Chapter 1183

  On the third day of the promotion of the eight state-owned shopping malls, Huaqing Electric once again signed contracts with power plants in neighboring provinces.

  The eight state-owned shopping malls have increased their promotional efforts on this day. In fact, the discounts given by the manufacturers have already been used up by this time.

  According to the different types of home appliances, the eight state-owned shopping malls will suffer losses to varying degrees when one home appliance is sold.

  But if you lose money, you lose money. As long as Huaqing Electric can be driven out, the loss is worth it.

  I have to say that the eight state-owned shopping malls in Jinling City can be regarded as courageous among state-owned enterprises.

  If this is changed to another place, even if it is aware of the danger, it will not compete with Huaqing Electric, and will only wait to be annexed.

  After all, the mall does not belong to my own home. It doesn’t work. Just change the location of the manager.

  Why do you have to compete with others?

Jiang Xiaobai admired the integrity of the eight state-owned shopping malls, but he was merciless when he started. This is a respect for his opponents.

  Of course, as to whether the opponent wants this kind of respect, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care.

  Since he had already appeared, Jiang Xiaobai checked into the Jinling Hotel directly.

  Just kidding, Jiang Xiaobai is a shareholder of Jinling Hotel. He has arrived in Jinling. It is not good not to live in Jinling Hotel.

  While sitting directly in the headquarters of Huaqing Electric in Jinling City during the day, many employees of Huaqing Electric are the first time to meet the big boss.

  "Price reduction promotion, price reduction promotion, refrigerator price reduction again by two hundred yuan, first come first served, limited quantity, while stocks last..."

  "Price cuts are a big bargain. From now on, all home appliances of Huaqing Electric will be reduced for promotion..."

  Dozens of Huaqing Electrical Appliances stores across the entire province of Jiangsu are reducing prices in a unified manner.

  Has been working with the eight state-owned shopping malls, and the eight state-owned shopping malls are losing money for their price cut promotions.

  However, Huaqing Electric is subsidizing with the final payment of the defaulted home power plant.

  How much you lower the price, I will always be lower than you.

  The price is one price in the morning and one price in the afternoon, only lower, not lowest.

  Both sides are vying for customers.

  "Bring me a refrigerator..."

   "I want an air conditioner. You are responsible for the on-site installation, right? I'll take your car and go back directly..."

  On the third day of the price reduction promotion, both parties have truly entered a white-hot state.

  The consumers in Jinling City, or the consumers in the entire Jiangsu Province, are happy.

  Price reduction promotion, buy a big piece, hundreds of dollars less than usual.

  Hundreds of dollars, there is no such opportunity in normal times.

  So I wanted to buy it, but I bought it without saying a word.

  While hesitating to buy or not, I did not hesitate to start at this time.

  I didn’t want to buy it. Some people are tempted to see it so cheap. Anyway, home appliances can be used.

  Who wouldn’t want to be able to enter the four modernizations in advance, and it’s cheaper to buy it now.

  On this day, the eight state-owned shopping malls took stocks in the evening, and the eight people together made a total loss of about 2 million.

   "It's not going to work like this, if you lose money every day, it would be terrible..."

   "You must hold on. Today is the third day. I estimate that Huaqing Electric will be out of stock tomorrow or at most the day after tomorrow. At that time, we will adjust the price again, at least not losing money...

  It’s okay, we lose money, only in Jinling City, but Huaqing Electric loses money in the entire Jiangsu province.

  Dozens of stores, I don’t know how much money I need to lose in a day. "

  That’s how people are. Don’t suffer from widowhood and unevenness. It’s okay for me to lose money. You can lose more than me.

  Of course, everyone knows in their hearts that the price cuts in stores in other cities must not be so big, but they must be cut.

  The market is big, even if the price is reduced a little, it will lose a lot.

   "But, there is still one day tomorrow. If this is the case, you still have to lose millions of dollars. No, we need to contact the power plant to let them make a profit.

  There is no reason why we should lose money for them in front of us to make yelling, but they are enjoying the blessing behind, sitting and collecting money.

  And we paid for the goods first..."

   "Yes, you can contact the manufacturer, but I think it is unlikely that they will pay..." someone said.

  Yes, it’s not so easy to get manufacturers to pay, unless it’s pinching the neck of the manufacturer.

   But now that the two shopping malls are competing, how can manufacturers give you a profit when they are both right and left.

  Unless one family wins, the winning family continues to expand until one day it controls the markets of several surrounding provinces and cities.

  At that time, it would be impossible for manufacturers not to reduce prices. At that time, they really caught the neck of the manufacturer.

  Price reduction is a matter of one sentence.

  This is also the reason why Huaqing Electric and the eight state-owned shopping malls are competing.

   is all to gain market control.

  The eight major shopping malls soon contacted the manufacturers.

   But what they didn’t expect was that the manufacturers were also very angry.

   Needless to say, give the mall a profit, they still want the mall to give them a subsidy point.

  The final payment in Huaqing Electrical Appliances is now not only to be returned, but I heard that Huaqing Electrical Appliances will also sue them to compensate them for a huge amount of liquidated damages.

  Originally, if they could get the balance back, under this situation, they would definitely be able to make a lot of money.

  As a result, if the final payment is not returned, it is a big hole.

  Who is going to fill this hole now? It's all because of these eight major shopping malls. Otherwise, they are selling well, so why would they want to breach the contract and out of stock.

  Now it is the advantage that there is not much money from the eight major shopping malls, but a loss from Huaqing Electrical Appliances.

  In addition, Huaqing Electric has to sue them, which is another show.

  They still have trouble telling them. They want to make up the hole. The eight major shopping malls still want to cut prices, and they want to eat.

  A phone call was sent out, but without results, he was scolded for nothing.

  No one in the eight major shopping malls mentioned that they would call the manufacturers again to discuss price reductions.

Instead, they began to condemn Huaqing Electric Appliances one after another: "It's too shameful to not pay the balance. Such a company..."

   "That is, why don't you pay others the balance......"

  "This is too much. With so much balance, I won't pay if I don't pay..."

  But after saying a few words, it’s enough to resolve the embarrassment. They knew what was going on in their hearts.

  Well, Huaqing Electric Appliances is the blame, I can’t talk about it.

  I feel sour, but unfortunately, the contracts they have signed with various manufacturers are to give money first, and then get the goods.

  Otherwise, you can do this as well. It's also a large sum of money.

  "This group of manufacturers are also useless. If you don't give it to you, you won't give it to you. You go to him and ask for money? A group of people go together, you must let him give the money..."

  Someone said sourly, envious!

  (End of this chapter)

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