Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1162: Feng Shui turns around

  Chapter 1162 Feng Shui turns around

   Soon, Ding Xiaorong also came out, and the waiter who came and went now looked at Jiang Xiaobai even more.

  Who, who needs the boss and his wife to accompany you?

  Is the husband of that beautiful and incongruous woman, and the father of the mischievous kid?

  Many waiters guessed in their hearts.

   "Xiao Bai, have you eaten yet? Let's go to the private room on the third floor, and I will ask the waiter to give you two dishes..." Jiang Zijun said.

  Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand: “I’m full at home, so I’ll just come here another day. I’ll probably take a look at it. You guys manage well and tell me if you have anything to do.”

   "Okay, Xiao Bai."

   "We know." Jiang Zijun and Ding Xiaorong nodded with smiles on their faces.

  “Also, since other people have the shares, don’t let them intervene in the management of the shares. Just check the accounts and pay them dividends at the end of the year. Don’t make a mess when the time comes..."

   Jiang Xiaobai exhorted again, this management chaos is a taboo.

  Although the investment of several million is for the Jiang family, if a bunch of people from the two families come to manage it, the people below will not know who is listening to it.

  Now Jiang Zijun and Ding Xiaorong are doing quite well, if others come to intervene again, it will be no good.

   "Yes, yes." Ding Xiaorong nodded again and again, the joy on his face increased.

  With Jiang Xiaobai's words, it is Shang Fang Baojian.

  In fact, other people are okay, mainly Gu Li from the second child's family and Jiang Honglan from the second child.

  These two people are the most annoying, and the others came over to eat.

  It means those who open a restaurant can still eat without a bite.

  And Gu Li and Jiang Honglan from the second family are different, and they express their opinions on the restaurant affairs from time to time.

  I even instruct the people below from time to time to make changes to the decoration and management of the restaurant.

  The whole couple did not tire of it, that is, Jiang Zijun is the eldest brother after all, and he can still hold them down a little bit.

  After all Jiang Zijun is talking, Gu Li and Jiang Honglan still have to listen.

  If this is the other brothers, maybe the waiter in this shop doesn't know who the boss is now.

  Of course, Wei Wei is a bit regretful that Gu Li and Jiang Honglan are not here today. If the two are here today, Jiang Xiaobai would say this in front of them, that would be even better.

   "Let's go." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, and he didn't know Ding Xiaorong's thoughts. Ding Xiaorong thought very beautifully.

  Yes, Jiang Xiaobai said that because there were no brothers and sisters. If there were brothers and sisters in Jiang Xiaobai, I wouldn't say it.

  He is stupid. Why is there such a restaurant? Isn’t it just you and him who have to come to Huaqing Holdings as a secretary?

  This is where there is a restaurant, even if Feng Shui turns around, it should be your turn to bother you.

  He can say something here, which is already a help.

  Jiang Zijun and Ding Xiaorong put the Jiang Xiaobai family of three in the car and watched the car go away before turning back to the restaurant.

  "Boss, that was the third brother just now? And the car..."

   "Nonsense, I will see your third brother respectfully in the future, a car? Work hard for two years, then I will buy one too..."

   Jiang Zijun said ambitiously, at first he wanted to get a motorcycle, but now his goal has changed, a car.

  Sanjin Restaurant can be regarded as a daily gain every day, and Jiang Zijun's heart and vision are naturally getting higher and higher.

  On the edge of the Fenhe River in Yangchun, May, when it was most comfortable, Jiang Xiaobai lay down on the grass.

  Looking at the blue sky and white clouds above my head, I felt the gentle breeze blowing across my face.

  Listening to the son’s hilarious voice not far away, listening to the wife yelling to the child, for fear that the child might fall and be a little worried.

  At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was extremely satisfied, and slowly closed his eyes... and fell asleep.

   Soon there was a slight snoring sound.

  Not far away, Jiang Langlang ran up ding-dong ding-dong, ready to take his father to play together.

  Zhao Xinyi made a booing gesture, and then pointed to Jiang Xiaobai, who was already asleep.

   "Yeah." Jiang Langlang already knows a little bit now, nodded and turned around and ran to play by himself.

After sleeping for about an hour, Zhao Xinyi awoke Jiang Xiaobai.

   "It's cold on the ground, let's go home and sleep again." Zhao Xinyi said softly, although the weather outside is just right, she can sleep comfortably.

  But the moisture on the ground is also heavy, especially in the park by the river.

   "Oh, I'm asleep, I'm sorry, I said I'll accompany you and the child out to play." Jiang Xiaobai said with some guilt.

   "It's okay, let's go, let's go home." Zhao Xinyi smiled and shook her head.

  Jiang Xiaobai is very tired after a long business trip. She is the mother of the child and not a girl.

When    was a little girl, Zhao Xinyi had a special understanding.

  It’s not busy all day long. Why does Huaqing Holding Company stay in the province in full swing? Why can it be the leader in domestic private enterprises.

  Back from a business trip this time, Jiang Xiaobai really took a good rest at home for a few days.

  For a whole week, Jiang Xiaobai was resting at home.

  Every day is to accompany the children, daughter-in-law, and Jiang Tieshan.

  It’s just that the weather is warm now, and Jiang Tieshan moved back to live in the alley.

  Jiang Xiaobai took Jiang Langlang with him. Jiang Langlang likes to go back to the hutong the most.

  Because there is a big yard in the alley to play, unlike at home, it's just the place in front of the unit building.

  This week, it was a real break. In the second week, on Monday, Jiang Xiaobai still rushed to the company early.

   "Jiang Dong."

  "Dong Jiang." Everyone greeted each other.

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded, even if he was polite.

  Zhao Xiaojin came earlier, she guessed that Jiang Xiaobai will come to work today at the latest.

  Of course, she is not a fortune-teller, she can count if she can't pinch, knowing when Jiang Xiaobai will return to work.

  But Song Xin and Li Longquan would know when she returned to Longcheng.

   Originally thought that Jiang Xiaobai would have taken a rest and came back after two or three days, but he didn't see anyone.

  It’s been a week since Jiang Xiaobai will come back because Huaqing Holdings has already accumulated a lot of work.

  So yesterday, Zhao Xiaojin had almost prepared it, and just waited for Jiang Xiaobai to come back today.

   "Oh, Xiaojin, don't worry about work, you can make me a cup of tea first." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Almost everything has been prepared, you can drink it directly when you go to the office..." Zhao Xiaojin nodded and said.

  "Do you know that I am coming to work today? It's impossible." Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.


   "Well, I thought you would come to work after two or three days off. I didn't expect it to be a week..." Zhao Xiaojin said with a smile. Of course she didn't accuse Jiang Xiaobai of taking a long time off.

  No one in the entire Huaqing Holding Company is qualified to accuse Jiang Xiaobai, she is just a little curious.

  (End of this chapter)

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