Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1168: Rooming Conference

  Chapter 1168 Room Division Conference

   "How long have you been back to Beijing before going out again." Song Xin asked with a pair of beautiful apricot eyes widened.

   "There is no way, people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes. Huaqing Electric may be a little troublesome. I have to go and watch it, otherwise I will not worry." Jiang Xiaobai said casually.

  Of course he didn't want to go out, but he didn't want to go, and he was worried that something might happen.

  Fortunately, Jinling is not too far away. After I went to Jinling, I can still go and see how Jiang Shuwen and his wife will be after they get married.

  So the trip to Jinling is a must, but it's not too anxious.

  According to Jiang Xiaobai’s inference, the war between Huaqing Electrical Appliances and the eight state-owned shopping malls will not come so soon.

  It will take some time to prepare before the war will begin.

   "I heard that the house is divided into four levels.

  Workers who have worked for less than three years are not eligible to subscribe, and the money spent to subscribe for a house varies according to the number of years of work in the company. "

   "It's true, just a few days after Jiang Dong came back, things about this house were settled."

   "Nonsense, don't you know the efficiency of Jiang Dong? That is the speed of the army, when has it been delayed."

   "Pharaoh, you are worthy of the office, the news is much better than ordinary people..."

  When Huaqing Holdings is off work, many people are talking about the house.

  The house is a big event at all times, a very big event. Therefore, the employees are very concerned about the division of houses in the family building.

   "That is, what documents the unit has, we must be the first to know, the office? It is for the leadership, of course, some confidential documents.

  It’s definitely not accessible, but a policy document like this can definitely be known in advance. Besides, this document will be posted as soon as I go to work tomorrow. "

  The office is a very interesting place. Generally speaking, it serves the leaders, and it is the same no matter which unit you are in.

  Speech drafts of unit leaders, travel, writing documents, etc., are all office tasks.

  And Zhao Xiaojin now concurrently serves as the head of the office because she is Jiang Xiaobai’s secretary.

  While Shi Sheng’s secretary is also the deputy director of the office, there is another deputy director in the office who is really responsible for the specific affairs of the office.

  Some confidential things, they can't access, but they can access some common documents.

   Soon the next day, Huaqing Holdings issued internal documents.

  And the telephone and fax notified all the enterprises under Huaqing Holding Company.

  Internally subscribed to the news of the family building of Huaqing Holding Company.

  According to the four or four grades mentioned by Jiang Xiaobai, the subscription price of each grade is different. And two room types of Huaqing Holding Company.

  After a slight touch-up, the release went on.

  What is at the beginning? To thank you all for your contribution to Huaqing Holdings...The end is to hope that everyone will continue to work hard and continue to contribute to Huaqing Holdings...

   and everything in between is specific.

   Jiang Xiaobai specifically confessed, it must be conveyed to everyone.

  Some people may not know the word, but each department and each company must organize special meetings. Don't post the announcement in the corporate bulletin board and it will be over.

  For this, Jiang Xiaobai specifically called the person in charge of each enterprise.

  It is necessary to let everyone in Huaqing Holding Co., Ltd. know about this announcement and the relevant housing allocation regulations.

  Upward and downward effects, this kind of thing is not only in the country, but also everywhere.

  The upper side pays attention to it, and the lower side pays attention to it. If the headquarters only issues a notice, everyone is not in a hurry and does it slowly.

   But Jiang Xiaobai made the phone call in person, it was different.

  As soon as Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone, all companies notified their employees to hold a meeting.

  The staff meeting room at the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Company is already full of people.

  When Jiang Xiaobai walked in, everyone applauded spontaneously, because everyone knew what the meeting was for.

  Jiang Xiaobai sat down in the middle of the stage, with Shi Sheng on the left and Zhao Xiaojin on the right, with the head of finance and personnel at the headquarters.

   Jiang Xiaobai pressed both palms and said with a smile: "It seems that everyone knows what the meeting is about today."

   "Split the house!" everyone below shouted in unison.

   "Yes, it is to divide the house. President Shi will announce the policy to everyone..." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

  Shi Sheng took out the notice and read it out loud, and after finishing the matter, he specifically explained that it was aimed at all enterprises of Huaqing Holding Company.

   "I joined in 1986, which means that it is exactly five years now, which means that if I subscribe..."

  "This person who has been working for less than three years..."

  Shi Sheng finished announcing the policy, and the bottom immediately exploded, and they were talking about them one by one.

  "Everyone, everybody..." Jiang Xiaobai took the microphone and spoke again.

  "Huaqing Holding Company was founded from scratch. To this day, I cannot do without everyone. I have set all these grades.

  12 years of work experience, calculated from 1978, it would still be when the educated youth cannery was in the educated youth cannery.

  The factory still owes money. During the New Year, I always ran away early to avoid debts.

  Since then, I have not left, and follow along, and the company will give you a house for free.

  But in 1981, I don’t want to say more about what happened. The social situation at that time... this was a ten-year grade, and I would not be stingy with a house if I stayed behind..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said one by one, and soon the meeting room slowly became quiet.

  Four grades, the time of each grade card is the time when the social situation changes, when the wind and rain are down, or it is the difficult period when Huaqing Holding Company changed.

  Shi Sheng also thought that these four grades were casually mentioned by Jiang Xiaobai, but he did not expect that there was even this deep meaning in it.

   Jiang Xiaobai got up and left after speaking.

  "So this time the theme is giving back. The house allocation is usually the state-owned enterprise or the public institution. It is estimated that this is the first time that a private enterprise divides the house.

  Moreover, even the state-owned enterprises do not say that they can be allocated houses after two or three years of work. I believe many people know this, and it is easy to inquire if they are unclear.

  So I hope everyone understands and supports..."

   "Support, Jiang Dong has said very clearly..."

   "Support, support, good enough, you can subscribe for three years..."

  "Understanding President Shi, don't you worry..." Everyone in the conference room spoke in twos and threes.

  Slowly under the watchful eyes of Shi Sheng, everyone expressed their support for the decision.

  In fact, if we talk about mobility, they may be the most mobile in their headquarters, so if we talk about this housing allocation policy, the employees in their headquarters will lose the most...

  (End of this chapter)

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