Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 807: Epoch-making

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It is also considered a game by Li Mu as well as the Olympic Games. Regardless of the 21st century, the Olympic Committee will jump out every four years to brush up on the sense of existence. From time to time, it will also impose sanctions on a country. In fact, few countries take it. The Olympic Committee is serious. Otherwise, there won't be so many part-time athletes appearing on the Olympic Games. The reason is ultimately because the country doesn't pay much attention.

Li Mu and J.P. Morgan they tossed out of the Olympic Games, of course, not for the Olympic spirit, the spirit of this stuff to deceive the public, just JP Morgan is for the name, Li Mu is for the benefit, if there is no name and benefit The temptation of Li Mu and J.P. Morgan is that they can only toss so much after eating.

Since it is a good word, there is nothing to hide. Advertising must be done. Volunteers' vests must be printed with the Steed Group logo. Souvenir shops can be found everywhere in New York City because of souvenirs. They are all beautifully crafted, and even the souvenirs of the National Rally Car and Major League Football ride a wave of rides.

This is understandable. After all, it was the nineteenth century. There were no Barbie dolls and no Lego bricks. Exquisite souvenirs can be used not only as home decorations, but also as toys for children. They also have a certain collection value, so There are a lot of people who bought, although the Olympic Games have not yet started, it has made a group of people from the Olympic Organizing Committee happy every day.

Li Mu's preparation was not in vain. The organizing committee customized a million souvenirs to Junma Clothing. It took less than a month to sell and the Olympic Organizing Committee sent the second batch of orders to Junma Clothing.

"The Olympic Organizing Committee is too conservative. The Olympic Games have not yet started. At least the souvenirs can still be sold for two to three months. Let them order more, so as not to make it impossible." Li Mu looked down on the Olympic Organizing Committee. "Small list", thanks to the Olympic Games, steed clothing business is doing very well recently.

Although the Olympic Games have not officially started, the influence brought by the Olympic Games has begun to show. Because of Washington ’s intervention, almost all European countries have sent teams to participate in the Olympic Games. Athletes should try their best to train as much as possible before the opening of the Olympic Games. Officials There is nothing to do, so during this time, the business of men's clothing and urban beauty is very good. The two flagship stores in Battery Park have a daily turnover of more than 100,000 US dollars.

The business of men's clothing and urban beauty is normal. Like the toy industry, the clothing industry in this year is also close to blank. The famous Dior and Gucci in the 21st century have not yet been founded. The famous Louis Vuitton and Hermes It's just a small workshop, a brand that really looks a little bit, also men's clothing and urban beauty.

Under the leadership of Solomon Loeb, men's clothing and urban beauties have developed rapidly in the past two years. Not only have more than one hundred specialty stores in major cities across the United States, but products have also entered the European market. In Paris and London Wait to open branches and leaves.

However, compared to the United States where the market is relatively mature, there are still more blank areas in Europe, such as Moscow, Vienna, and Budapest. These cities do not yet have men's clothing and urban beauty stores, all waiting for Solomon Loeb to open up.

Don't underestimate Vienna and Budapest. The two cities in the 21st century may not be very conspicuous, but in this era, these two cities were the capitals of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and also regarded as the political centers of Europe. Demand for luxury goods is very strong.

In the past, Solomon Loeb put all his focus on the United States and did not have the energy to explore the European market at all. The status quo does not allow Solomon Loeb to go to Europe. Now the opportunity has finally come. All those who are qualified to lead the delegation are senior officials. Nobles, decent people in their respective countries, these people are Solomon Loeb's PR targets.

"Don't worry, don't worry, the steeds are very busy right now. Men's clothing and urban beauties can't make it. I sold six licenses this week. In the next three months, we will open at least 150 new stores in Europe. Specialty stores, so it does n’t matter if there are orders from the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Committee, anyway, the price to the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Committee is not high, and it does not make much money. ”Solomon Loeb is very happy, and does not care about the order of the Organizing Committee, if not Because Li Mu was also a member of the Olympic Organizing Committee, Solomon Loeb wanted to directly refuse, and put all the productivity of the steeds' clothing into the order of men's clothing and urban beauties.

The order of the Olympic Organizing Committee is indeed unable to bring too much profit to Junma Clothing. There is no way. As a member of the Olympic Organizing Committee, Li Mu must always show his sincerity.

Of course, the embankment lost money outside the embankment. Although the horse and horse costumes made less money, the souvenirs of the National Auto Rally and Major League Football can be put up and sold in the specialty stores selling Olympic souvenirs. earn.

"It's okay, take the previous inventory to top up, and talk about the future." Jun Ma's clothing performed well, of course, Li Mu was also happy. Fortunately, Li Mu had already prepared.

Compared with the sales of souvenirs, the sales of luxury goods are obviously more profitable. Junma clothing has now begun to be segmented. At first, in order to save money, the positioning of men's clothing and urban beauties was not accurate. There are both expensive luxury goods in the store, and There are best-selling products with affordable prices. With the development of men's clothing and urban beauties, this situation is definitely not suitable for a long time. From the second half of this year, Junma Clothing will launch two new brands, one is Stellar, the other It is fantasy. These are two luxury brands targeted at adults and young people. They are distinguished from menswear and urban beauties. In the future, stars and fantasy will be positioned as luxury jewelry. Menswear and urban beauties will rely on money. The meaning of Solomon Loeb is to complete the product layout in front of everyone. No matter who wants to be in the apparel industry in the future, he will face the all-around siege of Junma Clothing.

Of course, the apparel industry is not the same as other industries. Junma Clothing cannot maintain a monopoly in the apparel industry. Sooner or later, someone will enter the industry to take a share. Li Mu did not expect to monopolize the apparel industry. The industry has a preconceived concept. Consumers are still more loyal these days. As long as Junma apparel doesn't make a big mistake, others can never shake the industry position of Junma apparel.

"We now have a total of 125 specialty stores, and the average sales per week is about 50,000 US dollars. The annual profit has already exceeded 100 million yuan. Our sales will quadruple at least next year, Mr. Morgan. And Mr. Rockefeller would be scared if they knew the data. ”Solomon Loeb was very proud. Li Mu only founded the steeds at first, and Solomon Loeb did more work, so it can be said that all It was all by Solomon Loeb.

Of course, these data that Solomon Loeb said are top-secret. It is estimated that no one thought that the two chain-style clothing stores would actually create such a large profit, 100 million US dollars a year, considering that it was 19 In the century, this number was a bit shocking. Rockefeller claimed to be the first billionaire in the United States, and Rockefeller could not take out $ 100 million in cash.

"Why let them know? Isn't it good to close the door to make money? Make your accounts beautiful, and spend as much profit as possible. You know how horrible John Sherman is." What are the good-looking financial statements? Anyway, Junma Group doesn't want to be listed on the market and pays as little tax as possible.

John Sherman is the current US Treasury Secretary. Unlike other Hayes government ministers, they are based in Washington. John Sherman's office is in New York. Li Mu and Rockefeller are trying to avoid tax. John Sherman.

Of course, John Sherman also knows that he is not to be seen in New York, but not in New York. Almost the most profitable companies in the United States have their headquarters in New York. If John Sherman does not pay attention, Li Mu and Rockefeller will help them. People dare to make annual financial statements and make the Ministry of Finance unable to grasp any handles.

For ordinary people, legal tax evasion is a very difficult thing, but for Li Mu and Rockefeller, the trust bosses who have a large number of lawyers and accountants, legal tax avoidance is not difficult. Well, financial statements, there are still Many things can be done by hands and feet. The simplest is to spend money while making money. For example, Junma Clothing, even if it earns more than 100 million yuan a year, it ca n’t be shown on the financial statements. So many monopoly stores have been opened this year. Shops are asking for money, and land prices account for a large part of the cost.

"Oh, last year, the steeds made money, but only a poor one million dollars. My boss is a very generous person, so I donated this money to Springfield Institute of Technology." Solomon · Loeb laughed horribly, and this style was indeed a standard Jew.

Li Mu pointed at Solomon Lobhaha and laughed. I really do n’t know what John Sherman ’s mood was when he saw the tax return of Steed.

It will be quite complicated.

Just one day before the opening of the Olympic Games, Grace Vanderbilt finally delivered the "Aphrodite" superyacht to Rockefeller.

A bit sad, Rockefeller bought the "Aphrodite" super-yacht for a large price. It has been announced that it will be eliminated before the keel is laid. Grace Vanderbilt will deliver it to Li Mu one month later. His "Goddess", so "Aphrodite" is very beautiful, but only for one month. After the delivery of "Goddess", all existing yachts will be eliminated.

"Damn it. I don't know if I should be happy or angry now. You should show me the drawings of the" Goddess "earlier. When I saw the drawings of" Aphrodite ", I thought 'Aphrodite' is the most beautiful yacht in the world. As a result of paying the money, I know that this boat is certainly not the most beautiful in the world, but it may be the cheapest yacht in the world. "Rockefeller was on the day of delivery At the dinner held in the evening, I couldn't help complaining to Li Mu.

Speaking of cost-effectiveness, "Aphrodite" is not bad, but compared with "Goddess", Rockefeller has the urge to blow "Aphrodite", if "Goddess" is a ten An eighteen-year-old girl, then "Aphrodite" is an eighty-year-old nun in the monastery. Standing outside the monastery, she can smell the existence of the death.

"John, it's a good ship, much better than Riem's" Goddess of Liberty. "J.P. Morgan was also invited, and after seeing Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan expressed polite congratulations.

Of course, listening to Rockefeller ’s ears gave Rockefeller an urge to vomit blood. Li Mu also tried to refrain from laughing, otherwise Rockefeller might really vomit blood.

"I'll give it to you if you like." Rockefeller is not polite. If J.P. Morgan is willing to take over, Rockefeller will also give it away.

Of course, it is impossible to give away freely, anyway, this is also the most beautiful super yacht in the world at present, if it is not compared with the "Goddess", it is quite good.

"Serious? No, there must be something wrong." J.P. Morgan wasn't stupid. As soon as Rockefeller's voice fell, J.P. Morgan found something wrong.

"Ha ha ha ha, Peba, you don't want to sprinkle salt on the wound." Li Mu finally couldn't help laughing, and if J.P. Morgan only sprinkled salt, then Li Mu added a little cumin.

"Good evening, gentlemen." Grace Vanderbilt, who took a hard time with Rockefeller, finally had time to say hello. Rockefeller's dinner invited many people. Grace Vanderbilt just now. I have been recommending to guests the newly launched "Goddess" series of superyachts by Vanderbilt Shipyard, and seeing the expression of Grace Vanderbilt, it is estimated that the gains are not small.

"Good evening, Grace, I'm so glad to see you." J.P. Morgan was the most graceful. Look at this culture. Although the Vanderbilt family was unlucky, J.P. Morgan also participated in the right The acquisition of New York and Hudson River Railroad shares, but that was just a commercial act. In private, J.P. Morgan was very polite.

"Grace, I'm going to find you tomorrow. I have a great idea that can be used on all superyachts." Li Mu has a new idea. This is a good thing. Often this time, it means another There is an epoch-making invention coming soon.

In fact, it is not a new invention. What Li Mu is talking about is radio. This stuff has been verified on the "Heavy Cavalry". The horse laboratory has analyzed the data accumulated by the radio on the "Heavy Cavalry" and finally completed Application of radio on ships.

Strictly speaking, this seems to be a military technology, but Li Mu's most important thing is reputation. Li Mu wants to install radios on all yachts, which is definitely an epoch-making invention.

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