Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1216: Condemnation

  Chapter 1216 Controversy

  If it were not because Li Siyan was a woman, Director Guan would have the heart to beat people.

  The tea cup on the table fell to the ground, and the documents fell to the ground.

  It's not that he didn't have any cultivation and quality as the director of the first factory, or that he didn't have any structure when he closed the factory director.

  But Li Siyan, Coca-Cola’s approach is too shameless.

  Acquired them, and now something goes wrong, we must kick them away.

   Then what is left of them, except for an infamy.

   Shanhaiguan Soda Factory, which was already crumbling, after this time, except for a bad name, it was really nothing.

  Reseller channels have begun to return goods to them.

  The sales volume of their factory is not good at first, and it is very difficult to maintain it. This is why the director of the factory is eager to change the status quo.

   But now, what has changed is not as good as the same.

  "Close the factory director, I hope you can think about it carefully. There is a saying that the husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and the disaster is approaching.

  What's more, this kind of cooperative relationship between us, besides, this is not because we are unwilling to cooperate. It is because the people's outrage is unresolved. After the termination, it will benefit both of us.

  Director Shun carefully think about it, let’s leave first. "

  Li Siyan noticed that the factory manager was closed, and her mood was a little bad, and it would be no good if there were conflicts.

  After speaking, he took people away. From beginning to end, he stayed at the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory for less than an hour.

  The people from Coca-Cola are gone. The director of the factory and other senior officials in the Shanhaiguan soda factory have not moved their buttocks, sitting in the conference room with a gloomy face.

  The temperature in the conference room is actually not low. It is now in July and August.

  But the atmosphere among the people is too solemn.

  The situation is too unfavorable for them now.

  I was hoping for the stars and the moon, so I looked forward to the Coca-Cola Company, but I didn’t get any help, let alone kicking them away.

   "I said at the beginning, choosing home and herbal tea, there is no such thing as now?" Deputy Director Hou said, not gloating, but really regretting it.

  If I worked hard and persisted, maybe there would be nothing like now.

  "I also talked about home and herbal tea. If it weren’t for Jiang Xiaobai and nothing happened now, this Jiang Xiaobai is too much, what he wants to do,

  Because we didn't let him buy, he retaliated..." It's okay not to mention Jiang Xiaobai. When Jiang Xiaobai is mentioned, the director of the factory will be irritated.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai is not good at talking, and he dare not call to blame Jiang Xiaobai.

  If you blame Jiang Xiaobai, you will be lightly scolded. Jiang Xiaobai will tell the media later that everyone is scolding the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory, and by that time the scolding should be himself.

  But now in the meeting room, it’s okay to make a slap.

   "Indeed, this Jiang Xiaobai is not a son of man. It has nothing to do with him. It is not a dog who takes a mouse and is nosy." The person in charge of the sales department was also annoyed.

   "Which dog takes a mouse? Who is a mouse. Pharaoh, can you not speak." Director Guan scolded the head of the sales department, and then said: "This Jiang Xiaobai is not worried about eating carrots..."

  From the very beginning, the meeting to welcome Coca-Cola and seek help became a strategic meeting to study the next direction of the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory, and finally became a condemnation meeting for Jiang Xiaobai.

  It's not that everyone doesn't want to discuss, but everyone knows in their hearts that even if they negotiate, they can't get any results.

  Shanhaiguan Soda Factory is already shaky, if there is a way, everyone will not say that they can agree to be bought by another factory.

   was originally a desperate choice, but now it’s like this.

  And Jiang Xiaobai in Longcheng didn't know anything about the people's condemnation, it didn't matter if he knew.

  The competition is cruel. Since the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory has decided to surrender to Coca-Cola, Jiang Xiaobai is not worthy.

   Even if the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory was destroyed, the arrogance of Coca-Cola had to be beaten down.

  The slogan of protecting national brands is getting hotter and hotter.

  Like future generations, it seems that some stars can be on the hot search with a little thing, but it is not easy to stay hot.

  But these companies are not the same, one by one now wants to fight for the benefits of the company and seize market share.

  Of course it will keep this hot.

  So half a month has passed, a month has passed, and the front page headlines in the newspapers are still fighting against foreign brands and protecting national brands.

  The sales of Coca-Cola are still declining, but after falling to a certain level, it has bottomed out.

  It’s impossible to bottom out, because domestic beverage brands such as Jiahe Beverage Factory, Jianlibao, Asian Soda, etc. have been maintaining high pressures and are increasing their promotion and publicity efforts.

  The market that Coca-Cola let out has been cleaned up by various beverage factories.

  The business of Coca-Cola in the south has basically shrunk back. The manager of the branch of the remaining Magic City has asked for instructions several times, but Li Siyan still refuses to withdraw.

  After all, once the big city of Demon Capital is withdrawn, it will not be easy to enter it again.

  Leave some large cities in the south, and other businesses shrink.

  Erjia and Beverage Factory can be said to be the biggest winners this time. They took advantage of this opportunity to open up the southern market in one fell swoop.

  Madu, Yangcheng, various cities in Jiangsu Province, home and herbal tea are on the shelves, full of dangdang.

  This time Coca-Cola lost a lot. Other foreign beverage brands are relatively better, but they are similar.

  But helplessly, they are implicated by Coca-Cola, but they still need to help Coca-Cola.

  Because they have only one unified name in China, that is, foreign drinks.

  If Coca-Cola falls, none of them will be spared.

  So I have to help, and I can bear it with anger.

  The weather is still very hot in August, and this time of the year is the peak season for soft drinks and various beverages.

  This summer, people suddenly discovered that the black Coca-Cola and Pepsi seem to be slowly disappearing.

  Many shops do not have them, and there are few.

  Of course, there are fewer people buying. The newspaper said that drinking these foreign drinks is not good for people's health, and this foreign drink will embezzle national brands.

  It turns out that the Shanhaiguan soda factory has been acquired, it is already a foreign drink, and it cannot be bought.

  So everyone turned a blind eye to a bottle of Shanhaiguan soda.

  This brand cannot be drunk, and has surrendered to foreign drinks.

  Zhou screamed, and the air was very stuffy in the hot summer.

  As if a fire can ignite the whole world, a gust of wind that blows occasionally...No, that can’t be called wind, it must be called a heat wave.

  (End of this chapter)

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