Chapter 1226

   "Longquan, drive."

   "Go out, Jiang Dong." Li Longquan asked.

   "Well, go to the county town. By the way, tell Li Laosan that I will not go to the feed factory this morning. When will I be back..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, suddenly taken aback, then changed his words and said: "Don't, call me Li San."

  Li Lao San is exquisite and exquisite, and he is also older than Song Weiguo. It is okay to persuade Song Weiguo.

   "Okay." Li Longquan responded.

   Soon Lao San Li came over, he had already cleaned up quickly, and asked with a smile: "Director Xiaobai, you can go, the factory is ready over there."

  "Not going anymore." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said.

   "Ah, I'm not going anymore." Old San Li was taken aback.

   "Yes, today we have something else. Longquan is going to prepare the car. We will go to the county town in a while." Jiang Xiaobai changed his clothes.

  "Why are you going to the county seat?" Li Laosan asked.

   "It's very complicated to say on the road for a while." Jiang Xiaobai said casually.

   "It's quite complicated." Li Laosan was taken aback, frowned, this matter was quite complicated for Jiang Xiaobai.

  That must be a big event. Li Laosan picked up the phone on the desk and called the factory.

   announced the cancellation of Jiang Xiaobai’s plan to inspect the factory.

  Li Longquan also got the car ready, and the three of them got on the car and set off towards the county seat.

   "Lao San, this is the case, this matter..." Jiang Xiaobai organized the language.

   "What's the matter, Director Xiaobai?"

   "Song Weiguo has derailed, Superzi called back and said let us help with it..." Jiang Xiaobai said briefly.

   "Director Xiaobai, can I go back? People say to persuade gambling not to persuade prostitutes, persuaded prostitutes not to have sex." Li Laosan said with a cry.

  This derailed divorce is a matter for a married couple, and it is not appropriate for them to persuade.

   "Why do you persuade gambling and not persuade whoring? People cheated on whoring? What did you say about whoring?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a black face.

  This old man, Li, who stays in the village all day, speaks a lot more rough.

   "Yes, isn't it all the same? Just mess with it outside, now it's still..." Li Lao San mumbled.

   Jiang Xiaobai was not happy: "Laosan Li, don't you guys put green onions in the nose of a pig to act as an elephant, you haven't gone out to play.

  Last time I heard someone say that when you went to Pengcheng on a business trip, I told you Li San..."

  Laosan Li stopped speaking, he or she told him this matter. The last time he went to Pengcheng, he did go to the sauna and sang karaoke.

   "The crow laughs at the pig black." Jiang Xiaobai scolded, he didn't mean to speak for Song Weiguo.

  He was unwilling to deal with this kind of thing, but in the end Li Laosan still babbled.

  Li Longquan sitting in the front row didn't say a word. He didn't know what Jiang Xiaobai was going to the county town until now.

   "In this way, when I arrive at the county seat, I will first go to the old man's house to see the situation. You go to the old Song's house to find out the situation. Old Song and that Chen Qingqing are in the old Song's house."

  Jiang Xiaobai directly began to arrange the task.

   "Director Xiaobai, can we change? I'll go to Lao Wang's, you go to Lao Song's house..." Li Lao San asked tentatively.

   "What do you mean?" Jiang Xiaobai asked rhetorically.

   "When I didn't ask." Li Laosan shut up.

   "Let Longquan go with me then." Li Laosan made another condition.

  This time Jiang Xiaobai agreed, this is fine.

  The county seat arrived soon, and the car stopped at the door of Wang Chao’s Hutong.

  Before, Wang Chao said that he would change places for the old couple, but the old couple are used to living and are unwilling to change.

   "Okay, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai got out of the car and waved, and walked towards the courtyard.

  I still remember the first time I came, I followed Lao Wang into the yard. The yard was full of the smell of rotten eggs.

  At this time, Jiang Xiaobai heard the quarrel in the house as soon as he opened the door and entered the yard.

   "I went to chop up this little bunny, it's too much, it's not a thing..."

   "Who did you chop?" Jiang Xiaobai opened the door and walked in.

  "Who will I cut you off..." Lao Wang cursed subconsciously, only to find that it was Jiang Xiaobai when he turned around.

   "Oh, Xiaobai, why are you here, Xiaobai, come in, come in..."

   "Little Bai, why are you back?" Aunt Wang also hurriedly greeted.

   Sitting on the bed beside Wang Chao’s sister, Song Weiguo’s wife Wang Juan and two children were lying on the bed crying.

  The two older children comforted their mother. The younger one cried with his mother.

  After hearing the sound, Wang Juan also choked to greet Jiang Xiaobai.

   greeted Jiang Xiaobai to sit down, and then poured a glass of water for Jiang Xiaobai.

  "Xiaobai, why are you back? When did you come back." Old man Wang was still very happy to see Jiang Xiaobai.

   However, because of family affairs, at this time, I also smiled.

   "I went back to Jianhua Village two days ago. I plan to go back two days later. This morning, Superzi called me... so I came over." Jiang Xiaobai said directly.

  "Xiao Bai, you said this dog thing, is he still a person? He has been busy with his business these years, and our family Juanzi takes care of his home.

  Now that he’s fine, it’s okay to mess around outside, and even dare to bring wild women to the door..."

  As soon as Old Wang heard Jiang Xiaobai mentioned this matter, his anger suddenly rose.

  The old couple in the family scolded, Wang Juan cried, the eldest son persuaded, the younger son cried with his mother.

  Wait until enough scolding and crying enough, Jiang Xiaobai persuaded: "Okay, don't worry, you can't solve the problem if you get angry.

  You are going to cut him off now, except for the two children who have no fathers, nothing can be solved..."

   Jiang Xiaobai still speaks very efficiently, not because of how convincing Jiang Xiaobai speaks, but because of Jiang Xiaobai’s identity.

  If you have a good identity, someone will listen to you.

  There is a saying: "If you don't have money, don't enter the crowd. Don't persuade others if you speak lightly."

   "Okay, then Xiaobai will trouble you. Tell me, what should I do now? Uncle listen to you." Old man Wang said in a magnificent voice.

  But Jiang Xiaobai really didn't dare to accept it.

   "Well, don't worry, everyone, I will go to Old Song for a chat, and then talk about it, okay?" Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly.

   "Okay, let me tell you that I can never spare this dog thing lightly." The old man Wang said.

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded, did not say anything, greeted Wang Juan, then got up and left.

  Out of the small yard, Jiang Xiaobai exhaled a long breath.

  It’s really troublesome. If I knew this earlier, I wouldn’t come back. I would postpone my return for a while, so I don’t have to share such troubles.

  He can still find Song Weiguo to see Song Weiguo, and he is not in a hurry. Let’s wait for Li Lao San to talk to Song Weiguo first.

   Jiang Xiaobai walked slowly towards Song Wei’s country.

  The home of Lao Wang’s head is not far from Song Wei’s country, and it is just a short walk.

  (End of this chapter)

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