Rebirth of the World Traveller

Chapter 2: Chen Changsheng's sad past

Chen Wusheng remembered that he should be lying on the ground.

When I woke up, I found out that it was lying on the bed.

He sat up slowly, feeling a little dizzy. When I reached out and touched my head, I noticed something strange.

I put a black ring on my right thumb.

Chen Wusheng was convinced that there was never such a ring in the family. He had never worn it.

Unknown black metal, there is no pattern on it, even the gloss is hidden.

"Does this ring look cool?"

Chen Wusheng's attention was interrupted by the sudden vocalization.

He looked up, but found no one in the room.

The bed curtain was opened, and the room was so large that it was clear at a glance.

Chen Wu gave birth and opened the door again.

也 No one is outside.

"Close the door first, there's a little mess outside, don't go out. I just woke you up and don't want you to faint again."

The room is talking.

Chen Wusheng felt his heart beating fiercely.

A sense of fear lingering like never before.

It seems that even the hair on his arm has erected.

Chen Wusheng wanted to run out, but his feet suddenly stopped obedient. He seems to have lost control of his body.

Soon, he was convinced that he couldn't control his body.

Because then, the hands on this body closed the door.

"Sorry. In order for you to listen to me quietly. I can only control your body temporarily."

吾 Chen Wusheng wants to twist on his thigh.

Because he thinks he must be dreaming.

But he couldn't do anything.

相信 "Trust me, this is not a dream."

The other person seems to be able to hear his heart.

Chen Wusheng shivered and said, "Who are you? Why did you come to me?"

The cymbal sound was the only thing he could shake now.

He even felt that he couldn't even feel the heartbeat.

"Before I came to you, I was thinking about how to explain to you. But it was really difficult, because it was a bit complicated." The voice was a little distressed.

Chen Wusheng felt that the voice was not malicious, and was shocked.

And he has confirmed at this moment that the source of the sound is in his own body, and this sound also controls his body.

I can't escape anyway.

"Speak slowly, I'm listening." He took a deep breath and felt like he was breaking the boat, but still couldn't hide the trembling of his voice. (Author's Note: In fact, the so-called deep breath at this time is only his feeling. Because including the respiratory organs and vocal cords are not under his control at this time. Their dialogue is actually just a communication of consciousness in the brain)

嗯 "Well, I try to say you understand." The voice hesitated for a while.

"Huang Yi's novel" Finding Qin Ji "should now be available, I remember you have read it. Is it right to rent at the bookstore in front of Zhangping Junior High School?"

"Yes, I saw it at the beginning of the summer vacation. What do you mean, do you remember?" Chen Wusheng noticed the word used by the other party.

"This question, you will get the answer after a while. Because this is what I want to say below. Xiang Shaolong in" Qin Xun Ji ", through time and space to return to the Warring States era, this is it. Then you should know what is crossing Now. "

"You mean, you came across from the future?"

"You can also say this. But the facts are more complicated. I will tell you from the beginning, but I hope you do n’t interrupt as much as I can, even if you do n’t understand, please ask me after I finish speaking."


Here is the story that Chen Wusheng heard about that voice and his origins.

声音 According to the voice, the first half of the story was told by others.

That person is called Pan Gu.

The beginning of the story is vague, because no one knows how many years ago it was. Including Pangu.

At that time, the universe was like an egg. Heaven and earth are united. Pangu called this egg Chaos.

One day, chaos suddenly broke apart.

No chicks were born.

But heaven and earth are separated. (Author's Note: Please note that heaven and earth here are two different things from what we can see.)

Then Pangu was born.

He was not born between this world.

Because he is the deity of this world.

He is this day and this place.

No one knows how high the sky is and how thick the ground is.

But Pangu is lonely.

So he learned to create.

As it is said in Western mythology.

God said, "If there is light, there is light."

When God saw that the light was good, he separated the light from the darkness.

Pangu said, someone should come to accompany me through this infinite solitude, and then there will be human beings.

Wu Pangu said that everything should grow with human beings, so there are countless creatures.

In order for the human beings, all things, and countless souls in the world to live in the best place. He made the best part of his body for them to inhabit. In order to distinguish it from some of the concepts mentioned below, we call this space the main plane here.

此 Since then, Pangu's life has begun to be colorful.

His consciousness often turns into a human and travels and plays in this world.

However, good times do not last long.

Everything has changed since the birth of human civilization.

You must know that human beings are the highest life created by Pangu. Their forms and wisdom are created by Pangu in the most ideal state in their hearts. And they also have the core ability of Pangu: creation.

以来 For a long time, human beings have not only created a material environment suitable for their survival, but have also inadvertently created countless spaces for life.

For example, a novelist conceived a magical world and wrote it. And has countless readers.

Then a considerable number of people believe that this world exists after reading.

This world really appears.

This is the power of faith.

One's beliefs are not enough, but when the number of beliefs has accumulated to a stage that causes qualitative change. Has the power to create space like Pangu.

This is the product of civilization.

Including movies, TV series, and anime. Later became the main force of space creation.

Wu Pangu soon realized the problem.

Those newly created spaces are attached to the world and occupy more and more resources. We will call these new spaces the sub-planes for the time being.

If you compare Pangu to a person. The main plane in this part of his body for human habitation is the most important organ in his body, just like the heart. Later, numerous sub-planes were attached to the main plane. It's as if the heart is cancerous. (Author's Note: Many people don't know that the heart can also get cancer, so by the way, carry out a popular science)

子 These planes continue to draw nutrients from his heart and thrive. Even began to devour the theme.

Follow this trend. Someday, these countless sub-planes will replace the existence of the main plane. Even eventually swallowed Pangu.

I was in pangu's incompetence, watching the cancer attack the disease. A turnaround occurred.

"That turnaround is us," said the voice.

"What does this have to do with me? How sacred are you?"

"In the world of thematic plane, I am also called Chen Wusheng. In a sense, I am the future you. But here, you are the Lord and I am a guest, just call me ... Chen Changsheng."

In the world of the theme, Chen Chang grew up in ordinary life, ordinary life. Until graduation, an unusual choice was made.

I became a freelance writer with no guarantee.

No salary, no bonus.

I started by writing articles for magazines in exchange for some manuscript fees. Later I tried writing novels. But it has not caused influence.

所以 "So you are the worst writer, and you have no ability to gather human faith to create a new world." Starting from listening to Chen Changsheng's story, Chen Wusheng has been very calm. At this time, it was even ridiculous, it seemed that it was the embarrassment of being scared by himself in retaliation.

"In fact, you are laughing at the future self." Chen Changsheng smiled bitterly.

Chen Wusheng was speechless.

After graduating from university, Chen Changsheng has been living a life that can only support food and clothing for more than two decades in a mixed society.

If there is no accident, you can take one sentence after the two ordinary ones and die ordinary.

意外 But the accident finally happened.

Because of staying up late writing and smoking too much, Chen Changsheng, 33, found that he had lung cancer during an examination.

After learning of his illness, he did not choose to receive treatment. He donated his tens of thousands of yuan to Hope Project. Then chose to stay at home to die.

所以 "So you have died of cancer?" Chen Wusheng said.

其实 "Actually ... I was starved to death. Because the money was donated ..." Chen Changsheng said a little embarrassedly.

Chen Wusheng was completely speechless at this time. But he still asked: "From beginning to end, you didn't talk about your family. No wife can understand, what about parents?"

"Parents died after my college graduation."

"What? How did they die?"

"A car accident." Chen Changsheng's tone was a little low.

Chen Wusheng was silent.

When Chen Changsheng found that he could see himself lying in bed. He knew he was dead.

He looked at his body so quietly, and suddenly felt that his life was really boring.

Waiting and waiting is also a very boring thing.

He is waiting for a bull's head, black and white, or something else.

Isn't it all written in the novel?

When the tartar is dead, the soul is drawn to another world. Reincarnation or reincarnation.

长 Chen Changsheng hopes that he can change a living method in his next life.

However, neither the horse's head, the black and white impermanence, nor the death, came.

Then he was tired and fell asleep.

When he woke up again, he found that his body was still there.

He wanted to smoke, but found that there was no more smoke in the house.

He hasn't smoked for a long time.

I am not afraid of cancer.

Now that the treatment has been abandoned, why bother?

It was only later that I felt coughing as soon as I smoked.

咳 Cough continuously, as if to cough out the lungs.

He's not afraid of death, just alive in pain.

Before he died, he was too hungry to move. At this time, the body felt abnormally light. Don't even want to cough anymore.

"Sure enough, it's a solution to death." He laughed at himself.

I went downstairs to buy cigarettes ~ ~ I only entered the convenience store and remembered that when I bought the last barrel of instant noodles a few days ago, I was completely out of money.

Think again that he is now a ghost and no one will see him.

Then he swayed and picked up a bag of soft Chinese and was ready to leave.

But the brother in the convenience store called him.

"Sir, haven't you paid yet?"

长 Chen Changsheng asked puzzledly, "Can you see me?"

Brother Yun patted him on the shoulder. Then he snatched the cigarette from his hand.

"Dude, are you drinking too much or taking drugs?"

长 Chen Changsheng can clearly feel the weight of that hand on his shoulder.

So he began to wonder if he had hallucinations due to illness.

When walking up the stairs dumbly and preparing to return to the messy rental house, he saw the debt-collecting landlord enter the door with the key and walked in, and then shouted "Dead man!" Ran out.

I saw someone here, and the landlord rushed over. "Dead man! Dead man! Someone is dead in this room!"

When he saw the face of the man he was holding, the landlord fainted.

Chen Changsheng didn't care about him and walked into the room by himself.

He is not an illusion.

Because his body is still there.

Then, Chen Changsheng went out again.

He doesn't know where to go. Just walking unconsciously.

When walking past a team of uncles dancing a square dance.

An old man who jumped into his arms stopped him.

He said, his name is Pangu ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile users please read.

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