Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 545: Old bank

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The small round island has now become a veritable forbidden zone. The island has two bullet production lines and a gun maintenance workshop. This maintenance workshop actually has the ability to produce guns. If necessary, it can always produce and repair guns on the spot. component.

Regarding bullet making, in the 21st century Tianchao network, people often used this to black Sange. In fact, Sange is not so bad. People can make bullets. Historically, the Dam bomb was produced in Sange ’s arsenal.

The third brother's problem lies not in the manufacturing ability, but in the working attitude of the workers. Just because of the innocent character of the third brother's workers, the British let them produce a dum bomb.

All the workers on the small round island are sent from Springfield, and there is no problem in capacity, so don't underestimate a small round island in this area. The industrial capacity is even stronger than that of Japan as a whole.

It is not possible to have all engineers in a factory, and a certain number of general workers, handymen, logisticians, etc. are not necessary. These people need not be sent from Springfield, but are recruited from Tiantian.

Of course, this recruitment is also subject to political review. If it is not "gen Hongmiaozheng", even the qualifications for recruitment are not. Pan Zhuzi belonged to those who were not qualified before.

"Gen Hong Miao Zheng" here does not only mean that he has Chinese ancestry, but also that he can be trusted in all aspects. For example, Pan Zhuzi, who lives by fishing and often contacts with outsiders, does not meet the standard.

After confirming the results, Pan Tingzhen was satisfied with the return to Tim, but Bai Qi's work was not finished. Since Pan Zhuzi was bought by a person named Qiu Shan, Bai Qi had to cut off the roots and not let the scourge of Qiu Shan escape.

Soon, Akiyama's information was investigated.

This Akiyama is indeed a Ryukyu, but he is of Japanese descent. He followed his father back to Ryukyu from Japan 20 years ago, and then operated a fish shop in Shuri.

Akiyama has a wide range of friends because of his generous shots. The financial resources displayed are not supported by a fish company at all. Bai Qi glanced through Akiyama's information and immediately concluded that this person had a problem.

In fact, there are not only Ryukyu people in Shuri City who have problems in Ryukyu. The Japanese have been planning Ryukyu for a long time. For so many years, I do n’t know how many eyeliners have been inserted in Ryukyu. Even Pan Tingzhen did n’t know if there was anyone else People buy it.

"It seems we have to go to Shuri." Bai Qi decided to go out and go to Shuli to eliminate this hidden danger.

Although Bai Qi is Chinese, he has American citizenship and it is no problem to want to go to Shuli. So the next morning, Bai Qi took Hunter and more than ten other white gunmen to Shuri.

Although Shuri is the capital of Ryukyu, from the outside, it really looks like there is no capital. Although there is a city wall around Shuri, the wall is less than two meters high. Hunter can stand under the city wall and even raise his hand. Bai Qi felt very upset when he felt the duokou.

When men are together, they often chat and fart. Bai Qi previously described to Hunter the majesty of eastern cities, especially ultra-large cities with complete defense structures like the capital of the Qing Empire. This is the pride of Chinese in Bai Qi's mouth. .

As a result, I now see such a low Shuri city wall, which makes Bai Qi feel shameless. Although the Ryukyu people have nothing to do with the Chinese people, but losing the face of the Orientals is enough to make Bai Qi blaze. .

That's right, the Chinese at this time just managed such a wide range. This is the so-called great power mentality, which has already transcended the so-called national boundaries and races.

Entering Shuri Castle, Bai Qi's face was even more ugly.

The city in the 19th century had little planning at all, especially for small nations like Shuri, except for the main roads in the city, all other parts are wild, so you can imagine how bad the conditions are in all aspects. The streets were narrow, the sewage was flowing, and the stench was overflowing. This time it was not only white, they couldn't even get on the table.

"What kind of city do we want it for?" Hunt was puzzled.

Although Li Mu did not want to be the king of Ryukyu, it was not necessary to explain it so clearly to everyone. For example, Hunt did not know the true purpose of their arrival in Ryukyu.

"If you don't like it, you can burn it down and rebuild it as you see it." Bai Qi is more casual here. Anyway, most of the city is Ryukyu, and the rest are Japan. People, whether they are dead or alive, have nothing to do with Bai Qi.

"This is a good idea." Hunter agreed, and it seemed that his mind was not so good.

Although this is Bai Qi's first visit to Shuli, Pan Tingzhen has already settled a foothold in Shuli City for Bai Qi, so Bai Qi does not have to worry about having nowhere to go.

Coincidentally, the foothold is just diagonally opposite the Akiyama Fish Shop. This saves Bai Qi's work, so there is no need to worry about the monitoring point.

"Stare me to death, remember everyone who comes in and out of Akiyama Fish Shop, especially this Akiyama, remember who he is in contact with, it is best to figure out what they have said." Bai Qi The requirements are high. This is the rhythm of opening the stance to exhaustion.

"Rest assured, you will never miss one." Hunter has been trained in this area before, so he looks confident.

In fact, when it comes to surveillance, they are no strangers to it.

Bai Qi used to be a scout in the army. The scout is actually the predecessor of later special forces. They can have a lot of things, and they can even be described as complicated. Surveillance is one of the least technical tasks.

This place that Pan Tingzhen found for Bai Qi is quite good. It was estimated that it was also used for aquatic products. Upstairs and downstairs two floors, upstairs people live downstairs to do business. Of course, the door is now closed, and they all pass the back door Come in.

After setting the task for Hunter, Bai Qi took the time to take a nap.

To say that Ryukyu is not easy for Bai Qi, on the one hand, it is necessary to arrange training for Tian Tian, ​​on the other hand, to protect the safety of the small round island, and to guard against Japan. To be honest, Bai Qi can take a nap easily. Not much time.

When he woke up, it was already twilight. When he saw Hunter's surveillance record, Bai Qi suddenly felt a big head.

"Only one afternoon, there were 40 people entering the Akiyama Fish Shop. Is it a mistake?" Bai Qi was dissatisfied.

In fact, most people in this year are still accustomed to two meals. It is not that they do n’t want to eat three meals a day, but they ca n’t afford it at all. There is not so much food for them to consume, so they can only eat two meals a day.

There are no refrigerators these years, so aquatic products are sold fresh. The operating hours of fish shops are not too long. Generally, they are concentrated in the morning, and they should be rest time in the afternoon.

For a fish shop, even if it is business hours, there are about dozens of customers in one morning. It seems that the popularity of Qiushan Fish Shop is unexpectedly unexpected.

"Yes, there are so many people, and each of them has been warmly welcomed by the boss. It seems that they are regular customers. Several of them have been invited to drink tea upstairs. I have made important points for these people. Hunter's work attitude is fairly responsible. There are several bold lines under the name on the record, which are conspicuous.

Hunter alone can't actually do this step, at least Hunter must not know what the names of those who were invited by Akiyama to drink tea upstairs are due to Pan Tingzhen's eyeliner.

"Are there any people to follow?" Bai Qi focused on his work as much as possible.

"Sent, but we have limited manpower." Hunt looked helpless.

"Limited manpower?" Bai Qi was flaming.

If you find other reasons, then Bai Qi might just open his eyes and close his eyes, but when it comes to this "limited manpower", Bai Qi can't bear it.

Just under the eyes of Bai Qi, on the second floor, there are now dozens of gunmen sitting and standing. Some are busy exercising, several cards are covered with notes on their faces, and several more. Everyone is actually sleeping, can this be considered to be understaffed?

"Sir, you can't look at it this way, we can't keep track of it ..." The grievance in Hunter's heart was particularly tangled in his expression.

Looking at Hunt's body over 1.9m, Bai Qi immediately realized.

The Ryukyu people are about the same size as Southeast Asians. They are black, small, and thin. It is definitely not appropriate to use skinny to describe them, but it is rare to find a white fat person among 100 people. In this case, Hunter and their group of big men It is really not suitable for watching. It is estimated that they will be watched as soon as they go out. Just like the Chinese who watched foreigners when the reform and opening up in the 1980s, the enthusiasm is similar to that of a gorilla in a cage at a zoo.

"Forget it, take everyone back, we can act directly at night, how much can be judged out." Bai Qi decided not to play spy wars anymore, this group of goods is really unavailable. Since the text is not good, let's come Martial arts, it is more reliable to return to your old business.

Even at night, until 10 pm, the second floor of Akiyama Fish Shop was still brightly lit, and the scent of wine floating through the window could be smelled, which made Bai Qi and Hunter across a street almost gritted their teeth. Already.

"Drink and drink, wait to make you drink enough." Hunter prepared enough pepper noodles, which will be used in the interrogation later.

Interrogation is also hierarchical, for example, for people like Pan Zhuzi, because friends and enemies cannot be identified, generally no drastic means will be used until a conclusion is reached.

There is no need to deal with people like Akiyama. Now Akiyama is a disposable consumable to Bai Qi and Hunter. As long as the most valuable information can be obtained in the shortest time, even if Akiyama is made into raw fish The film, Bai Qi and Hunter can also succeed.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the banquet of Akiyama Fish Shop finally ended, and Akiyama went downstairs to personally take away the guests one by one.

Watching the last guest leave, Akiyama was preparing to enter the door, but felt a pain in the back of his head, and then it was dark before his eyes.

After waking up, Akiyama found that he seemed to be hanging from a shelf. There was a huge brazier in front of him. The brazier had a red-hot soldering iron. On the table were axe, saw, and various large knives The small knife, combined with the dim light in the room, makes people feel eerie.

In addition to the various "weapons" in the room, there were several bald men holding their arms, which even made Qiushan feel dangerous.

These bald men are all white, and they are burly and muscular, especially the chest hair, which can be described as lush.

The first person must be taller than 1.99 meters tall and covered with various tattoos all over his body. This guy was shirtless and unconsciously patrolled around Akiyama's lower body parts. Akiyama felt cold for a moment.

This is not an illusion. It wasn't until now that Akiyama discovered that he had been cleaned and slipped, and was tied to a wooden stand in an extremely shameful manner.

Akiyama is very familiar with this pose, and Akiyama still remembers the benefits of this pose.

Well, the benefit of this posture is that a man understands it, so now Akiyama feels very panicked, as if something bad is about to happen to him.

"First of all, Mr. Akiyama, my name is Hunter. You don't need to know where I am from. You just need to know the purpose of my visit ... Now I ask you a question, and you answer it. If you answer incorrectly, then I'll put this thing in your **** with my own hands ... "Hunt's words were simple and rude, only then Akiyama realized that Hunt had a loach in his hand.

Damn it ...

Akiyama can almost immediately confirm that this loach is produced by his own Akiyama fish line.

It is precisely because he manages this kind of thing, so Akiyama knows the characteristics of loach. This thing is best at punching holes, and it also has a tendon. As long as there is a hole, it will be persistently drilled.

Recalling what Hunt had just said, Akiyama immediately clamped his butt.

However, it is clear that not only pinching is useless, so Akiyama hurriedly answered: "Ask me, I promise I will tell you the truth and never dare to hide anything."

"It doesn't matter, even if you don't tell the truth, it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter, and it seems that this loach also wants you to tell more lies." Hunter raised the loach in his hand, and shook it in front of Akiyama. Akira.

Akiyama shouted in panic again: "Please, you ask, I promise to tell the truth."

"Very well, can you explain why you instructed Pan Zhuzi to go to the small roundabout?" The foreplay was enough, and Hunter immediately entered the topic.

"Pan Zhuzi ... I ... I don't know him ..." The answer to Akiyama's first sentence was wrong.

"Don't you know? Good." Hunter handed the loach in his hand to a big man next to him, and then started to flip over the soldering iron in the brazier without looking at Akiyama.

When he felt that the greasy loach was getting closer to his chrysanthemum, Akiyama finally collapsed and shouted, "I did it, I did it. It was Mr. Takeo who made me ..."

Takeo is the first attaché of the Japanese Embassy in Ryukyu.

This seems to be getting more and more interesting.

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