Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 551: Pig teammate

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A penny of money knocks down the hero, in fact, it is the same as zooming in to the country. Do n’t watch the 21st century republic slowly grow up. When the republic was first established, it also experienced the millet plus rifle era. Now Japan is better than the original republic. It still has to be hard-pressed. At least the original Republic could still develop some natural resources for some foreign exchange. Now in Japan, it ’s really not bad, let alone buy new weapons, even if they maintain their original scale. Not caught.

In this case, it is really difficult for them to compete with the Steed Group.

Li Mu's work has never been done in an effort. If he can be killed with one stick, he will never drag two sticks. So even if the advanced weapons for the Ryukyu National Guard have caused some people's dissatisfaction in the United States, Li Mu insisted that Do this.

The first person to complain to Li Mu was George Dewey.

Compared to the original history, George Dewey's life trajectory has now completely changed.

In Li Mu's impression, if there is no Li Mu, George Dewey now seems to be in the Southeast Asia, but in this time and space, George Dewey's rank is now Lieutenant General, the next popular candidate for the United States Secretary of War.

"I have no problem with dealing with the Japanese, and I have no problem with providing weapons and equipment for the Ryukyu National Guard, but can you consider the needs of the military? We have not yet fully replaced all of our Springfield rapid-fire rifles. Are those Ryukyus? Would n’t it be wise for a person to equip a single-shot rifle first? ”George Dewey was so resentful he went straight to the Governor's Island.

The so-called "rapid-fire rifle" is also a magazine-type rifle. This is the latest product of the Chuntian Weapons Factory. The ex-factory price of each is $ 65, which is much more expensive than a single-shot rifle. The US Department of War has considered it for half a year. Still not willing to give all US troops a full dress change, but now Li Mu has allotted the Ryukyu National Guard all "fast-fire rifles", which makes George Dewey's psychology very difficult to balance.

"George, what do you want me to do ... I am a businessman. In order to get these weapons, the Ryukyu people are willing to exchange an island with an area of ​​nearly 50 square kilometers. What can the Ministry of War give me? They do n’t even Willing to test. "Li Mu was also dissatisfied with the Ministry of War, and said that he was angry.

Although the number of the US Army is small, the base of the Navy is large, not to mention the National Self-Defense Forces of various states. It is not a trivial matter to replace all weapons. The Ministry of War cannot really afford such a lot of money for a while.

In fact, Li Mu's requirements are not high. If the Ministry of War cannot pay the entire cost of replacing weapons at one time, Li Mu can also accept the installment payment method, as long as the Minister of War Sherman is willing to make an IOU.

The problem now is that Sherman is not only unwilling to owe IOUs, but even unwilling to start a dialogue with Li Mu on this matter, which makes Li Mu very dissatisfied.

"You also have to consider that changing weapons is not a trivial matter. This is not something someone can say. Without the approval of Congress, even the consent of Mr. President is useless, so you should not blame Mr. War Minister, he is sure There are his concerns. "George Dewey said a rare word to Sherman.

"Hold up, wait for you to become the Minister of War, it is not too late for you to speak for the Ministry of War." Li Mu did not eat this set of words, who wouldn't say it in empty vernacular. It is fake to see real gold and silver. Big empty.

"Of course I want to be the minister, but this is not my decision, so I hope you can help Mr. Hayes win as soon as possible, then there may be some hope." George Dewey is not stupid. Ulysses S. Grant was on stage, and George Dewey probably had no chance.

"The key to the problem then lies in the presidential election ..." Li Mu smiled bitterly, and his heart was fretful again.

Not afraid of opponents like God, but teammates like Pig, this sentence is the most true portrayal between Li Mu and the Republican Party.

The general election will be held at the end of the year. It should be said that all Republicans should unanimously go out and win the election first.

There is a premise here. First, the Republican Party must reverse the corrupt image that had been inherent in the voters before and show a new look so that it can have more opportunities in the general election.

This is what Li Mu and Time Magazine are doing all they can do now.

The opinions of American voters on the Republican Party are mainly focused on corruption. It is not enough to say that there is a complete loss of confidence in the Republican Party, so as long as all Republicans are united, there will be a lot of articles in the next few months. What can be done is that Li Mu even has 100% confidence and can reverse the Republican Party's inherent impression in the minds of voters.

At this critical moment, the moths came out in the Republican Party, this time even Li Mu and Steed Group were pushed to the forefront.

Perhaps the popularity of the Independent Centennial Exhibition has spurred Philadelphians. Just last month, the Philadelphia government suddenly brought the New York Independent Centennial Exhibition Organizing Committee to court because the New York Independent Centennial Exhibition Organizing Committee violated Philadelphia. The rights and interests of the government, the Philadelphia city government requires the benefit of the independent centennial exhibition, and requires the New York independent centennial exhibition organizing committee to bear the advance payment of the independent city's centennial exhibition.

This cost is another bad debt.

The Independent Centennial Exhibition was originally hosted by the Philadelphia City Government. The Feicheng City Government allocated nearly one million US dollars for the start-up fund, and later sold more than two million US dollars of bonds.

As a result, I smashed so much money that I didn't even see a blister. In the end, the New Yorker successfully pried the corner.

If the New Yorkers were smashed by the Independent Centennial Exhibition, the Philadelphia City Government would be happy to see it live. The problem now is that seeing the Independent Centennial Exhibition becoming more and more popular, the New York City Government will definitely be able to make a fortune from the middle, which will make Philadelphia How can a person swallow this breath?

Probably the Philadelphians thought that if the matter passed the federal court, there would be no chance of it, so the Pennsylvania State Court accepted the lawsuit of the Philadelphia City Government, but this matter was preempted by the Democratic Party and turned into the Republican Party. A big scandal.

For ordinary people, they don't care what the significance of the independent centennial exhibition is. In the end, is the New York government operating more perfectly, or the Philadelphia government really suffered a great grievance, what they care about is the chai rice, salt and vinegar tea, Or the gossip of some big names. For the "fish fight" between Democrats and Republicans, this is more like a farce for ordinary people. Although it is not meaningful to them, it will undoubtedly further reduce Their evaluation of the Republican Party has affected their voting tendency.

The last thing Li Mu wants to see is this scene, so Li Mu's mood is very bad these two days, even if tomorrow, the independent century exhibition will be officially opened, and Li Mu's mood is not inspiring at all.

"Speaking of the opening ceremony, it seems that Mr. President is arriving in the evening. Will you pick up at that time?" George Dewey didn't care about the dispute between the New York City government and the Philadelphia city government.

"Go, of course!" Li Mu was definitely going, and he had to seize the opportunity to sue the Philadelphians.

Although the New York train station was illuminated at night, it was guarded in three steps and one post in five steps.

About a week ago, New York has been under martial law. There is no way. Now there are too many politicians in New York. A little carelessness is a big scandal. It is said that Bresta lost a lot of hair every day and went to bed at night. Can't sleep.

In addition to Cuban President Silvester, now the King of Brazil is also in New York, plus the President of the United States, New York is really crowded with people and celebrities, no matter who is bumping around here, Brace Towers couldn't escape responsibility, so Bresta was very nervous during this time, and was already a little nervous.

Although Ulysses S. Grant can no longer be the president for a few days, people are still on the stage after all, so there are still many people to pick up the station, not only Hayes and Arthur are present, but even Democratic presidential candidate Samuel Tilden was there.

"It's shit, why is this guy here?" Li Mu is very reluctant to see Samuel Tilden now.

It's also normal for Samuel Tilden to pick up and pick up the station. After all, the New York train station can now be regarded as a show, and Hayes and Samuel Tilden need exposure, so they will definitely not Absent from such an occasion.

By the way, Hayes and Samuel Tilden will also attend the opening ceremony of the Independence Centennial Exhibition tomorrow.

"Come on, if you look at him, throw him out ..." Arthur didn't squint, and the words he said weren't very pleasant.

"You go, I support you mentally." Li Mu was not fooled.

While talking, Ulysses S. Grant's train whistled into the station. Staff greeted the military orchestra to start playing. The platform was covered with a red carpet. At one end of the carpet, two little girls were selected to present flowers. They are also part of the pick-up.

"Hurry up, hurry up, find a good place ..." Li Mu heard that someone was still greeting him, and turned his head to see that it was a group of reporters.

Since it is a show, how can there be fewer reporters? Li Mu is very sure. He only notified the Time Magazine family and did not know where other people got the news.

After the train stopped, the door did not open in a hurry. A presidential palace staff member got out of the car and communicated with Arthur in advance, and then the train door opened slowly.

Ulysses Grant was wearing a black top hat and a tuxedo, with a walking stick in his hand and appeared at the door of the carriage.

When he saw the crowd on the platform, Ulysses Grant's smile was exceptionally bright, and he took off his hat to greet the people on the platform. The reporters moved the camera at the appropriate time. Ulysses Grant finally stepped off the ladder at the entrance of the carriage.

"Tough work, thank you very much for coming ..."

"Allen, it's been a long time ..."

Ulysses Grant danced with long sleeves. Everyone shook hands with each other cordially. In a very short period of time, I also had to chat a few words intimately. No wonder this guy from a military background can be re-elected for two terms. The affinity is really good.

When it was Li Mu's turn, Ulysses Grant was extremely enthusiastic. He not only gave Li Mu a hug, but also invited Li Mu to ride a car together.

As soon as he got into the compartment, Li Mu began to sue: "Can't you stop the behavior of the Philadelphia government? And the courts of Pennsylvania, what do they want to do? Now we have to create a scandal at this critical time, is it our trouble? Not enough? "

Li Mu was very upset. This is also in Pennsylvania. If it is in New York, Li Mu dares to guarantee that such cases will not be accepted by the court.

Speaking of Pennsylvania, there seems to be Rockefeller's nest ...

"What can I say ... You know, I'll step down in a few months, and even if I don't step down, I have no influence over the Pennsylvania State Court." Ulysses Grant's face finally revealed In a state of fatigue, as always, Ulysses S. Grant knew that such things were bad for the Republican Party, but could not help it.

To say that the president of Ulysses S. Grant is also aggrieved, or that under the political system of the United States, anyone who is a president must learn to forbear. Unless it is during the war, the president cannot cover the sky with one hand, even the president is doing things. Will be more restricted.

When Li Mu did not know the President of the United States before, he thought that the President of the United States was a magnificent post, but now he knows that the President is in fact a puppet. He must protect the interests of the consortium, and please the voters. He must balance the factional disputes. No wonder the United States The president has such a high probability of abnormal death.

"I now have reasons to suspect that the Pennsylvania government and the Philadelphia government have been bought by the Democrats, so they will strike us at this critical moment, otherwise I really can't figure out how to explain it." Li Mu grabbed everything Opportunity to take eye drops, even Li Mu knows that this is unlikely.

"No, no, Rim, you are too extreme. Although there is such a possibility, this possibility is very small and almost negligible." Ulysses Grant frowned, though he said lightly.

It is not uncommon to be bought into such a thing. Although Pennsylvania is nominally a Republican party's iron ticket warehouse, no one can guarantee that Pennsylvania will stand on the Republican side.

In fact, in the last one or two years, the Republican Party has been losing ground in the election campaign. Many **** ticket holders have changed hands. Even the governor of New York State has been replaced by a Democrat.

"Don't be too optimistic, Mr. President, if we don't cheer up, then it is likely that we will fail. No one can bear this responsibility at that time." Although Li Mu has always been confident, it must also be established without a pig teammate Under the premise, if someone jumps out on both ends for three days to make some moths, then Li Mu cannot guarantee that he will win.

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