Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 564: Peer

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Since the establishment of the "American Journalists Association", it has not been easy to set up a newspaper in the United States.

Of course, the difficulties always vary from person to person. If there is partisan support behind the Democratic Party, it is very simple to set up a newspaper.

The Echo was established in this context.

"If we follow the normal channels, we will not be able to force the Echo newspaper to stop publication in a short time. If we are in a hurry, it will also have an impact on our reputation." Sami Larkin was more careful in this matter.

After the presidential election at the end of this year, the Senate will carry out a new round of elections. At that time, Sami Larkin will enter the political arena. At this critical moment, Sami Larkin did not dare to damage his reputation in the slightest.

Unlike the Gunpowder Trade Association, although the Journalist Trade Association has certain binding force on the newspaper, it does not determine the life of the newspaper. After all, the Journalist Trade Association does not control the market share. In The Echo, Sammy Larkin also feels tricky.

"Even if it can't be stopped, it won't let him be unscrupulous. Find a way to squeeze his market share. It is best to make him unable to sell a newspaper." Li Mu just talked with Samuel Tilden on the phone and now Inconvenient.

"The problem is that the Echo newspapers are not sold at all, but sent. They don't care if they have any income. The Democratic Party behind them provides a steady stream of funds." Sami Larkin shook his head and smiled, facing Such a freak, Sammy Larkin is also helpless.

This is not to blame Li Mu for not knowing the facts. Although Li Mu created Time Magazine, he still lacks understanding of the media industry in this era. In Li Mu's concept, the profit path of newspapers should be advertising revenue. I did not expect this. The media industry of the era did not follow the card theory at all. The Echo newspaper leaned on big money owners such as the Democratic Party and naturally did not care whether the newspaper itself made money.

In fact, the current media industry, in addition to "Time" and "City Beauty", there are really few newspapers that can achieve their own profits and losses. Most newspaper owners are ticket-type, and they also have other Business, the operation of a newspaper is more to promote their own products, and has little to do with the way the media industry itself operates.

This is the "Echo". This is a newspaper just established this year. Under the premise of "Time Weekly" almost monopolizing the market, if the "Echo" newspapers still cost money to buy, it is estimated that they have 1,000 copies per issue. They ca n’t be sold, so “Echo” was simply given away free of charge. In order to counteract Li Mu ’s public opinion offensive, the Democratic Party also considered it hard.

"If you can make an essay on sales, you can make a essay on printing. If Echo has its own printing press, if not, then try to make them unable to print a newspaper." Li Mu wanted to take a salary at the bottom of the kettle. .

"They have their own printing press ..." Sammy Larkin's answer made Li Mu crazy.

"They always need a printer to print newspapers, right?" Li Mu's patience was about to run out.

The printing press of this year is still in the mimeographing stage. If you want to print a newspaper, you must first write what you want to print on the oil paper before you can start printing.

And considering the characteristics of oil printing, all fonts in newspapers must be written in reverse, so stereotypes require certain skills, and not everyone can play with them.

"Their printing is also a Democrat ..." It seems that Sami Larkin has also done a lot of work and knows the situation well.

"..." Li Mu didn't want to speak this time, and he would scold someone when he talked.

Sami Larkin, who is about to enter the political arena, is also considered to be a figure. Li Mu's attitude towards him can no longer be swift and tempted, and his face must still be kept a bit.

Mason noticed that Li Mu's expression was unpleasant, and finally found an opportunity for performance: "Let me go, I'll find someone to burn the newspaper directly ..."

This is a good way to get it right, but the idea is too nonsense, under the premise of Li Mu and Samuel Tilden already on the phone.

After much thought, Li Mu still picked up the phone and called Bresta.

"Echo" ... Is there a newspaper? "Bresta didn't like studying at first glance. I don't think I read newspapers every day. Fortunately, Bresta's response was fast enough, and she immediately returned to her mind:" Don't let him publish, okay, no problem. "

It seems that a real police presence is still needed.

In the early morning of the next day, as usual, Kenneth Commons arrived at the newspaper on time at eight o'clock in the morning to prepare for the day's work.

In the past, when Kenneth Commons came to work in a rented carriage, today is different. Kenneth Commons came by car, and three others came to work with Kenneth Commons. The big guy in a black suit, this is the guard that Samuel Tilden added to Kenneth Commons last night.

For the first time in my life, I came to work in a car. Kenneth Commons felt a little bit proud, but at the same time, there was a sense of absurdity in using the products of the Steed Group but doing things against the Steed Group It can't be more **** than that.

The Echo newspaper's headquarters is a two-story building with a backyard. The two buildings in the front are offices. The backyard is the printing house. This is where Kenneth Commons has worked hard this year.

What makes Kenneth Commons feel bad is that there is a large circle around the Echo headquarters, and it seems that something happened.

Three guards protected Kenneth Commons crowding into the crowd and found a police officer directing two police officers to seal the doors of the Echo headquarters.

"What are you doing?" Kenneth Commonston was angry.

It's not easy to get mixed up in a national party. Since the founding of The Echo, Kenneth Commons feels his position within the party is rising. Maybe it won't be long. Opportunity to enter the National Committee of the Democratic Party, so the "Echo" for Kenneth Commons now is a stepladder of Kenneth Commons.

But now some people want to remove this ladder, but you can imagine how angry Kenneth Commons was.

"Is this Mr. Kenneth Commons?" The police officer looked up at Kenneth Commons and rolled his eyes impatiently as he looked up.

"Yes, I do. Do you know what you are doing? Please stop your actions immediately, otherwise I will complain to your director ..." Kenneth Commons reluctantly suppressed the anger in his heart. You're welcome.

"What we're doing doesn't require you to point your finger at it? As long as you know what you're doing ..." The police officer reached out and pulled out a seal order from his chest pocket, flew in front of Kenneth Commons, and then used "Immediately impatient," said, "Please come with us to the police station. We have something that you need to investigate."

Go to the police station!

Kenneth Commons then remembered that Brest, the director of the New York City Police Department, had a relationship with Li Mu, so the New York City Police Department opened it almost like Li Mu ’s family. If it is at the police station, it is not known what will happen. What's the matter?

"What did I do? You can't betray a good person. If I can't get a reasonable explanation, then you'll wait for my lawyer's letter." With the support of the Democratic Party behind, Kenneth Commons is naturally very tough.

Of course, the lawyer just talks about everything, it ’s better than nothing. After all, this is New York. Kenneth Commons ’lawyers do n’t have much advantage in front of the New York police.

As for the lawyers in New York, don't think about this. In New York, if the object of Kenneth Commons' prosecution is the New York City Police Department, it is estimated that no lawyer is willing to serve Kenneth Commons.

It does n’t matter how much you give ...

"Sorry, I can't tell you yet, you'll know when you get to the police station." The police officer waved his hand, and the two policemen who had already put on the seals were about to arrest someone.

"Wait ..." The leading guard finally spoke, and at the same time he made a gesture to the other guard beside him, who immediately turned away.

The police officer didn't care about the small movements of the guard, and fixed his eyes on Kenneth Commons.

"Introduce yourself, my name is August Creggie, and I am currently serving in the state police. What reasons would you take Mr. Kenneth Commons?" August Creggie looked proud.

It turned out to be the state police. No wonder he came forward with confidence.

"Oh, state police ... shouldn't you be wearing cowboy hats and riding boots? Why, I think the state police pay you a low salary and want to find a part-time job? Then you also need a reliable master. As for us Why take Mr. Kenneth Commons, I'm sorry I have nothing to say. "The police officer was tough and didn't lose any face because Auguste was his counterpart.

The state police and the city police are actually stirring in the same bucket. It should be said that even if they are not pleasing to each other, they should still have a bit of affection. It is rare to see tit-for-tat situations like this.

It can also be understood that after all, the governor of New York State is a Democrat and has now become a candidate for president, and the mayor of New York City is a Republican. It is generally acknowledged that Ulysses Grant has the first horse. It is conceivable that the relationship between the two parties is improper.

"Very well ..." Auguste wasn't angry, and smiled back to his own way: "I'm sorry, we also need Mr. Kenneth Commons to assist in the investigation."

After August had spoken and exchanged a look with another companion, he turned around and took Kenneth Commons to leave.

Although Auguste wasn't sure why the New York City Police Department took Kenneth Commons, subconsciously, Auguste felt that he couldn't just hand Kenneth Commons to the New York City Police Department.

"Wait, wait, if you need something to help Mr. Kenneth Commons investigate, then you can apply to the City Police Department, but now you will give me Kenneth Commons, this is my place. It ’s not yours, please figure it out. ”The police officer's attitude was still strong, and he had already held the copper whistle on his neck between his hands. It seemed that as long as August wanted to take Kenneth Commons, The police officer is about to play the siren.

The state police and the city police actually have their own responsibilities and complement each other. Although the responsibilities are similar, the division of labor is slightly different.

The situation in New York State is special. In addition to the capital, other states will also have small cities and residential areas. At this time, if joint operations are required, state police must be centrally coordinated.

The main body of New York State is New York City. In a general sense, New York City is the place where the New York City Police Department is located, and outside New York City is the territory of the State Police.

The problem is that if New York State goes to New York City, there is almost no need for the State Police to exist, so the State Police of New York State has been unable to look up in front of the New York City Police for these years.

"Sorry, please don't interfere with our work." Auguste insisted on taking Kenneth Commons away. At this time, August's colleagues had already driven the car, as long as Kenneth Commons could be driven. Get in the car, Auguste naturally has a way to take Kenneth Commons to leave.

"Don't move, raise your hands immediately, otherwise we will deal with the arrest." The three New York City policemen pulled out their guns and unscrupulously opened the hammer. As long as they pulled the trigger, August and his party would immediately It becomes a horse honeycomb.

Auguste probably didn't expect that these New York policemen were so ruthless in doing things. They openly drew guns on the street. This is the rhythm of fire.

The melon-eating crowds around seemed to be entertaining, but after the three New York City policemen pulled out their guns, the melon-eating crowds immediately dispersed.

The U.S. police do not have the claim that they are registered in the office. As long as they are police, they are all criminal police. If they refuse to arrest, they really dare to shoot.

"Asshole, what do you want to do? Do you want to stir up an internal conflict? I really hope that your **** pig brain knows what you are doing ..." Although the Augustians did not dare to move, they did not prevent him from making fun of it.

The state police is also a human, and he will be frightened when facing the muzzle, so after hearing the sound of the hammer being moved away, although Auguste was stiff, he still raised his hand over his shoulder with a slow and steady movement, which was convenient. Three New York police officers saw that they had no weapons in their hands.

"What I'm thinking about, I don't need to report to you. If you have an opinion on how we work, then you are welcome to put it in front of our director, and now I ask you to give us Kenneth Commons." New York The police are also fearless. Even if the state police are looking for something, it is no wonder that they are three heads.

"Well, here you are, I really hope you know what you are doing, and wait and see, you will regret it eventually." Kenneth Commons took a car, and galloped away.

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