Chapter 1171

  At the time when Huaqing Holding Company’s welfare housing subscription was in full swing, an old professor in Jin Province published an article in the newspaper titled "Is Coke a Drink or a Chronic Poison?"

  Don’t think that the title party can only exist in later generations, and the title party exists at all times.

  Even in this chaotic era, headline party articles can be published in higher-level newspapers.

  In the article, I did an experiment on the ingredients of Coke.

  What is the adverse reaction of the white mouse? In fact, this should be regarded as a repeated experiment.

  Someone has done it before, but it doesn’t matter. It’s not a scientific research result, it’s just fried rice.

  After the newspapers of Shanxi Province were published, they have had a certain impact in the province, but compared to the whole country, they are still calm.

  But two cola are still very concerned about this kind of thing.

  Caffeine, he can’t get past this thing. If you want to talk about the caffeine composition, the caffeine in the tea is only a lot more than the caffeine in the cola. Why don’t you say you can’t drink tea?

  The domestic person in charge of the two cola, closed the door, patted the table and scolded the person who published the article.

  This is what he wants to do, but after the curse is over, people should quickly contact the person who published the article, and then see what happened.

  If you offend someone, you still need money, so you can find fault if you are good at it.

  However, the results of the feedback made the heads of the two families somewhat helpless.

  I didn't offend him, it was either bad money, or simply felt that Coke was not good.

  There is no other way, but when this result is obtained, the heads of the two families are also relieved, as long as no one is behind the scenes, it doesn’t matter.

  Moreover, the matter of caffeine has passed in the review unit. It doesn't matter, it will not cause restrictions on the sale of Coke.

  But soon, something unusual happened to the two of them.

  The head of a lab in Magic City published an article in Magic City Daily, presumably the content was to support the professors of Longcheng.

   and put forward his own guess that the ingredients of cola may kill sperm and have inhibitory side effects on the growth of young people.

  Madu and Dragon City are not heavyweights at all.

  The old professor of Longcheng published the article calmly. Except that the two cola were a little nervous, it did not cause much response.

  However, as soon as the Modu article was published, the sales of the two cola in Modu began to show a downward trend that day.

  And on the second day, not only the magic city showed a downward trend, but the sales in the entire East China region were affected.

  And things are still fermenting.

  Now, the two cola are really panicked.

  I immediately went to COFCO, and the two cola were introduced by COFCO.

  But COFCO can only agree to try it. After all, it is a fact that Coke contains caffeine, and there is no way to change this.

  As for the caffeine in tea, why not ban tea?

  That's nonsense. There is a long history of drinking tea in China. I have never seen anyone have any problems drinking tea.

  But your two colas are dark, and everyone believes that you have a problem with your drink.

  It hasn’t been long since I have been in China, and everyone has no trust in your brand.

  That’s why this happened. After an article was published, everyone immediately believed it instead of not caring about it at all.

  If you attack the tea with Coke, you say that there are harmful costs in the tea and it is not good for the human body to try.

  Everyone must be swearing in their mouths: "Speaking nonsense all day..." and so on, and then drink them correctly.

  In addition to the experts and professors at this time, they are still very authoritative, and their reputation has not been tarnished by some black sheep, so this trend of banning Coke soon fermented and became more and more intense.

  For COFCO’s reply, Liang Coke is of course not satisfied, and it has already passed.

  How come the old things are brought up again, and they are still online.

  The best way for you COFCO is to come forward and clarify this matter.

  But COFCO will not do this kind of thing. How to clarify is how to clarify the facts.

  Do you want to tell the people: "This Coca-Cola is imported from COFCO, it's okay to have a little caffeine, and it's not harmful..."

  If COFCO dared to say this, it would have to be scolded to death.

   Soon another professor in Beijing uttered, saying that Coke is harmful.

  Followed by all parts of the country, many said that Coke was not good.

  This is the spontaneous craze. In fact, it is the same in any era. The craze and reputation are also normal.

  In addition, the home and the beverage factory are contributing to the flames, so soon whether Coke is harmful or not, it has become a hot topic among the people.

  Of course, the two cola are not completely unresponsive, they have also found someone.

   also asked some experts and professors to slobber in the newspaper, saying that there is no problem with Coke.

   But I did not expect that after the opposition, the discussion would become more intense.

  So everyone stood in line and started attacking each other.

  Family and Beverage Factory even sponsored some people to make public programs on TV to discuss this matter.

  Hot spots, absolute hot spots, many TV stations even arrange programs specifically for ratings.

  Although both sides have their own winners and losers in the debate, the sales of Coke have been declining.

  Li Siyan left Jinmen again and went to the capital, preparing to talk to Edward.

  There is no way, if you continue to do this, Coca-Cola will not have to live.

  Family and the beverage factory even formed a caring propaganda team in Jinmen to preach on the dangers of caffeine.

  If there is no name, it means that Coke contains caffeine, but after Coke has become a hot topic, people will soon be able to think of it.

  So this is a knife directly in the heart of Li Siyan's Coca-Cola North China branch.

  Li Siyan was extremely angry, she had some guesses in her heart, this time the incident was probably caused by the family and the beverage factory.

  Of course, she has no evidence, and not only the home and the beverage factory, but any domestic beverage factory is possible.

  Because everyone will make a profit, but she guessed it was the home and the beverage factory.

  Because of this period of time, the two beverage factories are competing fiercely, the possibility of home and beverage factory is not small.

  But no matter which beverage factory it is, it cannot continue like this.

  It must be stopped, Li Siyan drove towards the capital.

   cursed secretly in his heart: "I don't know which brain is not enough to count, how to think, just deal with this kind of thing coldly.

  Or find the root cause of the problem as soon as possible and solve the problem.

  How can you think of organizing people to fight with each other? How can this kind of thing be said clearly and clearly? "

  (End of this chapter)

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