Chapter 1005

  Soon, news of the construction site suspension spread throughout the Changxingju Real Estate Company.

  The news of the afternoon meeting was also passed to the people of Changxingju Real Estate Company.

  At 1:30 in the afternoon, the meeting room of Changxingju Real Estate Company was full of people.

  Wang Meng was sitting next to him and chatting with Liu Hui, and there was an engineer from Zhengyue Construction next to him.

   "If we stop work now, if we change the design plan, can it still work?"

  "Change the design plan now?" Liu Hui knew what happened in the morning, but she didn't expect it to be so serious.

  Now that the construction has started, the loss caused by changing the design plan will be too great, not to mention a delay in the construction period, and there will be losses in other aspects.

   "I heard that Brother Xiaobai had this meaning, but for the specifics, we will wait a while before Brother Xiaobai arrives. You have some preparations in your heart for this matter..."

  Wang Meng said, in fact, he is also a little depressed now. The first project of Changxingju Real Estate Company will be reworked. How can the person in charge of this company be happy?

   "In fact, it is either that the work cannot be stopped, or the plan is redesigned, or there will be some losses and increased costs."

  The engineer on the construction site said, Liu Hui also nodded, and the big mouth cover can be blasted in half, and then re-cover it, but it will increase the cost.

  "Then make a rough calculation, don't catch the blind when Xiaobai asks." Wang Meng nodded.

  On the other side, Bai Wanru and Yang Ruipeng were also sitting and chatting, serious and whispering.

  "What's the situation today? The construction site has been suspended. When I went back last night, I saw Director Xiaobai’s car at the door. The construction site was shut down as soon as I came back. What happened?"

  "Who knows? I was planning to go back to take a nap at noon. I heard that it was a design plan, maybe it had to be changed."

   "Re-modification," Bai Wanru almost called out. If this is a re-modification plan, doesn't it mean that their design department has to be busy for a while.

  Although earning a lot of money in private enterprises, this is not good. The boss will have to work overtime with a word.

  If this is placed in the system, it will not exist. Everyone is a comrade. Although you are a leader, you cannot make unreasonable demands and ignore everyone’s reactions.

  After all, when I hang you, you are the leader. If you don't hang you, what are you, and it is not you who pay me.

   But in private companies, it’s different. The palm is up and the boss asks for money. If you don’t obey, try it and let you go right away.

  There is no labor law at this time.

   "Okay, don't talk about it, I guess Director Xiaobai will be here in a while." Yang Ruipeng said.

  At two o'clock, Jiang Xiaobai took Zhao Xiaojin into the meeting room on time.

   "Okay, the meeting will begin now." Jiang Xiaobai didn't have any twists and turns, and asked directly: "Who designed the plan for this real estate?"

   "I am Jiang Dong." Liu Hui stood up, although she was not alone, but the entire design department of Changxingju Real Estate Company.

  But she is now the head of the design department, she does not stand up who will stand up.

   "It's okay, sit down and say."

   Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said, with a very calm tone, which made Liu Hui a long sigh of relief in her heart.

   "How did you think about it, it's just a six-story building?" Jiang Xiaobai asked when he looked at Liu Hui and Wang Meng.

  Strictly speaking, this matter has nothing to do with the construction company, although Chen Zhengyue also attended the meeting.

  But their construction company is only Party B, even if Changxing Real Estate Co., Ltd. has acquired a stake in Zhengyue Construction, it is also a signed contract.

  The design plan was given by Changxingju Real Estate itself, and Zhengyue Construction Company was only responsible for the construction according to the drawings.

  “Currently, the residential districts in Longcheng are basically five-story and six-story residential districts, so we were only considering low-rise districts at that time...”

   "Yes, I did the calculations at that time. The number of employees of our Huaqing Holding Company, from the perspective of six layers, is fully capable of living, and there is also wealth..."

   Liu Hui and Wang Meng talked about their reasons, Jiang Xiaobai also nodded, this is indeed a problem.

  At this time, most of the residential quarters are five or six floors, and there are few high-rises.

  So they didn’t even think about high-levels at all.

  "Yes, the sixth floor is estimated to be enough, but what about the future? What if Huaqing Holding Company expands in the future? How about more staff? And the geographical location of this land is so good, we can also sell a little apart from staff placement...

  So, my opinion is to stop work and change to high-level. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, looking at Liu Hui and Wang Meng?

   Of course, Liu Hui is still the same as what he said to Wang Meng before.

  It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai interrupted before he finished speaking: “Just say how much you lost? It’s not appropriate to do this in all aspects, and then come up with an opinion.

  You told me a lot of known conditions, do you let me infer it by myself? What is your opinion? What is the opinion of your design department? "

  Everyone in the conference room fell silent, looking at each other and bowing their heads.

  No one knows why Jiang Xiaobai suddenly went crazy. He was fine before, but why he suddenly became angry.

  Although it doesn’t seem to be too harsh, when people say that when the director of Xiaobai is mad, he always spit out fragrant, cursing people can be fierce.

  But the harsh tone still surprised the people of the newly established Changxingju real estate company.

   Liu Hui didn't even think about it. At first this afternoon she thought she would be scolded, but she didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to have a normal tone and didn't scold her.

  But how can you get scolded for talking about this loss? What did you say? Isn't this a normal answer?

  Bai Wanru and Yang Ruipeng also lowered their heads. They had always thought that Jiang Xiaobai was smiling, he was the image of a boy next door, and he didn't expect to be so scared to start the fire.

  Wang Meng on the side understands Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts, and Liu Hui comes from within the typical system.

   Habitually speak out the difficulties and problems, and then let the leader make a decision.

  When Liu Hui said this to Wang Meng before, Wang Meng wanted to say it.

  However, considering that Liu Hui is also a talented person, she is still a little girl. Second, it is about to be time for the meeting. Jiang Xiaobai came back, so she didn't say anything.

  I didn’t expect it to hit Factory Manager Xiaobai’s muzzle just right.

  The reason for not cursing people in front is that there is no reason to curse, and to be so gentle. Wang Meng estimates that Jiang Xiaobai is also because Liu Hui is a girl. If he were a man, it is estimated that Brother Xiaobai would have let him know what fragrant mouth is.

  The senior officials of Huaqing Holding Company, none of them has been scolded by Jiang Xiaobai.

  (End of this chapter)

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