Chapter 1188 Launch

  The manager of the eight major shopping malls made an appointment to eat together at noon.

  But they didn’t drink, they were going to put the matter of drinking in the evening.

  After all, although Huaqing Electric is out of stock, it has not been completely killed.

  They can only be relieved if Huaqing Electric is completely killed.

   "Has the reporter contacted the newspaper?"

   "I got in touch and told him that the three-guarantee policy promoted by Huaqing Electric in their newspapers might just be false propaganda. They immediately agreed to pass..."

  The eight major shopping malls are deeply entrenched in Jinling, and journalists can still be invited to the media.

  In addition, the advertisements of Huaqing Electrical Appliances were also published in the newspapers, and they did not report them themselves.

  Can you wait until other newspapers explode the ugly material of Huaqing Electric? The provincial newspaper was too embarrassing.

  Of course, they didn’t know if they broke the news. The eight state-owned shopping malls said they promised that they couldn’t ignore them, so they agreed directly.

  A simple bite at noon, and people from the eight major shopping malls kept asking about the situation.

  At one o'clock in the afternoon, five of the seven spies from the eight major shopping malls arrived at the door of the flagship store of Huaqing Electrical Appliances.

  The remaining two people went to two other stores in Jinling City and prepared to start.

  They even thought about the press release. Tomorrow’s news headline in the province of Jiangsu would be "The dishonest company Huaqing Electric, many stores were out of stock within one day, and they were blocked by consumers..."

   "Oh, waiter."

   "Hello, sir."

   "I request a replacement, my air conditioner, I feel something is wrong."

   "Okay, sir, have you brought your invoice with you?"

   "Brought here." Old Qi took out an invoice from his pocket.

  "We have to exchange products too, my house is a refrigerator..."

  "My house is a washing machine..."

  Everyone took the invoices on the table one after another, clamoring for a replacement.

   "Okay, a few of you, don't worry." The waiter said, and then he checked them one by one.

  In the past two days, Huaqing Electrical Appliances is still very popular, and there are customers in the store just after the meal.

   Hearing someone returning the goods, he immediately surrounded him curiously.

  After Huaqing Electric made the promise of return and exchange, this was the first time someone came to the door. They also wanted to see how Huaqing Electric would handle it.

  Does it really sound like what the newspaper said, "There is no reason to return the product within seven days, and the product can be exchanged for free within fifteen days due to product quality problems..."

   "My refrigerator has only been used for two days, and it feels a bit problematic, so I want to return it..."

  "My family’s situation is similar, but it's not a big problem. I don't know what caused it.

  If this is the case, I will find someone to repair it myself, but can’t it be replaced for free now? Then I will change..."

  A few people looked at the surrounding consumers and spoke even louder.

   "I have nothing wrong with this, but can't it be returned within seven days? I don't like it, so I want to change it..."

  The five people each have their own reasons. The store manager came over soon. This is not the first time that she has dealt with this kind of thing.

  It’s just that there is no return or exchange policy, and the things are sold out and they don’t matter. It’s a bit like buying and leaving.

  Anyone who comes to return or exchange goods will be disruptive.

  But now that the store has a return and exchange policy, the supplementary conditions need to be returned to others.

  So in a strict sense, she is also the first time to deal with a return and exchange event.

  After receiving the invoices of several people, I looked at them. Basically, they bought their home appliances within seven days.

   And this time there are five people, not the day before yesterday, not yesterday, not this morning, and suddenly came this afternoon...

  Also, there were five people, buying at almost the same time, returning and exchanging goods together, and they were all men.

  It is said that men only account for a part of the customers in their store, and most of them are mainly middle-aged women.

   Or a couple, and generally if there is something wrong, it should be the couple coming together, or the wife.

  Because the big man always feels a little bit unable to pull his face down.

  This is not scientific statistics, it is purely a summary of her work over the past few years.

  So she smelled a different smell.

   "Wait a minute, we have to take this invoice for verification, and we will return within ten minutes. There are regulations in our store that customers who come to exchange goods must inform the result within ten minutes..." the manager said with a smile.

   "Ten minutes, no problem." Old Qi said. Although he was here to make trouble, he couldn't act too eagerly, like a troublemaker.

  He has to act like an ordinary customer, so that he can win sympathy.

   Obviously, although the store manager asked for an inspection, he gave an accurate time instead of not giving it time.

  In fact, most of the people in China are very talkative.

  Sometimes they only ask for a processing result, you just give a deadline. As long as it is not delayed indefinitely, everyone can accept it.

  The ten minutes put forward by the store manager is obviously not only within the expectations of other customers, but it can also be said that there is no problem with the handling, which makes other consumers very satisfied.

  After receiving the request for return and exchange from others, I will accept it as soon as possible and deal with it without any excuse.

   And given the inspection time, it is only ten minutes. It can be said that the processing till now has not made consumers feel uncomfortable.

  In fact, this ten-minute time was proposed by the store manager herself, and she used this time to report to the top.

   News soon reached Wang Chao, and Wang Chao and Jiang Xiaobai reported.

   "Ten minutes, this time limit is good, so it will be stipulated in the future." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, and gave a compliment to the witty store manager.

  "Tell the store manager, normal processing, and those eligible for return and exchange will be registered. Within three days of registration, processing will be done..." Jiang Xiaobai said.


  The store manager quickly walked over with a few invoices in a hurry.

  "Gentlemen, stay safe, we have verified the situation now, and your situation is in line with our return and exchange policy."

  The store manager said affirmatively, many consumers have smiles on their faces.

  Yes, it took less than five minutes to check and understand. In fact, it is three minutes.

  Such a large appliance, three minutes to check, give a positive result.

  "I will register for you now. I don’t know if you are requesting a return or an exchange. We will definitely deal with it within three days.

  Of course, it may be this afternoon, or it may be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow...Because it will take some time for our finance to send you the money, or it will take some time for the workers to return and exchange, I hope to understand..."

  (End of this chapter)

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