Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 520: sovereignty

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Children in single-parent families are lacking in love.

Generally speaking, if the father is missing, then when the child grows up, there will be a lack of toughness and courage in the character, and if the mother is missing, there will be a lack of gentleness and delicateness in the character.

Gloria and Sandy grew up beside Will, so when they talk and do things, they will inevitably be affected by Will, so it is rare to see Gloria and Sandy weak when they are weak. They are all cheerful and straightforward, and they will never go round and round.

When in Springfield, Will was very strict with Gloria and Sandy. He went to school for girls, and basically he was basically a policeman who danced with swords, and those boys of the same age Children, few people dare to approach them.

So when Gloria and Sandy grew up, they had almost no involvement of the opposite **** in their lives.

At this time, Li Mu suddenly broke into their originally peaceful family and became a part of their lives. If Li Mu grows up crooked and inferior, it is only a matter of doing things. It is just such a good-looking and good height. , And versatile, such a very exotic boy.

There is almost no doubt about how popular such a boy is with girls.

So Sandy's urgency is not difficult to understand, because Sandy's education from childhood to childhood has been: If you want, you must work hard for it.

From the perspective of Sandy, if she doesn't act as soon as possible, then I'm afraid she will call Li Mu as "brother-in-law" soon.

Now, although Sandy failed to succeed, at least Sandy succeeded in making Li Mu understand her mind.

Of course, this will definitely lead to Gloria's hostility, but in the world of love, there is nothing that comes first, and there are never any sisters.

Gloria still knows in a public place. Although Li Mu and Sandy's behavior is a bit overdone, Gloria is not hysterical, it is considered to have left Li Mu a bit of face.

Back on Governors Island, Gloria's first thing was to find Sandy.

But Sandy didn't show up, not even the door was open to Gloria.

Li Mu did not return to the Governor's Island with Gloria. Looking at Gloria's angry back, Li Mu felt a little confused in her head.

Chu Xue did not return, but her expression had returned to normal. As usual, she stood quietly beside Li Mu.

"It was just an accident ..." Li Mu didn't know why, but in the subconscious, Li Mu felt that he must explain something, although Li Mu never gave Chuxue any promise.

Chu Xue didn't speak, but nodded in a small range. It was not difficult for Li Mu to discover that Chu Xue had already slightly bent his mouth.

What's so special? Li Mu once thought of forming a family with Chu Xue, and he also thought of forming a family with Gloria, but Li Mu can swear to heaven that Sandy was never part of Li Mu's plan.

Li Mu isn't so hungry yet, she wants to start with a little loli.

This home can't go back. I don't know what will happen to Gloria after going back. Li Mu is going to go to Washington to find Will.

In this situation, Li Mu feels that only by throwing Will out can Lola's attention be diverted. Otherwise, no one should think about Christmas this year.

"Gloria and Sandy are also going to Washington ..." After learning about Li Mu's plan, Chu Xue provided an unexpected news to Li Mu.

"What are they going to Washington for?" Li Mu felt a bit big.

"In fact, Gloria and Sandy already knew that Claudia and her children live in Washington. They want to go to Washington to pick them up and give them a full Christmas." Chu Xue's words made Li Mu feel Very pleased.

Gloria and Sandy have finally grown up and have begun to understand Will, which is good news, if Li Mu and Sandy did not make this happen.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go together." Li Mu got up and walked to the dock. To be honest, Li Mu was really worried about Gloria and Sandy at the moment, hoping that they hadn't given the Governor's Island a handful. The fire is on.

The most worrying thing about Li Mu did not happen. The Governor's Island is still quiet and peaceful, with no trace of fireworks.

Gloria sat sullenly on the sofa in the living room without even looking at Li Mu.

"Go get Sandy down, and we'll go to the train station right away." Li Mu first took Chu Xue away.

Watching Chu Xue go upstairs, Li Mu came to sit on the sofa in front of Gloria.

"That was just an accident ..." Li Mu gave the same explanation as Chu Xue.

"Just an accident? Do you think so?" Gloria's eyes looked like two daggers, and Li Mu, who was forced to look, had nowhere to run.

"It was indeed an accident. I talked with Sandy about Claudia and Will. At first I just wanted to give Sandy a comfort. I think it might be that my actions gave Sandy some kind of misunderstanding." Li Mu is not that When something goes wrong, first choose yourself a clean scum.

"Then you admit it, it's Sandy that you got together with first." Gloria pressed hard.

"First of all, I have to correct you. Your terminology is very inappropriate. No matter how angry you are now, you can't use the word 'hookup'. This not only insults Sandy, but also insults me." Li Mu did not give in, Opposite Gloria.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your explanation." Gloria was still stubborn, tears were already in her eyes.

"Like you said, Sandy is still a child, she still can't understand what love is, and I'm not as hungry as you see. If I want, you, or Chu Xue, we all have the possibility … "Li Mu had just spoken halfway and suddenly felt bad.

Sure enough, when Li Mu talked about Chuxue, Gloria suddenly stood up like a little lion and grabbed Li Mu's windbreaker neckline.

"I, or Chu Xue, who do you think you are? Tribal chief with three wives and six wives?" Gloria dragged Li Mu off the sofa and pulled Li Mu down, fiercely staring at Li Mu's eyes.

Li Mu could almost see that flames were burning in Gloria's eyes.

"I don't think so, I just want to say that our future is still uncertain." Li Mu tried to calm down Gloria.

"Then I'll make sure of one thing with you now ..." Gloria uttered a word, stamped her heels, and kissed her suddenly.

This is still Li Mu's first kiss in this life, but Li Mu can swear that there is no sweetness at all. Li Mu only feels that his teeth and Gloria's teeth are bumping together, and then Li Mu feels a bit bloody.

I must have broken my lips ...

Probably Gloria was not feeling well, so Gloria immediately released Li Mu.

"Now you can be sure, if you want to let someone sit on your lap in the future, then that person can only be me." Gloria's lips were broken, and she could see vaguely when she spoke. There was bloodshot on the corner of her mouth, and it seemed that Gloria had declared Li Mu's ownership in this queen-like manner in a manner similar to the "blood oath".

To be honest, the **** Li Mu really didn't feel much dislike, but because of bloodshot blood in the corner of Gloria's mouth, she felt a little pain.

It was inappropriate to say anything at this time, and Li Mu subconsciously took out a handkerchief and handed it to Gloria.

Gloria didn't mean to pick it up, but instead raised her head and motioned to Li Mu to help her clean it by herself.

"Don't wipe it!" Sandy's voice came from the stairs.

"Little girl, I think you are looking for a puppet." Gloria is an absolute activist, and she wants to teach Sandy to bypass Li Mu.

"Enough!" Li Mu raised his hand and grabbed Gloria's arm.

"Let go!" Gloria wanted to shake Li Mu away.

Li Mu stretched out her arms and hugged Gloria.

Gloria immediately seemed to have been fixed.

"I hate you!" Sandy pushed away the pale-faced Chuxue, covered her face and turned upstairs.

Until getting on the train, Sandy didn't talk to anyone.

It's still a familiar box, it's still a familiar train, it's still a familiar route, but it doesn't have the warm feeling of the last time I went to Washington.

Looking at Sandy's lonely figure by the window of the car, Li Mu had a headache, but could not help.

Except for the sound of the "slamming" when the wheels collide with the rails, no more sounds can be heard.

Li Mu wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, but didn't know how to speak.

Fortunately, Li Mu was never short of amusingness. Mason, dressed as a bartender, and a towel on his arm, pushed in the door, breaking the silence in the compartment.

"Champagne you want ..." As soon as Mason spoke, Li Mu wanted to buckle the champagne to Mason's face. At this time, drinking champagne, is there a lack of strings?

What's more missing is that Mason put a few ice cubes in the glass before pouring the wine, which made Li Mu's teeth hurt immediately.

Everything is fine in the train compartment, but for the sake of fire prevention, there is no fireplace installed, so the temperature in the compartment is really not high. At this time, you need to add ice to drink champagne, and most people can't afford this treatment.

"Can't you get some brandy over?" Li Mu is not pleasing to the eye as soon as he sees Mason. When Gloria swelled in the afternoon, Mason took Pan to hide away and watched the whole show. When I think of it, my teeth feel itchy again.

Most wines need to be added with ice to taste. Probably only brandy and whiskey are accidental, but the degree of whiskey is a bit high. Although Li Mu now wants to drink a high degree of alcohol to numb the nerves, but considering the girls present, Li Mu can only drink brandy.

"Okay, wait a minute ..." Mason immediately started packing.

"What do you plan to say after meeting Will?" Li Mu finally found a topic.

"What do you want me to say? Would you ask me to take him back with that woman?" Gloria spoke in a bad tone, but she looked good.

"Well, you really don't need to say anything, as long as you and Sandy appear in front of Will, then I think Will can understand what you mean." Li Mu carefully mentioned Sandy's name.

Fortunately, Gloria didn't flutter.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to accept this, at least I didn't expect you to accept it so soon." Li Mu little held Gloria.

"What do you think I am? A little girl who is crying without a gift at Christmas?" Gloria didn't bother, obviously it was for Sandy.

"Huh, don't think that the gift you got is yours." Sandy suddenly answered.

"Girls, remember to be respectful when talking to me." Gloria was rude, and immediately took on her sister's due demeanor.

Don't get me wrong, this sister has no other meaning.

"If I have a respectable sister, then I will always respect her." Sandy still didn't look back, but the success provoked Gloria's anger.

"I think you're really itchy, come and tell me, where am I not worth your respect?" Gloria got up, looking at the posture to do something.

Although both Gloria and Sandy were girls, they grew up around Will. These are the two standard tomboys. They have been used to playing and arguing since they were young, so they will never talk nonsense.

"Okay, okay, now we are going to come up with a practical attitude, do you still want to watch Will and Claudia separate on this special day at Christmas? And yours Brother, he will soon learn to call my elder sister. "Li Mu lifted and held Gloria. Gloria did not shake off this time, but instead took the opportunity to sit next to Li Mu and squeezed on the same sofa as Li Mu. .

"Well, it's because we can't bear it, that's why we have to take Claudia and the child back. Otherwise, it's estimated that Will will never bring it up with us." Gloria showed a very different age. Mature, after all, this is just a girl under 18.

Regarding adulthood, the standards of the East and the West are different. Generally speaking, boys in Chinese society are considered to be adults until the age of 20, while girls are considered to be adults until the age of 15.

The American standard of adulthood follows the British. Girls are considered adult when they are 18 years old. If they are in the UK, girls will put on a gown to meet the queen on the day when they are 18 years old, which means that they are qualified to participate in social activities.

However, this is not absolute. Many people in the United States are of German descent. The adult standard in Germany is much earlier. Adults can be considered as 14 years old. Therefore, many people in the United States have social activities early, and it will not make others feel. It's strange.

This standard of adulthood should not be restrictive for Li Mu. After all, although Li Mu's body is less than 18 years old, his psychological age is already over 30, so the standard of adulthood is not applicable to Li Mu.

What's more, early marriage in Chinese society is generally in the United States. If it was in the Qing Empire, maybe by the age of 18, children would almost have soy sauce.

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