Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 508: Pond fish

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No matter how reluctant Li Mu is, it is impossible to continue voting tonight.

Rockefeller's people did a very thorough job, not only destroying the generator, but also the power supply line. If you want to restore power, unless you wait for system maintenance tomorrow.

In order to restore the power supply as soon as possible, Li Mu urgently dispatched a dozen engineers from Junma Electric Company for maintenance. After getting the answer that the power supply could not be restored tonight, Li Mu could not wait to grab Rockefeller.

It's really a shame tonight. After the meeting, Republican representatives from all over the country will spread the matter all over the United States, which will have a devastating effect on the reputation of Junma Electric.

Although Rockefeller said he wanted to pay, how could he possibly afford it? In Li Mu's mind, the value of the electrical industry is not inferior to that of the oil industry. Even if Rockefeller pays out more money, it will not be possible to eliminate the incident this evening Negative impact.

While Li Mu and Junma Electric's engineers were trying their best to restore power, Rockefeller was talking at the gate of the city hall.

"... There was a glitch. Rim and his people are overhauling, but the situation is not good. It seems that power cannot be restored tonight. We have to understand this. Sometimes accidents cannot be avoided ..." On the surface, Rockefeller It seems to be helping Li Mu to explain, in fact, it is not difficult to hear the voice of this guy.

Na na na, blackouts have nothing to do with me, it is the technology of Junma Electric Co., Ltd ...

"So what should we do now?" Hays frowned, forcibly suppressing the urge to swear, and asked Democratic Chairman Henry Lobos.

That happened was the last thing Hayes wanted to see.

If there were no accidents, Hayes would certainly be able to defeat James Bryan in one fell swoop. This kind of "accident" at this time is really unacceptable to Hayes.

If the vote were to be held tomorrow morning, God would know what would happen that night.

Night long dreams ...

"It looks like we can only wait until tomorrow ..." Henry Lobos was also struggling. This time the election was too difficult. The accidents continued from the beginning. If it was to be the time when the Democrats were decisive ...

Henry Lobos shook his head, not daring to imagine how the Republican Party would be embarrassed.

"Mr. Mayor, I have to say that your security work is too poor ..." Rockefeller was still working, and for the first time on Arthur's head.

"Nonsense, our work has always been fruitful. This must have been intentionally sabotage. I will definitely let the police find out." Arthur said that I did not carry the pot, raised his hand and called Bresta, thinking Ask the police chief Bresta if he wants to do it.

Just last month, the former New York Police Commissioner finally retired, and Bresta took the natural successor to become the new Commissioner of the City Police Department.

Providing security work for the Republican National Congress is the first major task undertaken by the New York City Police Department after Bresta took office, but it never occurred to such an oolong. Strictly speaking, Bresta is also difficult to quit. blame.

"Gentlemen, the generators and power supply lines have been damaged by violence. The power supply room is open and anyone can approach. There are more than 700 national representatives here tonight. With their attendants, there are nearly 3,000 people here. And I only have 15 men, how can you expect 15 people to supervise 3,000 people? "Bresta shouted injustice, otherwise he could only blame the insufficient police force.

Bresta is Will's. Although he has to accept the leadership of the New York government, Bresta is really good at Arthur.

"Okay gentlemen, we don't have to shirk each other's responsibilities anymore. In fact, it is easy to find out who has damaged the generator and power supply system. It is simply that some people don't want to let the vote take place tonight. When this happens, whoever earns the most is the most suspicious. "Although Li Mu did not specifically refer to anyone when he spoke, his eyes kept on staring at Rockefeller.

Li Mu must not be able to accept the accusation of "technical failure". What is technical failure? Technology failure will not lead to technical failure, but tonight's incident is obviously someone intentionally disrupted. This is nothing like technical failure.

Therefore, the technology of Junma Electric Company is no problem, and some people have problems.

Some people's hearts are broken. ...

"Yes, that's it." Rockefeller looked calm, as if he didn't see Li Mu's angry eyes.

Someone like Rockefeller, what you say to him "conscience, morality" is nothing at all, who is Rockefeller? In the face of workers' strikes, Rockefeller was able to arbitrarily mobilize the army to use armed vehicles and heavy machine guns to carry out violent suppression by force. You talk to him about the rules at all, because they were originally formulated by them.

In this case, don't stop talking about this nonsense, and as soon as Henry Lobos ordered, the crowd would immediately fall apart.

"Huh, it's either someone else or Rockefeller." Just as Li Mu got into the car, he revealed the true face of Rockefeller.

"What does he want to do?" Hayes and Li Mu were in a car, while swallowing and spitting with a cigar.

Li Mu recounted Rockefeller's request to Hayes and did not carry any private goods.

"Oil refinery! Ha! Great appetite." Hayes was very angry.

If Rockefeller came to talk to Hays and talk about it, Hays may not reject Rockefeller's request, but now Rockefeller puts it forward in this approximate blackmailing way, and Hayes is in a bad mood.

As the head of a state, Hayes also has self-esteem. Although Rockefeller is powerful and powerful, you can make conditions to Hayes in a crude way, but Hayes still cannot accept it.

Li Mu did not succeed, because Li Mu knew very well that even if Hayes didn't look down on Rockefeller anymore, even if Rockefeller did too much, Hayes would have to hold his nose to accept Rockefeller's conditions.

What if you do n’t accept it?

Hayes has promised Li Mu that he will introduce the arms system in the arms industry and the media industry. This is a standard black-box operation. It was originally a masterpiece of Ulysses Grant. Hayes had been deeply disgusted when he was governor. It is Hayes' turn to become president, and Hayes is not immune.

As for the Finance Minister who promised James Garfield, it was called personal acceptance. It was also common in the Grant government. Hayes claimed on numerous occasions that as long as he came to power, he would definitely put an end to this behavior, but the reality is Hayes. Have to make an exception again.

This kind of thing, there is a second time when there is a first time, just like a nun who was originally indifferent to being broken by the priest, he ca n’t stop.

Sure enough, before the car arrived at Battery Park, Hayes decided: "Promise him."

What if you don't agree? This step has been reached, and now there is no way back, only one way to black.

As for the word, there is no need to go to Rockefeller again, just make a call. Li Mu doesn't want to listen to Rockefeller now, so let Yan Shun call.

"Mr. Rockefeller said thank you very much ..." Yan Shun's expression was like being kicked by a donkey.

"That being said, our governor is not so upright." Will, who was waiting for Li Mu to bring the good news, was disappointed.

Li Mu settled Hayes in Clinton Castle and returned to Governors Island himself.

As a soldier, although Will is a staunch supporter of the Republican Party, Will was not eligible to participate in the Republican National Convention, so he stayed on the Governor's Island to wait for the good news of Li Mu, but did not expect to have a bad news.

Li Mu waved his hand to let Yan Shun go to sleep first, and when he mentioned Hayes, he pouted: "Of course he wants to be right, but in the current social environment, this idea is a bit too advanced, so unless our governor does not want to be president, if he wants In the end, he must make a change. "

It ’s so easy to think about it. Even Li Mu, a traversalist, would have to follow the wave in this era. After all, Hayes is just an ordinary person. His ideal is of course good, but it ca n’t be realized at this stage of society.

"It's a shame ... I thought the Republican Party would succeed this time." Will didn't understand politics, he was a pure soldier, so this situation made Will feel very frustrated.

"Rest assured, I can give you a positive answer to this point now." Li Mu reassured Will that Li Mu is still a little sure about the presidential campaign.

"You mean the presidential election? No, no, I am not worried about the presidential election, I am worried about what the people want." Will is also meticulous, knowing that the Republican Party is currently in a bad state.

"Don't think about these things, you just have to do your job well." Li Mu didn't want Will to trouble himself. The reason the Republican Party has reached the current level is not the responsibility of any one person. All Republicans should be responsible for this. .

"Of course I will do my job well. When the final election, I will mobilize all the soldiers to vote for the Republican Party, no matter whether the Republican Party wins Hayes or James Brian, this is also one of my few. "Well done" Will had a decisive decision, and doing his best was not a joke.

In the US presidential election, the electoral system is adopted. Each state must first vote in the state, and then the winning candidate will have all the votes in that state.

When the final result comes out, the electorate will return the final result to Congress.

Not all voters will be loyal to the will of the voters. In history, there have been several times in which voters have clearly chosen one person, but the elector has chosen another.

If Li Mu remembered correctly, such an accident occurred in the 1876 election.

Although Will was limited to his status and could not join the party, when he voted, Will could also cast his own sacred vote, which was also one of the few contributions Will could make.

"That's enough, rest assured, Democrats won't win." Li Mu comforted Will not to think wildly, but to know the advantages of the Republican Party before, but the soldiers of the Northern Army shot out with one shot, so seeing the current Republican Party is losing ground. Will's mood can be imagined.

Ending the chat with Will, Li Mu had not fallen asleep, so he came to the study and wanted to figure out if there was anything missing.

Like Hayes, Li Mu is also afraid of night long dreams. Although Rockefeller seems to want to betray James Bryan, who can be sure that this is not James Bryan's contradiction, if after this night, James Bryan regained Advantage, then Li Muke would like to cry without tears.

Don't think Rockefeller can't do such a thing, this is a person who has no bottom line than Li Mu.

"Don't go to sleep yet?" Chu Xue brought Li Mu a glass of milk. Don't look at Li Mu now looks like an adult. In fact, Li Mu is not yet an adult, so he cannot do without the necessary nutritional supplements.

"What are you writing?" Chu Xue put the milk on the table in front of Li Mu, went behind Li Mu, and focused on the folder in Li Mu's hands.

"Relax, it's not Kun Kun's style." Li Mu laughed, and the sequelae of being a designer a while back, as long as he saw Li Mu holding a pen, Chu Xue felt Li Mu's inspiration came.

Chu Xue was very obedient and immediately covered her mouth and stopped.

The distance between the two was very close. Chu Xue was near the armrest of Li Mu's chair, and a faint fragrance lingered on the nose of Li Mu. This was not any kind of perfume known by Li Mu, but the body fragrance of Chu Xue.

Li Mu is too familiar with this taste.

"How is your store now?" Li Mu is concerned about the urban beauty store that Chu Xue and Gloria partnered with.

The last time Gloria went to Washington to open the first branch of the Metropolis Beauty Store, but was interrupted by Li Mu ’s schedule, Li Mu was not aware of the latest developments.

In contrast, the men ’s gang has developed very fast, thanks to Li Mu ’s choice of a qualified partner. Li Mu ’s recent election has been busy, and he has not considered the expansion of the men ’s gang, but Solomon Loeb did not let him down For more than a month, Solomon Loeb has opened men's gang stores all over New England, and there have been more than ten men's gangs, which is beyond Li Mu's expectations.

"I don't know, it's all Gloria in charge." Chu Xue honestly, a little embarrassed, she really didn't have the energy to pay attention to urban beauty stores.

The office led by Chu Xue is responsible for the financial work of the entire Junma Group. Although there are dozens of accountants under Chuxue, compared with the huge business of Junma Group, the size of this office is still a bit small.

"Don't make yourself so tired. The reason why I agree with you both is to find a job that will make you happy ..." Li Mu was helpless, not worried about Gloria Li Mu, but for Chu Xue, Li Mu Can't rest assured.

"But, what I'm doing now is what I like to do!" Chu Xue gave an unexpected answer to Li Mu's surprise.

Sounds pretty good.

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