Lab after graduation.

This is a killer concealed by Li Mu. As long as he owns Nicholas Tesla, then the Steed Group need not worry about being technically restrained for at least several decades.

In order to form a scientific research team for large-scale production of aluminum, Li Mu once again injected 150,000 US dollars into the Junma Laboratory, which is also just a start-up fund. Later, Li Mu will make additional appropriations.

At noon, Li Mu feasted Franklin and Xibodu McMillan at Clinton Castle.

Franklin showed an unusual interest in Clinton Castle and the beach club. Li Mu knew Franklin wanted and promised that as soon as he found a way to produce aluminum on a large scale, Li Mu would find a way to get Franklin to follow the old path of Rankel into politics.

Li Mu now has more and more resources in his hands. Franklin's entry into politics does not mean that Langkel will withdraw. Even if Massachusetts cannot make extra senator positions, Li Mu can also arrange Franklin to Hawaii to run for election. Senator of Hawaii.

Thibode McMillan's meal was overkill. At this moment, Thibode McMillan's heart had flew back to Boston, and he decided to go back to the laboratory to do a big job.

After sending away Franklin and Xibodu McMillan, Li Mu continued to dominate in New York to fulfill his promise to Hayes.

Hayes' advantage is really small. Although Hayes has almost no enemies in the Republican Party, and has been a good reputation since he became the governor of Ohio, the problem lies in this Ohio, which is located in the Great Lakes Basin in the Mideast of the United States. In the United States, Ohio has little sense of existence. Li Mu's impression of Ohio originates from the Cleveland Cavaliers. The problem is that it is now the 19th century. The NBA has no shadow, and Li Mu naturally has no impression of Ohio.

The reason why Hays can compete with James Bryan and James Garfield has a lot to do with the support of the Harrison family. Without the support of the Harrison family, Hayes is estimated to have failed even the first round of voting.

Although Li Mu promised to support Hayes, the situation facing Hayes is still not optimistic. To beat James Garfield and James Brian, Hayes needs more allies.

The first person Li Mu lobbyed was J.P. Morgan.

In fact, strictly speaking, Hayes's ruling philosophy has many similarities with the fair competition advocated by JP Morgan. Both of them are good at compromise, both are upright and smooth, and they all hate corruption.

It looks more than similar, they are just one person.

"... I know that you have always wanted to establish a relatively fair social system. Under the current political ecology, fairness is almost impossible, even if it is relatively fair, it is difficult to achieve. The advantage is that Mr. Governor is willing to do this. Trying, although this has a high probability of failing, but willing to try is an adventure in itself, and now the power of the Governor is not great enough, which requires our joint efforts. "Li Mu was good when facing J.P. Morgan. It is ridiculous to hear "fairness and justice" from Li Mu's mouth, but this is what J.P. Morgan has always pursued.

"Mr. Hayes ... Do you think he might win?" J.P. Morgan was concerned, and he didn't see Hayes win.

"How do you know if you do n’t try it? You know, the Republican Party is not doing well. Actually, no matter whether it is Hayes or James Blaine, or James Garfield, the possibility of winning the final is not high, but relatively Said that Hayes is already the best candidate we can find, and we don't want to lose, so we must be united. "Li Mu's aggressive spirit is exactly what the Republican Party lacks right now.

In the past two years, the Republican Party has been defeated again and again in the face of the Democratic Party. Everyone can see the decline of the Republican Party, but the problem is that many Republicans are blindly optimistic and do not think that the Democratic Party has a chance to win. Even if the Democratic Party ’s polls are ahead of the Republican Party, They also think that the Republicans will win easily.

It is no longer easy to win, and it is more likely to lose simply. In the south, the Republican polls have fallen sharply. Even in the traditional north, the Republican votes have begun to fluctuate. All this. None is a good sign.

The Democratic Party is now seizing the corruption of the Republican Party, and the people's tolerance for the Republican Party is getting lower and lower. If the Republican Party does not present some outside moves, it will not be easy to win the presidential election.

"You're right, but I can't promise you yet. I think if I have the opportunity to have dinner with Mr. Governor, it should be very helpful to solve the problem." J.P. Morgan wanted to learn more about Hayes It doesn't take too long, a meal is enough.

"Of course, I can arrange it. Tonight." It ’s too easy for Li Mu to make arrangements for a meal. As long as J.P. Morgan has time, he can do it at any time. As for Hayes, his time Anytime, who can refuse J.P. Morgan's invitation.

In the evening, at the St. George's Restaurant, Li Mu gathered with Hayes and JP Morgan.

"In fact, we need more than just a regulated banking industry. In my opinion, all industries should be regulated. Now our market is full of bad competition, and those who follow the rules have difficulty moving, and those who do n’t follow the rules are unimpeded. This is very abnormal, and everything should be on the normal track. "Hayes talked bluntly, distressed at certain behaviors in society.

Well, Li Mu is the representative of "certain behaviors", but Li Mu's face did not show any impatience, and he smiled and watched Hayes perform.

"It ’s easy to talk about, but it ’s not easy to achieve it. We have to acknowledge the problems in the society. In fact, each of us has a responsibility. Strictly speaking, we are all vested interests. If we want to From vested interests to reformers, the difficulties we will face will be unimaginable. "J.P. Morgan agreed with Hayes, but was not optimistic.

J.P. Morgan is right. The reason why American politics is so chaotic is not caused overnight. The Grant government certainly has responsibilities, but if it is not fair to blame all the responsibilities on the Grant government, the problem lies in Hayes. If you want to change all this, then Hayes will jump out of the vested interest class and become an opponent of the existing vested interest class. J.P. Morgan does not think that Hayes will succeed in the end.

In other words, J.P. Morgan did not see any hope of success at all.

At least not in recent decades.

"If you don't try it, how can you know that you can't do it? Well, maybe I can't do it, but I will try my best to influence some people, even if I get kicked out of office, or like President Lincoln. I felt it was worthy of being shamelessly assassinated by my opponent. Even if I could only bury one seed, I also believe that one day it will grow into a towering tree. "Hayes behaved as fearless as a fighter. At this moment, his thin body was indeed tall and powerful.

"You're right, no matter what the result, we should try to try it." J.P. Morgan was infected by Hayes' words. Since Hayes can even take his life as a bet, then J.P. Morgan Do not mind following Hayes to make a bet.

After getting JP Morgan, there are still a lot of people who need Li Mu to work one by one. They are Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Henry DuPont and so on.

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