Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 824: Wait and see

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In the world of politicians or businessmen, in fact, there are not too clear political boundaries. When standing on the stage to make a show, although Ding is Ding Ding or Ding Ding, Ding Wei is clearly and contaminated with sewage, everyone on the stage is actually in harmony, the wind is not right There were many unscrupulous members who temporarily changed their party membership, and private banquets did not have to be marked with a clear political imprint. James Garfield could still accept the political contributions of the Democratic Party, saying that he had no position to blame.

Of course, no one is wicked. The Governor's Island is Li Mu's private territory. No one can find it uncomfortable here. Even if there is someone who can't help it, he can only hold it by himself. Saying the right words on the right occasion is the basic quality of successful businessmen and politicians.

In order to make the guests eat and drink well, Li Mu also took great care. Needless to say, there are all kinds of top-quality ingredients and fine cigars. In order to satisfy people, almost all the famous chefs in New York have been invited to Governor Island by Li Mu. , Those who ca n’t get the invitation tonight are probably sad.

It does n’t matter. Almost all people who are qualified to go to the restaurant for signature dishes are on Li Mu ’s invitation list. Those who are not qualified do not feel the difference. As for those who are excluded from the invitation list by Li Mu, Li Mucai Don't care if their dinner will be enjoyable.

As the "city owner" of New York, this is the first time that Li Mu has held such a large-scale dinner on the Governor's Island. There are really a lot of guests who come in early. From 6 o'clock in the evening, waves of guests have arrived. Governor Island, Li Mu as the host, should reasonably be greeted at the door, but Li Mu did not have this time, Henry and Arthur were caught by Li Mu and Li Mu, fortunately, the weight of these two people is also sufficient.

"I have started to set up a drilling team, and I will go to Vladivostok next month. The oil fields you mentioned in Riem are best true, or we will lose money." Rockefeller came to Li Mu's office early to discuss with Li Mu. How to develop oil in Vladivostok.

If possible, Rockefeller did not want to bring Li Mu, but the news that Vladivostok had oil was revealed by Li Mu. Considering Li Mu ’s power in the Far East, Rockefeller did not take Li Mu to play with.

The treasure hunt on Lake Guadavia has basically ended. The drilling team sifted every centimeter of mud on the bottom of Lake Guadavia. The gold pieces finally found were more than 15,000. The largest gold piece was four A one-meter-five-meter tall goldman with a total treasure value of more than 300 million U.S. dollars, if the Colombian government knew it, it would be crazy.

Now that the treasure hunt has ended, the drilling team has ended its mission. Standard Oil was very happy when it promised the Colombian government, and even more happily when it withdrew. The Colombian government also expressed regret to Rockefeller. In fact, Rockefeller was not sorry at all. His gold museum finally ran out of exhibits, diagonally opposite Li Mu's Steeding Horse Museum and covering an area larger than Steeding Horse Museum.

"Don't be too happy. The demand for oil is still limited. Increasing the output of oil will not necessarily increase our income." Li Mu did not take the oil in Vladivostok at heart, and the market supply and demand relationship was there. Yes, finding too much oil is not a good thing.

The demand for oil is still limited these years. The world is also the United States because of cars. The demand for oil is increasing. The demand for oil in other markets is not large. Even Europe has only maintained a slow growth. Attitude, according to the current standard oil scale, is enough to meet the world's demand for oil, so adding more oil wells is not meaningful.

Rockefeller certainly knows this problem. Rockefeller will definitely not do anything stupid to increase the oil supply. It is a stupid thing like the drop in the price of petroleum products. The capitalist's nature is that he would rather pour milk into the river without selling it at a lower price. Sufficient kerosene has nothing to do with Rockefeller.

"Come on, I'm not stupid. Even if I find an oil field in Vladivostok, I won't mine it. As a reserve of standard oil, when you sell your car to the whole world, I will recover the oil in Vladivostok." There are complaints that most of the patents for automobiles are now in the hands of Li Mu. After annexing the Vanderbilt automobile factory, Li Mu has almost monopolized the world ’s automobile production. In order to maintain profits, Li Mu authorized car patents. Very sad, although the production capacity of Junma Automobile has been increased to the extreme, it still cannot meet the market demand, so Rockefeller has many reasons for dissatisfaction with Li Mu.

Of course, this rampant is also temporary. At present, the output of the Junma Automobile Factory is not high. As long as the car is produced, it is not afraid that it will not be sold. In the future, the US market will reach a bottleneck sooner or later. In addition to price reductions, new markets must be developed. However, because of the British government's resistance to the Junma Group, the products of the Junma Group cannot enter the British Commonwealth market. This flaw is very fatal. If Li Mu wants to earn British money, he must think of other methods. Unrealistic, the British government will not allow this to happen again.

"Don't worry, I am planning to build factories in San Francisco and Europe. At the end of next year, there will be a qualitative increase in the output of cars." , Steel production capacity, supporting facilities, etc., have all restricted the output of automobiles. In recent years, Junma Construction Group has been busy building roads around the world, but it always takes a process to change the quantity to achieve qualitative change.

The car factory in San Francisco is still wholly-owned by Li Mu, but the European factory is a joint venture with the French. In fact, the best partner is the German, but considering the relationship between the British and the Germans, France, which seems less threatening, is the most suitable. At least Germany is not so hostile to France.

This is true. Although the contradictions between Germany and France cannot be reconciled, after the Franco-Prussian war, the fiasco of France was enough for the Germans to relieve themselves. In a short time, there should be no war between Germany and Britain and France.

"This is the best. Anyway, Mobil Oil also has your shares, you take care of it." Rockefeller also has the confidence. Cross Holdings has this benefit. Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope. Mobil Oil makes money. Li Mu's dividends. It will also rise.

After finally sending away Rockefeller, James Garfield who came to Li Mu's office also complained: "It was too late to set up Vladivostok. If we can get one or two years earlier, we will have a better chance of winning. Jerome made a model. It ’s more ridiculous to say that I can predict the outcome of the election, but I do n’t have as many votes as Samuel. ”

Jerome is a member of James Garfield's campaign office. It is said that he is also a mathematician, but from the prediction results of the model, it seems that Jerome is also not worthy of the name. The model may fool Arthur, but James Garfield may not. James Garfield is also a mathematician. After graduating from college, he returned to his alma mater, Highham College, to teach advanced mathematics.

"Tomorrow I will find someone to make a model for you. It must be you who won the ticket." Li Mu teased casually, and Jerome is expected to be unlucky.

"You still have to focus on propaganda. Recently, some Democrats want to pull you into the Democratic camp. What do you think?" James Garfield came to give Li Mu a shot, Li Mu's personal position does not matter The key is that Li Mu controls Time Magazine and the radio that just appeared, which is too scary.

If Time Magazine's control over traditional paper media is not so strong, Li Mu's influence in the broadcasting field cannot be increased.

Radio is a new product developed by Steed Labs. It can be said that there is no other semicolon in the world. During the Olympics, the radio broadcasted the Olympic Games throughout the whole process. People who could not attend the scene crowded to listen to the radio under the electric horns have become The scenery of New York's streets, many officials of European delegations have developed a strong interest in broadcasting, and began to contact the newly established broadcast company. It is foreseeable that it will not take long for the broadcast to be popular all over the world. Traditional paper media, broadcasting has a stronger influence, and broadcasting will also play an increasingly important role in future presidential elections.

Before the advent of the radio, in the face of the advantages of Time Magazine on traditional paper media, the Democrats could resist. Although the newspapers of the Democratic Party could not be compared with the Times, but relying on Democrats in the country, there was still a good one. Sales; after the advent of the radio, Democrats have fully realized that in the field of publicity and propaganda, the Democrats have fallen behind compared to the Republicans. This also gave Grover Cleveland's open praise to Li Mu when he voted in Congress. In the past, even if the relationship between Grover Cleveland and Li Mu is so good, Grover Cleveland cannot be made public.

At least it can't be so obvious in public.

"Ha, this is not the first time they have said so. After the last presidential election, Democrats approached me. Mr. Samuel Tilden had dinner with me, but what about me? Life was pretty good in the Republican Party, and my friends were Republicans, unless one day I was disappointed with the Republican Party. "Li Mu said very openly, and did not promise that he would never leave the Republican Party. No one can tell the future.

To be honest, Li Mu had no prejudice against the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, but because Li Mu was a firm Republican when Li Mu first arrived in the United States, Li Mu chose the Republican Party.

Over the years, the Republican Party ’s impression of Li Mu is actually not good. Conservative thinking, political division, nepotism, and corruption are all ills that the Republican Party cannot get rid of. To sum up, in fact, they advocate political reform and Civil Democratic Democrats are more in line with Li Mu ’s expectations, but for the time being, Li Mu as a Republican is also a vested interest, so Li Mu has not yet thought of changing the status quo, and James Garfield has no need to worry.

"The Republican Party will never let you down. The Democratic Party is a group of losers and conspirators. They will never be on the stage." James Garfield is confident. This is also the voice of most Republicans. Since the Civil War, the Republican Party People didn't take Democracy to heart. Even if the Democratic Party won the majority seat in Congress in the past few years, Hayes still won the election, which gave many Republicans the illusion that the United States seems to have become a one-party dictatorship.

Li Mu knew that if the top Republican leaders, led by James Garfield, did not pay attention to this issue, then by the next election, the Democrats would defeat the Republicans and break the Republican monopoly of the presidential position after the Civil War. Grover Cleveland would become The President of the United States, it will also be the first defeat of the Democratic Party after the Civil War.

Although he knows that the problem is serious, Li Mu will not remind James Garfield. Even if Li Mu reminds, James Garfield may not pay much attention, but it will affect Li Mu ’s weight in the hearts of James Garfield and others. For Li Mu, It does not matter if Grover Cleveland serves as the president of the United States. With the relationship between Li Mu and Grover Cleveland, Li Mu ’s interests will not be harmed by Grover Cleveland ’s presidency. Maybe in order to fight for Li Mu Grover Cleveland may take special care of Li Mu,

"Talk about Vladivostok, Russia ’s withdrawal from Vladivostok will definitely destroy Vladivostok's ports and municipal facilities. So now Vladivostok is a ruin. If you want to restore Vladivostok's vitality as soon as possible and attract more immigrants, it will play a role in the next presidential election. The necessary financial assistance and policy support are indispensable. Mr Rutherford will not care about the future of Vladivostok. What will you do after you win the election? "Li Mu has expectations for James Garfield, even though the US government has now Starting to live on borrowing, the US government is still the world's best fiscal government, and as long as James Garfield is willing, Vladivostok can have a future.

"Of course, after I enter the President's Palace, I will urge Congress to approve funding in Vladivostok, not only Vladivostok, but also Sakhalin and Alaska. Since it is a U.S. territory, people should live and work in peace and contentment. There will be support. "James Garfield must now give what to give. As for whether it will be implemented at that time, it depends on the relationship between Li Mu and James Garfield. There is a lesson from Hayes. Li Mu still should not hold too much. hope.

"Oh, let's wait and see. I believe Vladivostok will not let us down." Li Mu was in no hurry, and he saw people's hearts for a long time. Even if James Garfield resigned, Li Mu was not worried. Do n’t forget that as long as James Garfield wins the election The vice president will be Arthur.

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